A WIFE FOR MR POPULAR: Episode 11-20

Episode 14

Gray’s POV

The next morning

I contacted my personal lawyer to prepare divorce papers and even though he sounded surprised he agreed to doing it without telling Grandma about it…

Grandma decided to take the reigns at the office today so I decided to kick back and relax home with Clarice coming over later..

I should have married that woman even though she isn’t for the looks and only looks beautiful with the help of make up…

‘You don’t have to do that Rudolf I’m fine’..I heard and my brows perked up seeing Claire come back in after few hours of leaving for the office…

What’s wrong with her??…

Just few days of being here and the staffs think she’s an angel but i can see through her…

Manipulative and pretentious woman…

‘You look pale ma’am and as your trusted servant i have to help you’..Rudolf replied and I frowned…

Shouldn’t he be trimming grasses or something??..

‘Ohhh madam Claire you’re back home early?? Let me help you with your bag’..Maria the maid chipped in as she rushed over..

‘Nah I’m fine,it’s just a little headache that’s all and oh remember movie night tonight,I just upgraded my Netflix subscription in my room so later??’..Claire replied and I couldn’t take it anymore…

‘Okay guys back to your chores!!’..I yelled and they scrambled away…

’Okay what the hell do you think you’re doing?? Playing Mother Theresa with my staffs??’..I snarled at her..

‘Sorry I…I uhmm I don’t have anything to say to you Gray,have a nice day’..She replied and walked away…

She doesn’t have anything to say to me??..

Ohh I feel like getting a divorce now!!…

At Night

Grandma was at a friend’s and thankfully because of that I Clarice came over…

‘So operation make the wife of Mr popular is a go??’..I whispered and she nodded..

Claire stroded past us with a big bowl of popcorn and Maria by her side and acted like she didn’t notice me holding Clarice’s hand..

‘She’s hurt,I see it in her eyes’..Clarice whispered and I smirked..

She doesn’t look bothered to me that much…

‘Anyways are you up for a movie??’..I asked…

‘You bet I am and let’s take things up a notch by watching fifty shades of Grey’..She replied…

‘I like the way you think woman,she’s surely going to get jealous for sure’..

Minutes later

I groaned loudly hearing the laughter from upstairs…

‘They seem to be having much fun’..i groaned again..

‘They’re five,we’re two and why on earth would she be watching a movie with your staffs?? Is she that insecure and lonely??’..Clarice replied…

‘Insecure yes,lonely not so sure’..I muttered popping another mint into my mouth…

‘Pause the movie I’ll go get another batch of popcorn’..I heard her voice and then quickly positioned Clarice on my th1ghs…

‘Let’s make this worthwhile’..I whispered and kssed her softly on the lips with my hands resting on her bum as Claire reached where we were…

My left eye narrowed over to where she was and I saw it…

I saw the emotions in her tear glistening eyes…

I saw pain..

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