
TRUTH AND LIES (He’s Cute but Dangerous) Episode 10,11&12

This sounds really serious. Who could’ve given the admission to me?

“Mico’s such a fortunate kid” she said as we walked out of the library.
“It is rumoured he might be richer than his parents”.
I looked at her.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes ,of course. He’s in charge of this school and all the money goes into his account. He’s also the heir of his father’s company – the Empire Peak – and I heard his father gives 25% of the company’s monthly earnings to him.”
Wow! Is Mico that rich? No wonder he’s arrogant.

“What grade is he? ” I asked.
“Oh, he’s in 12th grade. Will be graduating in few months.

“And this is the sports hall” she said as we walked into a a very big place.
Wow! Was this really a sports hall?
It was bigger than my entire house.

“So many sport activities take place over here. We have basketball, racing, tennis, you can list them. The sports day is Friday.”

I nodded and followed her around. It was so big.
We got to the basketball court and there we met a group of boys playing. It was more like they were practicing.
We stood, watching them for a while and I wondered why she was so interested in them. She was even smiling.
We were standing at a distance but we could see the players clearly.

I noticed one of the boys over there seemed to be the leader because the other boys couldn’t beat him. They couldn’t take the ball from him.

Right there as we stood, he scored five goals on his own. But…He wasn’t putting on our uniform.

Picked For You:  THE FIGHT FOR EBUKA : Episode 11 - The End

I looked at him and wow! He’s so heavenly cute and I think he was the one Sandy was smiling at.
He scored the fifth goal and the rest of the players started chasing him around the court.
He laughed as they finally caught him and gosh! He was sooo cute. He’s damn too handsome.

“That is Jeremy” sandy finally said to me and I looked at her and looked back at the boy.
“Jeremy?” I repeated, still staring at him.
“Yes, Jeremy – the only guy who has ever defeated Mico in a competition.”

Oh, my God! Mico was defeated in a competition by him?

“He’s cute” I muttered, not knowing when I said it out.
How stupid.
Sandy looked at me and scoffed.
“He’s cute Alyssa. But I must warn you; he’s dangerous”.


Click 3 below to read episode 11

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