Honey is one thing I don’t allow to finish in my house due to its use.
If you like yourself and your family shop for some and keep at home.


?SLEEPLESSNESS; Drink honey every night.

? MENSURATION PROBLEM; Use 4 tablespoon of honey 4 times daily.

? RHEUMATISM; Grind Bitter leaves with Pure Honey use to rub it and take 2 tablespoon 3 times daily.

? WITLOW OR BOIL; Grind Bean, mutter, with Pure Honey use it to rub the place.

? ULCER; Use 3 spoons of honey early in the morning 1 hour before breakfast.

? EYES SCRATCHING; Mix white Onion with Honey and drop it into your eyes.

? STOMACH PAIN; The person that has stomach pain, mix ground bitter leaf with Pure honey use two table spoon after meal.

? WOUND; Grind Bitter leaf with Pure Honey rub it.

? CHILDREN TOOTH-ACHE; Mix lime juice, with honey , give him one spoon 3 times daily.

? TUBERCULOSIS; Grind ginger atale, salt, Garlic and Bitter- Kola use them with Pure Honey use table spoon 3 times daily.

? SEMEN BOOT (Fun ato kiki); Mix one egg wit 5 Tablespoons of Honey . use it immediately.

? ASTHMA; Mix snail water (Omi Igbin) with Honey .Usage . ADULT 3 Tablespoons 3 times .
Children 1 Tablespoon 3 Times.

? EARACHE; Get warm Water with Small Salt and mix with Pure Honey . Usage. Put a drop inside it.

? MOUTHACHE; Mix lime juice, Salt with Pure Honey use it to wash your month 3 times daily.

? MEASLES; Grind Bitter leave with Pure Honey use it to Rub the body and take 2 tablespoons full 3 times daily.

? STOMACH PAIN AFTER DELIVERY; Use 2 spoons Honey 3 times daily.

? BED-WETTING; 2 teaspoon of Pure Honey every night.

? COUGH; Mix Honey grinded bitter kola
and garlic use one spoon 3 times daily

? Always use honey to drink pap (OGI ) or TEA.

? RED EYES ; Use pure Honey 2 times a day.

? RUNNING STOMACH; Ground Cucuribitaasess
( EWE EJIRIN) together with Honey and use 3 times daily.

? DIABETES; Water from Bitter leaf mix together with Pure Honey and use it 3 times daily.

? HYPERTENSION; Grind Garlic with Pure Honey and take 3 spoon Morning and Night.

? MANPOWER; Use Unripe plantain, boil one with Pure Honey.

? BLOOD MEDICINE; Ground Bitter-leaf and Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

? RUNNING STOMACH; Mix salt together with Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

? SKIN SMOOTHEN; Mix Pure Honey together with coconut oil and rub it on your body.

? FOR SHAVING; Mix Poplitionaces (ETU ) with Pure Honey and rub it after shaving.

? SKIN DISEASE; Ground graminces (eru awonka) and Sulphur (IMU OJO) with Pure Honey and rub it on the affected parts of the body.

? WORM; Mix salt and lime juice with Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

? IRREGULAR-MENSTRATIONS; Grand GARLIC and mix it with lime juices and Pure Honey and use it 3 times daily.

? TYPHOID FEVER; Grand Garlic mix it with egg and Pure Honey and use 4 spoons 3 times daily.

? FIRE BURNS; Use Pure Honey to rub the affected part.

? CHILDREN RASHES; Ground Gramicees (ERU AWOKA) Poplitionazees (ETU) Sulphur (Immi OJO) with Pure Honey and rub it to affected part of the body.

? BLOOD; Mix Lime juice and Fresh egg and Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

? BODY HEAT ; Get liquid from Bitter leaf and mix it with Salt and Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

? STOMACH-PAIN; Use Salt and Saint –leaf (EWE EFIRIN) together with Pure Honey and use it 3 spoon 3 times daily.

? GONORRHEA; Lemon juice mix with small mutters and Pure Honey and use 3spoon 3 times daily.

? DIABETES; Use Pure Honey to drink Pap or Tea.

? Starting from 40 years, use Pure Honey to drink Pap or Tea and it is for good health.

? To reduce fatness ; Use Corn silk as a tea with Pure Honey .

? FOR OLD AGE; Use Pure Honey to drink.

? HEADACHE; Lime juice with Pure Honey and take 3 times daily.

Your health is our PRIORITY