By Cisca. H.


And even the next day, the two sisters has refused to say a word to each other.

For the first time Enya went to the garden. Not because she found it as enticing as Arwen does, she only wanted to be alone.

Lady Moreen had gone to see Enya, while Arwen decided to go talk to Anna.

“ Hey.” Arwen said from behind.

“ If you are here to discuss about what happened last night, then you better don’t waste your time talking.” She said, her eyes staring at a distance.

“ Anna, you have to let us talk about it. Whatever that happened last night needs to be resolved once and for all.”

“ Resolved? You think so?” she scoffed. “ Arwen, I understand why you have to work hard to bring Enya and I together but I don’t want it… for now.”

“ Why?”

“ Because…” she sighed heavily. “ What ever happened last night is the truth.”

“ I know, and I support whatever you say. Enya is at fault, and we all know that but… I think it was too early to tell her that.”

“ You say that yesterday.”

“ And I will keep saying it over and over again. Enya deserve her respect, even though it turns out she won’t be chosen.

Like I said, I support your actions last night and I don’t blame you for being so mad at her.”

She looked at me, “ Really? You do?”

Arwen nodded.

She looked away, “ No, you don’t have to.”

“ I will support the truth, Anna, and you spoke the truth.”

“ Arwen.” She called with a pause.

“ Mm-hmm.”

“ Nevermind.”

She came to sit beside her, “ You can talk to me. Tell me what it is that bothers you. I am listening.”

“ I… I kind of regret my actions.” She sighed again. “ You know, Enya desrves him more than I do.”

“ What if it is you Lord Rodriguez chooses? You can not give up this great opportunity because you think she deserves him?”

“ I only want her to be happy, that’s all. And she is old enough to remain a spinster.”

“ I understand, Anna. You really do have a kind heart.”

She smiled. “ Of course, I do. And about the quarrel, I was only faking it. Don’t tell anyone.”

“ Seriously? You aren’t angry?”

“ Though, I was, but not anymore.”

“ Hmm.” She sighed in excitement. She clapped her hands, “ So…”

“ So?”

“ You never told me you are in love with Lord Rodriguez. I’m as surprised as I am happy.”

“ I didn’t tell you?”

“ Mm-mmm. You didn’t.”

“ Well, I never did like him at the first place, it all started with a surprise feeling. That’s what I call it.”

“ Hmm. A surprise feeling.” She clapped her palms for the second time. “ And, why don’t we talk about the uhm… the big promise he made to you?”

Anna laughed. “ I can see little sisters curiousity. But don’t worry, I will tell you when the time comes.”

“ What about now? Besides, it’s just the two of us here.”

Anna laughed again. “ He actually made me promise him to keep it a secret.”

“ I will definitely take it that he chosed you then.”

“ I said a promise, I didn’t mention a proposal.”

She nodded. “ I do not want to sound rude but I will speak my mind, I wish for Lord Rodriguez to choose you over to Enya.”

“ Why would you say that?”

She shrugged. ” Like I said, I am only speaking my mind.”

“ What if he chooses her over to me?” Anna asked.

Arwen said nothing but only smirked at her question.


“ Enya, can we talk?” Lady Moreen approached her daughter from behind.

“ Mother please, I do not wish to talk to anyone. I just want to be alone.”

“ I understand but, I am greatly worried about you and so is your father.”

“ You don’t have to, none of you do.” She sniffed. ” You know, it hurts.”

” I understand.”

” No, you don’t. No one does.”

” Enya… ”

” What if? What if she is right? What if I am not meant for him? Maybe.. I had only seen the wrong person in my dream. ”

” Don’t say that, Enya, we don’t know who will be chosen. And you know what, it doesn’t matter who it is that will be taken as the bride.

What matters is the love that follows the marriage. Anna always say, men are unpredictable. I never understood those words until yesterday.

You can not tell who they wish to be with, you just have to be patient with fate. ”

” What do you think fate has for me then? ” She asked.

” Well, that’s a question for some other time. ” She sniffed in the sweet air that blew, moving her hair to the side and Enya did the same.

” I want you to apologise to your sister and settle whatever it is that is going on between you two. All I least expect from my girls is for them to hate themselves.

Can you do that for me? ”

Shook her head. ” I doubt she will forgive me. She sees me as a burden to her life. ”

” No, Enya, do not say that. Your sister loves you, they both do. ”

” No, they don’t. And it’s obviously clear. ”

” I still don’t think so. But we can only find out after we must have talked. And that will be during dinner. ” After a brief while of silence, she said again.

” I am so surprised Lord Rodriguez didn’t make a promise to you, rather he did to Anna despite the moments you two shared. ”

Enya sighed heavily.

” It doesn’t matter if he made you a promise or not, what matters is the heart he had used to make such promise. ”

” There is no need to bother about what his promises is to Anna, I don’t seem to care anymore. ”

” No, you do. I can see it in your eyes. ”

She looked away, staring at her fingers. ” Yes, maybe, I do.”

” Okay,” Lady Moreen said, standing to her feet. ” I’ll leave you to think. But try not to think too much, okay?” Enya nodded her head, while she pecked her forehead.

” See you soon in the castle.” Enya nodded again.

She spent more extra hours at the garden, she couldn’t stop thinking about the ball and the incident last night.

And especially for the fact that Lord Rodriguez made Anna a big promise and not her.

Despite being the one who had spent the longest moment with him, yet he never said a word about the future.

This only pained her heart the more, she felt like she had been stung by a snake and that any moment from now she would be considered dead.

She sighed heavily, as if doing that would ease her feeling.

But… Did it?

” Anna…” She cursed. ” Oh, Anna…” She chuckled. ” You just had a minute dance with him and he already promised you?

What are you hiding that I don’t know? What did you do to him, huh?” She bursted out laughing like a meniac.

” Very soon, just very soon, I will make Lord Rodriguez fall in love with me. And nothing you can ever do will ever take him away from me. Whether you like it or not.”

She laughed for a long while again, sighing excitedly over a victory she haven’t won yet. ” Anna…” She called the name for the third time. ” Let’s get this over with once and for all.

Then I will be able to know what you have done to him and what those promises are. Very soon.” She smirked evilly.


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