AFRAID TO LOVE: Episode 91-The End

Afraid to Love

Epi 94

“Are you sure this is it?” Jeremy asked,his heartbeat trippling.He couldn’t see any building.

The street was oddly quiet and looking really old.If he had been told that such a street existed in New York city,he’d never believe.Seeing one for himself convinced him of that.

Darren killed the engine of the vehicle and turned to face his friend.”My tracker says it is. I’m sure.”He scanned his surrounding for a while,”Pretty scary,right?”

Jeremy inhaled and exhaled deeply.”More scary to her.She must be scared to death to be kept in a place like this.Ernest’s really insane.”

“Save your strength for what we’re gonna face,”Darren advised, pulling a door open.
“Wait,”Jeremy stopped him.”I don’t see the place or wherever she is.

Why don’t we drive around?Till we get to see a building or something.”
Darren chuckled.”Don’t tell me you’re scared.”He closed the door.

Jeremy swallowed hard.”I don’t think so. It’ll be quick.Was just suggesting though.”
“Listen,there’s only one building on this street.And I think he’s here. If he is,she is with him.Lets walk,not to draw his attention.”He patted Jeremy on the shoulder, “We can defend ourselves,”he smiled reassuringly.

Jeremy responded with a nod. There was no backing down.He was ready to fight for his princess and get her back.The hour had arrived.He unfastened his seat belt,pushed the door open and climbed down,slamming it behind him.An eerie feeling crept into him, when the wind blew across his face.

He was uncomfortable and did not like what he was feeling.”Are you sure the car’s safe here?”he whispered to Darren.

“Don’t have an answer to that. It probably is,”Darren responded,making sure the car was securely locked.”There’s tight security.’”
“Where are we headed to?”
“Over there,”Darren pointed right ahead of them.Nothing exactly that could give them the urge to go on was in view.Just grasses, overgrown bushes by the corner of the street and their shadows lingered.

“Don’t tell me she’s been in a bush?”Jeremy asked,furious.It’d be more than hell for Ernest if that was actually true.

“Lets just go.Keep your voice down,”Darren instructed.
Jeremy sighed.”Don’t you feel nervous? Uncanny? Its what I’m feeling.”

It was normal.He had also felt that way – that was a long time ago.”I understand what you feel.Try not to think about it.”

They continued their walk in absolute silence.Being careful, their eyes roved about,searching for the sign of someone,anyone.

Jeremy kept his head straight up, trying to send those uneasy feelings back to where they came from.

“We’re right here,”Darren announced excitedly.
Jeremy turned his head to the right.There was a house.It was abandoned.It had a mail box entirely hidden by tall grass.Its driveway was overgrown.It had bushes and brambles up against the door and windows.It had weeds in the gutters and green slime on the walls,and a cracked foundation pierced by creeper tendrils ticker than his wrist.A shiver ran down his spine.His Purity couldn’t be here.

The grim and gloomy building was the worst excuse for a house he’d ever seen;it was more like a long-abandoned prison or insane assylum rather than once a glamorous house.The doors and windows were covered with a thick layer dust that looked like it had been untouched for years.The windows of the house looked back at him with the eyes of an empty soul,along with the grand door at the entry way to the house.That seemed to give him the impression that it was a gateway to h.ell.

They got past the bushy surroundings to the door at the entry.Darren turned it and it creaked open, moving a centimeter at a time. It could move faster but the wood of the door had grown moldy and soft with water and neglect.They made it into the house.A thick coating of dust and mold coats everything.

They stopped tentatively as there were already several dark holes where floorboards have snapped,weak from mold and pressured downwards by the weight of the gigantic dust bunnies that have formed.

Cobwebs brushed their faces as they stepped deeper into the house.A shiver ran down their spines.Its really difficult to tell,wierd but there was something unbelievably spooky about that place.

As they walked further into the house, scanning the place, they got to a second door.Darren turned it open;the rotting door creaked open slowly.Echoing footsteps invaded the silence that hung like a cloak around the house.A thick carpet of dust clung to every object,the rays of light chinning through the shattered glass window catching on the particles suspeneded in the stagnant air.They moved deliberately,dust billowing into clouds as they passed.He continued to move through the house,kicking up more dust until it was difficult to see through the billions of air that now swirled into the air.

Then they came to a third door,faded green paint curling with age,brass handles almost consumed by a thick network of cobwebs.They exchanged curious glances.Darren using his eye,prompted Jeremy to go on.He took a deep breath,reaching out, he turned it.

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