AWKWARD NURSE : Episode 41 – Episode 44

Episode 44

” Sir Ryan, sir Ryan , are you ok.
I wiped the blood out what do i do?
My tummy still pains. I rushed out and ran after the van

.I borrowed a bike and ran after him…I rode so fast even with my tummy pain. Just then I saw the man he actually even stopped to talk to someone .

Before I could get closer he moved on again. I kept chasing behind him, I can’t possibly overtake him he was fast. I needed to stop this man at all costs .

I rode very quickly and tried overtaking him. He got shocked and took a wrong turn he almost hit me but he didn’t. I fell out of the bike because of shock

I hit my head on the road blocks

Ryan’s p.o.v
I finally struggled to the counter and took the tablet I left there

The pain stopped, the bleeding seized. I got so scared so now where is Clara?
She is not even feeling fine.

Agent’s p.o.v
This girl looked baldy hurt. I carried her up and tried rushing her into the car but she started beating me instead.

“Give me sir Ryan’s drug “, she said gasping for air
” what
” sir Ryan is dying, give me .

She jumped down from me and opened my booth

She searched for the drugs until she found it.

Her forehead was still bleeding.

” you need to visit the hospital, girl.
” no I must give this to Ryan.
” but.
She entered the bike and rode off.

Clara’s p.o.v
I felt so much pain. I wonder how sir Ryan is. Just then sir Ryan pulled over .

I saw his car he came down I stopped riding my bike .

He touched my forehead

I gave Him the drug .

“Are you crazy? Why do you always do this? Won’t you stop? You are always placing me before yourself now you almost killed yourself Don’t you know that someone might die if you get hurt?

He shouted at me .

” is it better if you get hurt Ryan

” Clara stop it. Why do you do this? Just tell me why you keep risking your life.

Ryan’s p.o.v
she came down from the bike and looked at me. she wiped her tears

” I love you, that is why i do all this ,

I am in love with you.

Everything I did, i did because I love you.

I think about you all the time

I can’t breath, eat or dream without you

Yes Clara is in love with you.

The reason i take things personal is because I love you.

Then reason I would sleep with Liam to get a contract is because I love you.

The reason i entered fire for you is because I love you.

I love you so much that it pains me

I said it .

What are you going to do best surgeon?

“this awkward nurse is in love with you.

what is Clara saying?


To be continued

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