THE THINGS MEN DO: Chapter 1 – 4

Later, you’d have to keep a stock of all parts my company manufactures, and be damned sure you didn’t run out of stock of anything. There are about a hundred and fifteen spare parts to the television set we manufacture, and each part has a code number. The trade will order the part by its number and you’ll supply it. That’s all there’s to it. You get ten per cent of the gross.”

“What would that be worth?”
He shrugged.
“Depends, of course. It couldn’t be less than fifty quid a week.”

I tried not to show surprise, but he was watching me
closely, and I knew I had shown him this was much more than
I had been hoping for.
“Sounds all right.”
He gave me his lazy, insolent grin.

“It is all right. This is going to be a life saver for you if it comes off, isn’t it?”
“Well, things are pretty duff at the moment.”

“Suppose I come down and look the place over? If it’s
big enough we might do business. Can’t promise anything just yet, but I don’t see why we shouldn’t work together. Do you?”

I wasn’t at all sure about going into partnership with a
man of his violence. Within the past half hour I had seen two
examples of his temper. I didn’t like him. There was something about him that made me distrust him. But I thought of the money he was offering, and that more than outweighed my prejudice against him. With fifty pounds a week coming in
steadily, I should be out of the red and into the black.

“I’ll look after my end of it if you’ll give me the chance.”
He gave me a sideways look.
“You’ll have to, pally. If you pull your weight, we’ll get on.
If you don’t, you’ll get out.”
“Fair enough.”

“Okay, that’s settled then.” He rolled off the bed, leaving
an impression of his big frame on the pillow and the pale blue
eiderdown. “I’ll be along some time Monday afternoon to look
the joint over. Then well have a final discussion.”
“I’ll be expecting you.”
We went back into the big room again.

Berry, Louis, Madge and Connie were playing cards.
Gloria and Joe were matching coins at the bar. The other two
girls weren’t in the room.
“Where’er Paula and Betty?” Dix asked, going over to the

“They’ve gone home,” Gloria said.
“That’s good. You other guys go home, too. Take your
skirts with you. The party’s over.”

I expected Gloria to protest, but she didn’t say anything.
The four at the table put away the cards and got up. The girls
went into the bedroom for their coats. Berry and Louis stood a
little uncomfortably by the door. Berry’s face was beginning to
show a bruise where Dix had slapped him.

“See you guys tomorrow,” Dix said. “Usual time.”
“Okay,” Joe said.
I looked at my watch. It was half-past eleven. Ann would
be home by now. I hadn’t realized how quickly time had gone.

“I must be moving myself.”
“Take it easy. Let’s get rid of these punks first,” Dix said,
unwrapping a stick of chewing gum. “Give him a drink, Glorie.”

“I won’t have another.”
“Give the guy a drink!”
While Gloria was fixing a whisky, the girls came out with
their coats on. Their leave taking was uneasy, and they
seemed glad to be going.

When they had gone, Dix said, “Looks like Harry and me
are going to work together, Gloria. If his place is right, we’ll fix it on Monday.”
Gloria smiled at me, her eyes lighting up.

“I’m glad. It’ll be fun for you and Ed to work together. I’ll
see more of you, too.”
“Glorie’s nobody’s fool,” Dix said, apparently in a high
good humour. “She’s given me some pretty good ideas in the
past, and this one may work out right too.” He raised his glass.

“Here’s hoping, Harry.”
I finished my whisky.
“I’ve got to get off home now,” I said, looking at my wrist-
watch uneasily.

“What’s the hurry?” Dix asked, raising his heavy
eyebrows. “Come with us to the Millionaire’s Club. We’re going
to make a night of it.”

“No, I’m sorry. Thanks all the same, but I’ve to get back.”
“He has a wife, Ed,” Gloria said, smiling. “You wait until
you are married. You won’t be able to stay out late just when
you think you will.”

I felt my face turn hot.
“Won’t I?” Dix said. “Don’t kid yourself. I’ll stay out as
long as I want to, and if she doesn’t like it, you know what she can do.”

“You cave men give me a pain.”
Dix grinned.
“I gave you a pain just now, and if you don’t watch it, I’ll
give you another.”
Gloria backed quickly away, laughing.

“No more of that, please. I’m a mass of bruises as it is.
Well, Harry, if you must go, you must.”
“I get up early. I’ve got to get some sleep tonight.”

“Well, so long,” Dix said, and gave me a jeering little
smile. He pushed out his massive hand. His grip nearly
cracked my fingers joints and made me wince. “See you

“I’ll come down with you,” Gloria said.
We went down the stairs to the dimly lit hall.

“It’s going to be all right, Harry. He’s taken a liking to you.
I know the signs. He doesn’t shake hands with people he
doesn’t like.”
“Thanks to you.”
She smiled up at me.
“I’ve taken a liking to you too, Harry.”

We stood looking at each other. There was that thing in
her eyes again, and it suddenly set me on fire. She moved
forward slightly, and I had her in my arms.

“Better not, Harry,” she murmured, but she raised her
face, her arms sliding round my neck.

My mouth came down on hers. I felt her lips tighten
against mine, then soften and open. We stood in the dim light, straining against each other.

Kssing her was like being caught up in the vortex of a
tornado. When she pushed me away, my breath rasped at the
back of my throat, my heart was slamming against my side,
and there seemed to be an iron band around my chest that
was suffocating me.
“Good night, Harry.”

She opened the front door. In the light of the moon I saw
her breasts were rising and falling rapidly, and her eyes were glittering.

I moved unsteadily through the doorway. I tried to say
something, but the words wouldn’t come. I was still standing there, trying to control my breathing, looking at her, when she quietly closed the door, shutting me out in the moonlit mews.



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