UNTIL THE END OF TIME: Chapter 51-The End

?Until The End Of Time ?

? Chapter 52?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Mariana’s P.o.v?
“So did you two break up?” Alexia asked as she handed me a cup of coffee,Ever since I told Jasper about what Jace wanted to do to his father,he has been acting so weird.

Alice, Alexia and I were sitting at the balcony at my house.
“No,We are just in a place where the air around us is so awkward”

“He has been in his room all these days, Mariana..i mean Hazel” I chuckled at the way Alice always forgets my real name.

“Don’t worry,You can call me Mariana, it’s okay”
“Am also used to calling me Mariana”

“It’s so strange how my whole life changed in a matter of minutes,When i remembered who i really was, Everything changed”

“Mariana,I know that my father killed your father, Your father was so kind and good hearted and my father was so jealous, Jealous of the fact that your people are so strong and powerful so Mariana,If you want to take laws into your hands then I support you”

“Thanks, Alice but i don’t want to be a murderer but i also want to set my people free from him”
“I’ll help you”

Jace walked in making Alexia gasps in shock.
“Hazel,Are we still on for the training?”
“Yeah, evening time”

“Okay” He walked away.
“Mari, Your twin brother is so hottttt, He’s like a Greek god” Alexia said making us giggle.

“Remember you have a boyfriend,Alexia”
? Jasper’s P.o.v?
For more than 17 years,I haven’t seen my father,He is the most ruthless person i have ever seen,I have watched him kill children,mothers and Fathers.

Now,I just found out that he killed Hazel’s father and now she wants to kill him,Now am just scared that he’ll hurt her, My dad is so wicked and he won’t think twice before killing her.

“Bro,Are you seriously brooding over here?”Alice walked in.

“Where did you go to?”
“Mariana’s house”

“You mean Hazel?”
“She said we could call her Mariana,Bro, She needs you now,You two should be together”

“I know but did she tell you what she wants to do?”
“She doesn’t want to kill Dad but shee wants to free her people and am going to help her because Dad is a ruthless b@stard”

“Jasper,Alice, Where are you?” Mom ran down the stairs in a haste.

“Mom, What’s wrong?”

“There’s a problem”
Late at night.

? Mariana’s P.o.v?

Jace and i were done with practicing,He went inside but i stayed to look at the stars.

“They are not as beautiful as you” I turned and Jasper was riy behind me,I squealed in excitement and I jumped on him.

“You are crushing me” I giggled and i got down from his body.
“Sorry,I sometimes forget about my strength”

“It’s okay,Am sorry that I have been acting so distant,Am just worried about you”

“Am going to be fine,We are going to be fine”
“No, Hazel, There’s something you don’t know”

“The witch called Agatha who helped us escape to Earth communicated with my mom and she gave us bad news”

“What’s the bad news? Tell me”
“Babe,My dad has found us and he’s coming for us”

“What?!! How’s that possible?”
“I don’t know but if he comes to earth,None of us is safe especially your family,If he finds out who you all are, He’ll want to kill you all”

“So..so what do we do?”

“I decided that I take my mom and Alice back to Ostoria”

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