WORLDS APART : Episode 51 – 60

?World’s Apart ?

? unknown identity?

Episode 56

Dan’s Pov

I starred at Jay sleeping face, this guy is such a j.erk, now he’s crying like a baby after all that he did to the innocent girl.

I called Mara last night, and I knew Jay is not getting forgiven anytime soon, by the sound of her voice, I can’t really say, just then my phone rang and it was Mabel.

?babe I had been calling you since yesterday and you refuse to pick, what’s going on I asked.

?can I come over she said.

?where did you spend the night I asked.

?stop asking me questions, am coming over she said rudely.

?Mabel don’t dare me, where did you spend the night I yelled at her.

?Alvira’s place and so what .

?What happened to your home or your personal house I asked.

?Am done talking to you she said and cut the call .

Who was that? Jay said behind me.

Oh you are awake dude ?.

My head hurts like h.ell Jay said holding his head.

You drank too much last night what were you thinking I yelled at him.

If you and Mabel are having problems don’t transfer the aggression on me, am also having problems with Mara he said angrily.

We are both sc.rewed I said and sat beside him.

Mable is gonna forgive you for shouting at her but Mara is never gonna forgive me.

I really love her, and I would make sure our wedding is gonna be in a grand style Jay said smiling.

Mara hasn’t forgiven you and you are seeing wedding in grand style I said and burst into laughter.

Just shut up Dan, Mara is gonna forgive me and when she does am gonna treat her like a queen he said.

I called her yesterday and she said she doesn’t care I said.

Am gonna keep begging till she forgives me I said.

What if she already seen someone else’s I said trying to pull his legs.

Stop impacting rubbish on me he said.

Just pulling your legs I said and just then Mabel walked in.

Oh I thought you were not gonna come I said but was silenced by a kss.

Am h0rny she whispered in my ears and that got me h@rd 0n immediately. I carried her up and place her on the b.ed forgetting Jay was here.

Am gonna leave you two to fk the h.ell out of yourselves he said and walked out.

*****. ****. ****

Jay, Mabel and I were sitting at the dinning, it was already (6) in the evening and Mara’s party was starying by 7, and am still here convincing them to attend, being with them today was fun,real fun only Ara,Anna and Mara were missing.

Babe just do this for me I said facing Mabel.

Am not going anywhere she said and rolled her eyes.

Jay what about you I asked.

I can’t Mara doesn’t even want to see my face.

What’s fking wrong with you guys, what are people gonna say when they don’t see us, am done convincing some dumb a$$ I yelled at them angrily.

Ok fine you win Jay said.

Mabel, I called

Like I have a choice she said and rolled her eyes.

Babe I already ordered some clothes for you and something for Jay, so get dressed.

Am just doing this because of you or else I wouldn’t go anywhere. Mab said and walked out angrily.

Am getting ready Jay said and walked in.

Mara’s Pov

I was seated in my room, I was nervous as h.ell. Mabel wasn’t yet back now am beginning to feel bad.

Mara this is your dress Mabel’s mom said and handed me a gown as she entered my room.

Ma what about Mabel I asked.

Don’t worry darling, she’s gonna show up, just get dressed the make up artist is already here and the guest also.

Ok Ma I said and just Anna and Ara rushed in.

Oh my gosh??my baby is gonna look hot tonight Ara said smiling.

How did you get here. I said shocked and excited at the same time.

I told them to come now since you are bored and I noticed they are the only friends you have Mabel’s mom said.

Thank ma I said and hugged her.

Aww Anna said smiling.

Mara we are getting you dressed Anna said.

Hours later

I was at the back of the stage, I was as nervous as h.ell.

Mara calm down it’s just a party Anna said assuring me.

The party was filled with people, reporters, the press were everywhere, it was at the garden.

Now we present to you our long lost daughter, Mara James. I heard them say and everyone began to clap.

Go! Ara said and pushed me out.

I walked out nervously, camera were flashing, people were screaming and shouting,just then I saw jay, Dan and Mabel and I quickly avoided their stares.

Take my hands Mabel’mom said and pointed her hands at me and I took it, the way Mabel was starring at me wasn’t good at all. If looks could kill I would have been at six(6) feet now.

We thank everyone for being here today, it’s a great day in our lives, our daughter whom we thought was dead was still alive and we found her. I treated her like trash not knowing whom she really wa. I wanted to make my other daughter happy not knowing I was hurting myself. I know I don’t deserve to be a mother to you but please Mara forgive me for all that I did to you she said crying.

I never knew I was crying until a tear rolled down my chee. I forgive you mom, I starmered.

You called me mom she said smiling and crying.

Yes, I forgive you for everything you did to me, every mother would do the same for her child, am happy you turned out to be my mother. I said and hugged her tightly. Am not gonna be left out dad said and hugged us and the whole crowd clapped.


The party was still going on, mom and dad introduced me to many of their business colleagues. G0sh am tired and am presently stuck with one whom was the son of one of their share holders and his representing his father.

The guy is fking cute, but not as my Jay. Wait, did I just call him mine.

So what’s your name pretty he asked as we both walked away from the party towards the pool.

Mara I said as we both sat beside the pool away from people.

Travis he said smiling.

Cute name I said .

But not as yours he said smiling, do you Know how beautiful you look, so s*xy and h0t.

Thanks I said blushing slightly, just then his eyes came to my lips, what is this guy doing, but before we could kss someone drew him apart and punched him and his lips busted, oh my God Jay. He’s so fking angry right now.

Jay stop I yelled as I tried to separate him, but he wasn’t having any of it, but the guy just let jay beat him.

Jay you gonna kill him Dan said and pulled him off.

Travis are you okay I said as I ran to hold him up.

Am fine pretty seeing your face alone made me forget my pains he said smiling, somebody tell this dude am gonna kill him.

Are you normal Mara, are you gonna choose that thing over me Jay yelled at me.

What’s your fking business, I already ended whatever thing I had for you, stop behaving like my boyfriend I yelled at him.

But you were gonna kss him he said angrily.

If I kss him what’s your business in that I yelled at him angrily.

I don’t care what you say or do, all I know is that you are mine and mine alone he yelled at me.

Brought to you by authoress yole ??????

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