ALLISON’S DIARY: Chapter 11-20

(Secrets ??)
?Jonass POV?

The crazy traitor that Gavin had killed himself. He was a money freak, he loved money more than anything in the world. I’ve caught him twice, stealing from Gavin but i just let it slide. I had perceived that traitor trait in him right from our first conversation, he didn’t seem to like anything other than money and when Gavin kicked him off the team, he had tried to make earns off it by blackmailing us. Gavin took nothing in it as he constantly ignored his demands, waving it off as empty threat until he was caught in the act..
Out of skepticism, I had been on his trail after he was removed from the team, watching and marking his every move and he was at the brink of releasing a very grievous secret of ours to the media for a huge sum of money, one none of us knew existed.. a video that collected our faces without our masks, I alerted the others and after a quick trick, we had him in our net and Gavin wasted no time in planting two bullet in his forehead.. who would’ve thought that Anthony survived because of him?
I arrived at reality when our food was served, the waiter left and we began eating..
As I ate, I glanced up and found Allison, trying to cut a piece of meat with a knife but couldn’t, her hand made little trembles as they moved to cut the meat.. after the second fruitless trial, she gave up and went for the rice, grabbing a spoonful of it.
I took my knife to her plate and cut the meat into little pieces before pushing it closer to her.. she gave me a subtle look before smiling in appreciation. It melted my heart subconsciously.
“Thank you,” she said and I nodded, she happily sink the fork into the meat she grabbed a piece.
? Allison’s POV?
I dug into my meat which I found difficult to cut initially but thanks to Jonas I was able to eat it and just as it look, it was super tasty. Jonas didn’t like when he said their meals were delicious.
After the meal, Jonas paid and just as soon as we stepped out of the restaurant, a loud curdling sound rang out and subconsciously, I grabbed Jonas in the arm, roughening that part. My face buried in his skin as fright enveloped me.
My heart gave a huge skip and I froze. I felt his arm clasping around me..
“Allison, it’s just fireworks” he said, his warm palms soothing my skin. “It’s nothing dangerous, believe me” he assured.
Truthfully, it didn’t sound as loud as a gunshot and why I cringed out of fear, I had no idea..
I slowly released my grip from his body and looked ahead, truly it was fireworks and it gave another shot in the air when I look, a wave of calmness washed through me; normalizing my system.
I glanced at Jonas and our gaze met, embarrassed, I quickly pulled myself from him.. I felt the hotness in my cheeks.
“S-sorry about that”
“It’s fine!” He caught me off before I could barely finish..
“Here,” he took off his jacket and covered it around me. “It’s getting cold” he said with a half smile, grabbed my palm and led me to the car.

We both got in and he began driving.. The early evening air seeped continually into the car from the windows, making the atmosphere a bit cozy and perfect.. I wound the jacket closer and pushed my head back to let it lay on the headrest and get more of the nice weather.
We arrived at Jonas house and got down, I walked into the house and took Jonas jacket off my body and walked further into the house, as I forcefully landed my weight on the chair, I sprained my wrist and the healing wound on it tore open, I winced.
I held my wrist to my face and tried pulling off the plaster but I couldn’t, the pain was close to unbearable and I couldn’t take it, I was about retracting my hand when it was tug away from me, I looked up to see Jonas.
“Let me help” he said, “it hurts less when someone else does it” he said, giving me a mild look. I nodded wryly and fully gave him my wrist..
As he held the plaster, I shut my eyes tight and like a snap, I felt a sharp pain and just before I could wince, it vanished and a cool sensation replaced it.
It was soothing.
Gradually, I opened my eyes and found Jonas head bent over my wrist as he released gently breeze into the open wound from his mouth..
I moved my gaze to his face and his front hair fell over, his lips withdrawing constantly as he released air while his finger tips caressed around the spot. I didn’t know when a smile tug at my lips and when he looked up, I felt something new and wonderful dance at my stomach pit.


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