By Cisca. H.



Enya and Anna are seen playing finger game when the royal messenger walked in with a scroll sheet in his hand.

” Your majesty.” He said with a bow.

” What is it?”

” You have a letter from Brok.” He said, stretching the scroll sheet.

The royal guard went to take it from him, giving it to King Neheb who went through the writings.

Enya stopped, staring at her father. His expression always told what kind of letter it is he was reading.

And this time, a sided smile played on his lips which means a good thing for Enya.

” What is it, your Highess.” The queen asked, looking curious.

” It’s a letter from Brok.” He answered, waving at the royal messenger to leave.

” What did it say?” She asked again.

And the several tapping Anna had given Enya for her to continue the game all went in vain. Instead, Enya adjusted herself to listen to what her father had to say.

” Enya?” She said in between her teeth.

” Sh-shh.” She shushed her. ” Quiet.”

Anna rolled her eyes, moving her gaze to her father.

” He is inviting us for the ball ceremony tonight.” King Neheb answered.

” Why is the letter coming now? ” Moreen asked. ” It is supposed to arrive a day before the ball. ”

” He must have a reason. ” He said after a sigh.

” Lord Rodriguez is inviting us for tonight ball?” Enya asked after a while.

” Yes.” Her father answered.

” Oh my goodness! I can’t believe this!! ” She exclaimed excitedly. ” I have to get prepared right now. ”

Anna pulled her back as she tried to stand up. ” Where do you think you are going to?” She asked.

” Getting ready for the ball.” She said almost immediately.

” Come on, Enya, we still have like sixteen more hours to go there. ”

” It doesn’t matter, I have to get ready until then. ” She took off her hand from Anna’s grip, taking hold of her hand instead.

” Come, let’s get going.”

” What?!”

” Oh please, stand up, Okay?” She pulled her out of the seat, dragged her along to the door.

” What about Arwen, where is she?” Moreen asked.

” She’s probably at the garden reading, who knows?” She said less concerned, exiting the room still dragging Anna along.

” Do you think she’ll come along with us?” King Neheb asked his wife who only let out a sigh.

” I’ll try talking to her. But, what if she doesn’t change her mind? ”

” We won’t have to force her, you know. Besides, she’s just nineteen. ”

” Yes, you are right. ”


Lady Moreen went to the garden. She didn’t have to search around for Arwen, she knows her special place where she goes to read.

Arwen looked lost by what she was reading. She didn’t notice her mother standing beside her.

Lady Moreen tapped her by her shoulder, causing her to shiver. ” Mother,” she said surprised. ” You scared me. ”

” You were too busy to notice me, so I thought I should tap you instead. I’m sorry if I startled you. ”

” It’s okay, come sit with me. ” She said, adjusting herself. ” What brings mother to the garden?”

Lady Moreen let out a soft smile. ” I came to see my daughter.”

” That’s not convincing, you know that. ” She joked.

” You remind me of my youth age, then I was a year old younger than you are. Though I was your opposite, I mean, I was actually like Enya then.

I hated every other thing except royalty life. My mother forces me to read books to improve my learning skills. After school then, I always sneak to one of my school friend.

He was my crush then. When mother found out I always sneak out, she queried me. I had to lie to her that I and Marilyn, my childhood friend always go for insect hunting. ”

” Do you love insects a lot? ” Arwen asked.

” Honestly, I really do not like them at all. ”

” And grandmother believed you? ” She asked, looking surprised.

” I doubt she did.” She smirked.

” I never knew mother is a pretty good liar.”

Lady Moreen giggles. ” Not like I lie everyday, I was only trying to protect my ass.”

” So tell me, what does this your school crush look like? ” She asked, returning back to the topic.

” He was cool. Had a fine brown eyes, nice smile that makes every girl love him.”

” Including you?”

“. Mm-hmm, especially me. ” They both laughed. ” I was the one who seemed much head over heels with him than anyone and he noticed that.

I never expected he’d pick Interest in me too. He said he was shy to approach me since the first day he saw me. ” Her cheeks flushed red. ” One thing I admired the most about him was his hair and eyes.”

” Wow, mother you really had the best crush! ” She exclaimed. ” So, what later happened between you two? I meant, you and your school crush? ”

” Well, ” she paused glaring at Arwen as if she was thinking of how to put the words. ” We ended up together.”

” Oh my God! You mean your school crush is Dad?!” Lady Moreen nodded her head. ” Please, kill me. ” She faked fainted. ” Kill me already.”

” Well, I have a good news too.”

” Which is?”

” The King of Brok invited us for a ball ceremony tonight, are you interested in attending? ”

” I don’t. You know I hate the balls, and I cannot stand and watch the others dance. It’s pointless going. ”

” I understand. But you… ”

She interrupted her. She knew what next she was going to say. ” Do not worry, mother, I’ll be fine alone. Besides, I’ve got the maids and servants, they are cool for company. ” She assured her mother.

” Very well, that’s a relief then.”

She waved a small smile at her.



Anna has been sitting down while Enya got herself ready. She was surprised to see that Anna hasn’t changed yet.

” Why are you still sitting there? Go change to something nice.”

” I don’t feel like attending the ceremony, maybe next time. ” She said.

” You want to stay back because you think Arwen will? ” Anna looked away. ” Come on, be practical. Arwen doesn’t want to go because she believes she isn’t fit for any man at the ball.

And not just that, she’s nineteen. She’s still a kid to be hanging around men. But you, you’re old enough to be a mother. ”

” You’re not serious. ”

” I am. So, get your ass up and start dressing up. Mom and Dad will be waiting for us. ”

Anna lazily pulled herself to her new dress, with Enya who help dressed her hair in a neat style.

She refused to have Enya make her face up but Enya being so stubborn, applied a bit.

” You look beautiful and good to go.” She complimented.

” I look h®rrible and I feel sweaty in this gown. I hate silk.” She condemned.

” Oh please, you complain a lot. Now let’s get going, will you? ” She pulled Anna from the bed, dragging her out if the room.

She didn’t let go off her until they were out of the castle. That’s because she doesn’t trust her walking alone or else she might turn back heading into her room.

” I can walk on my own.” Anna said, trying to let go.

” No, not yet.” Enya held her more tighter.

Arwen walked out of the castle to wave them good bye. She smiled at Anna, ” You look beautiful tonight.” She complimented.

” No, I feel terrible in this dress.”

Arwen laughed. ” Don’t get the men confused, because you definitely look hot with that.”

” I wish I can escape her hold, I swear, I’ll be off to my room now. ”

” Don’t worry, it’s your first time attending a ball, it’s probably gonna make a lot sense, you know. ”

” Okay, enough of the girly chat, let’s get going.” Enya said, taking Anna to the carriage.

” Bye, Arwen, see you tomorrow.” Anna waved.

” Bye, Anna.” She waved back.


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