? Wingless And Beautiful


The next day, Meredith dropped me off at CRC. She didn’t
say anything, maybe for fear of jinxing my decision to go
out of the house, but I know that she was over the moon
that I wanted to come back to the center.

“I have a meeting in the town center,” she called as I
got out of the car. “I’ll pick you up in the afternoon. Keep
your cellphone open.”

I nodded and headed towards the grounds. Meredith waved at the guard standing on the gate, who immediately let me in. I walked to the side of the building, towards the path of trees that led to the woods.

Last night, I thought about the words that Hunter said to
me. I felt like with the limited words he said, in the short span of time that I spent with him… he really reached out to my soul. He spoke the words I couldn’t say to Meredith… the
words I could not even admit to myself.

I hated to acknowledge it, but Meredith was right. I needed to talk to somebody. And somebody who knew exactly what I was going through.

As I reached the garden, I saw Hunter sitting on the bench, lost in his thoughts again, listening to every little
sound around him. I knew that he was aware of my presence even before I was standing in front of him. The minute I sat beside him, I heard his sharp intake of breath..

Suddenly, I felt self-conscious.
Could he smell me?
I smelled my shirt and caught the scent of the floral
perfume I sprayed on myself after I took a shower this

I looked over at him, taking slow breaths, so as not to
make a single sound. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a
white shirt over a red jacket. His hair was disheveled like he
just combed it with his fingers after he took a shower. He
was wearing those sunglasses again.

“Good morning,” he said.
“Good morning,” I greeted chirpily. “How did you know I
was here?”

“I could smell your perfume the minute you walked
towards the bench,” he replied.
“It could be anybody,” I pointed out.

He grinned and shook his head slightly. “I highly doubt
that. The sense of smell is the most powerful sense and
most likely the one that’s linked to the memory. I remember your scent from yesterday. You smell like… you.”

“Er… is that a good thing?” I asked.
“You smell like sweet strawberries combined with a
scent of freesia and honeysuckle,” he replied. “It’s always a good thing.”

He practically enumerated the scents of my perfume,
my soap and my shampoo. Being blind must have turned
him into a bloodhound.

There was silence. None of us spoke for a while. For the
first time in many months, I actually felt that silence could be peaceful. Not the deafening kind that brought the
memories of that tragic night back into my reality.

I actually felt like I could be me again. I didn’t feel like a
ghost… with nightmares chasing me.

“How old are you, Allison?” Hunter asked, breaking the
“Sixteen,” I replied. “And you?”
“Sixteen turning seventeen soon.”

I tried not to heave a sigh that would make him sense
my emotions. But inside, I thought… how bad was it for a
handsome, agile sixteen-year-old boy to lose the most
precious gift of sight?
“Do you get visitors often?” I asked.

He shook his head. “They gave up on me. They only
come when I call them… if I needed anything.”
“Who’s they?”
“My dad,” he replied. “My aunt and uncle. They just
read my progress reports from here. And then they wait for
me to call.”

“Are you… having any treatments in this institution?”
He shrugged. “The doctors check on my eyes every other day. But mostly it was just… counseling.”

“Why did you say that your parents gave up on you?”
He sighed. “Just my dad,” he corrected me. “We fought
all the time. He wanted me to undergo some… more aggressive treatments. I don’t see his point.”

“Why? Don’t you want to… you know?”
“See again?” he asked. I didn’t answer. “Didn’t you just
say yesterday that seeing was not always a gift?”
“Yeah… I shouldn’t have said that.”

“But you were right. If I am able to see again… I would
see that my mother was no longer with me. And I would
remember that it was my father’s fault she wasn’t herself when she drove our car into a tree.”

I felt a pinch in my heart when I heard him say that his
mother was gone. Because it reminded me that he wasn’t
the only one. Mine was gone too.

Two gunshots.
The first one was for my stepdad, so he could no longer
hurt me. My mother saved me. She made sure that I would
live and the months of physical abuse I went through under
the hands of my stepdad would be over.

The second shot was for… her. Because she couldn’t
live with the fact that she killed the man she loved the most.

I hated her for it. Even though I would always love her, I
know… deep inside my heart I would always hate her for not
being strong enough. For not thinking about me when she
pulled that trigger the second time around. For leaving me alone… knowing I was not old enough to take care of myself
and her sister was not capable enough to replace her in my

I didn’t realize it, but my breathing became heavier. I
felt the load that was inside my chest. It had always been
there. I refused to acknowledge it. Not when I woke up that
day in the hospital. Not during those times they forced
counseling on me immediately after I was discharged by the

Not all these months when Meredith encouraged
me to talk to her about how I felt.

But now… here with Hunter, all the pain, all the burden I
hid inside my chest just resurfaced, refusing to be ignored anymore.

And before I knew it, I was whimpering. I was feeling that blinding pain of losing my mother… being saved by her… and being abandoned by her seconds after.

The emotional and physical abuse I went through under my
stepdad’s broken mind and violent hands were nothing
compared to the pain I felt when I woke up in the hospital an orphan.

I felt Hunter’s arm around my shoulders. He gently
pulled me to him so I could rest my head against his chest.

And there… for the first time in probably months… I cried.
“Mama… where is Papa?” I remembered asking my
mother when I was five years old.

She laughed. “You’re special, Allison. God created you
so you could be all mine!” she replied, kssing me all over
the face and then tickling me until I tapped out.

I know now that she tried so hard not to make me feel
like there was something wrong with me. And how much she
wanted to make me feel complete even though my own father walked out on us the minute she told him she was pregnant.

“I love you, Mama,” I said to her in my tiny voice.
“And I love you very much too, my little angel.”
“Sssshhh…” I heard Hunter’s soothing voice against my

I pulled away from him, wiping my cheeks with my
fingers. Hunter did the same to his although he tried to hide
the fact that he was crying too.

“She took… took her own… life,” I stammered. “When my stepdad threatened to kill me… she didn’t have a choice but to pull the trigger. So I would be here today. So he could
no longer hurt me.

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