THE WRONG LADY: Chapter 21-30


??°°his wrong sweet mistake°°??

By: Victoria Peter

??CHAPTER 22??


Immediately Mr Jodee and his bitchy daughter left leaving me alone with miss loud mouth it was like a magnetic force.

I immediately locked my hand around her slim and she flinched making me smile.

How can someone be heavenly beautiful and good mannered at the same time.

If i had seen her before my fiancee it would have been difficult for me to choose between the two ladies.

At least not yet.
Looking at her right now i had this strong urge to drag her into the restroom and have her.

But of course i can’t because i already have a fiancee although she doesn’t give me enough time i love her so much.

“Miss loud mouth can you please not call me Mr Bryan today?”
I whispered into her eyes and bit on it lightly.

What’s wrong with me today huh?
I thought.

“Beg me.”
She said with a dev1lish smirk and my thing twisted inside my pants.

Can this day get any better.
Why am i getting unnecessarily h©rny today of all days huh?

If not for what i was passing through i would have loved to argue with her but i didn’t bother to.

“Okay i beg of you.”
I replied and she smiled.

“That’s more like it.”
She replied with an eyes rolled.
I looked at her dress one more time and i was pushed to ask.

“Who got you this dress?”
I smirked.

“Aunty Rita got me the dress and now i remember i thought you said you weren’t gonna drool?”
She asked with a sexy grin.

“Do you expect me not to drool while you are looking so heavenly beautiful today.”
I uttered and immediately her face heated up.

“Someone is blushing.”
I sang and she slapped my arm playfully.

“I am not blushing.”
She replied trying to cover her blush with her hair and i chuckled.

Since my mom bought this dress for her i wouldn’t let her go for her office outfit shopping before i rape someone’s child and call the dev1l.

Instead i will let her and Rhian go for the shopping next tomorrow since she will be starting work next week.

Some of my business partners started coming towards our direction and i tightened my grip around her slim waist.

“Good day Mr Bryan what a lovely party.”
Mr Fred said extending his hand out for a hand shake while his twin brother Frank’s eyes was fixed on miss loud mouth making her uncomfortable
“Thanks for the compliment Mr Fred and thanks for honoring my invitation.”
I replied accepting his hand shake.

“Mr Frank are you here to greet me or you are here to eye fk my daughter’s adopted mom huh?”
I asked getting pissed off for no reason.

Of course i should get pissed because his a big time man wh©re that goes after anything on skirts.

“Oh sorry for my manners Mr Bryan thanks for inviting us to your daughter’s birthday the party is one of a kind.”
He said extending his hand for a hand shake while his twin chuckled.

“Thanks for gracing my invitation also Mr Frank what about your newly wedded wife didn’t you come with her?”
I asked and his facial expression changed.

“Oh hmm.. Oh my wife she didn’t come with us she had some catching up to do.”
He stuttered with his face so hard.

“Oh send my regards to her.”
I smiled and he nodded maybe cat has suddenly cut his tongue.
“Oh Mr Bryan who is this beautiful damsel who cut everyone eyes like a magnet?”
Mr Fred asked.

“Magnet huh?”
Miss loud mouth muttered under her breath with an eyes rolled and i chuckled.

“This is Ashley Morrone my daughter’s adopted mom and also my new personal assistant.”
I replied.

“Ashley Morrone huh? I thought that’s also your fiancee’s name too.”
Mr Frank asked.

“Yes what a coincidence.”
I replied with a smile.

“Wow you are one lucky man Mr Bryan having two hot Ashley’s all to yourself.”
Mr Frank said.

I don’t actually get what this man’s problem is with me.

Yes we have quite a history together and even when i was growing up he was always my rival, he derives joy from taking every lady away from me.

Back then in highschool he came for my first girlfriend and when she refused he r@ped her causing her death at the process.

And since he came from an influential family they did there thing and they covered the whole time up saying she committed su1cide.

And this was one of the reason why i turned into a player because i was scared of falling in love but I guess everything is in the past now.
“Yes Mr frank that’s what happens when a man is blessed richly.”
I smirked.

“Anyway my name is frank and i will like to get to know you better miss Ashley.”
He extended his hand for a hand shake but what Ashley did took me by surprise.

“Nice meeting you Mr frank but i don’t get to meet with married men you’re married now face your home and leave the single ladies for single guys.”
She said ignoring his hand.

“But being married doesn’t mean i can’t take good care of you miss Ashley.”
He smiled.

“I know but being married means cheating on your wife and as a lady who will one day get married i wouldn’t like to do that.”
She smirked.

“But do you also know that Mr Bryan will soon get married or should i just put it this way his already married.”
He frown.

“Yes i know.”
She replied.

“Then what’s different from me and him?”
He asked I wanted to know what her reply will be.

“Maybe he is way hotter than you for a married man.”
She replied and Mr Fred and i bursted into hilarious laughter.

The look on Frank’s face was priceless and i will be willing to pay lots of money to see it over and over again.
Frank left us fuming in anger and his brother gave him a mocking stare.

“You know what i think i already like you miss Ashley you are the type of lady Bryan needs anyway nice meeting you.”
Fred said and disappeared into the crowd.

“Did i just hear you say i was too hot for a married man huh?”
I shut her a $eductive glare.

“Come off it Mr Bryan don’t get your hopes too high i might me kidding you know.”
She winked.

“You just said might that means i still have little hope you know.”
I said .

“Maybe but don’t cry when your hopes get crushed.”
She replied.

“Lets go grab some food please.”
I said.

“Then let’s go.”

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