AWKWARD NURSE : Season 3 Episode 1 – 10


By Chidinma Jerry M

Season 3 (Episode 3)

Clara’s pov conts

He turned and looked at me .I moved my hair
” it’s a past surgery Angel…. welcome, missed you..” he opened his arms wide and hugged me I held him tight.

” I missed you Ryan
” me too.” he said

” how was the meeting Anna?” he said
i forgot am Anna , am wearing her face. Tears welled up in my eyes. Anna didn’t say anything about Ryan… do I have to act as Anna also in front of him? It’s unfair and too painful but i guess it is for the best.

” Anna you need to bath, you look tired”
he moved over and zipped down my gown I shifted holding my chest …. he looked up in shock.. oh no ,you are Anna ,Anna is not shy ,Anna is not shy Clara don’t spoil it .what are you hiding.I stood still and Ryan unzipped my gown fully ..I am so jealous. Is this how he treats Anna. he removes her cloth? He removes her clothes!!!. did they start dating again? I looked up to dry my tears.. Ryan flung my gown to the bed. he took a band and packed my hair up… he packs her hair too, I looked up again and smiled tearfully . he treats her just like he treated me.. seems Ryan already moved on from Clara. It seems both of them are intimate again if Anna had told me I won’t do this.

” bath Anna ” he said
” ok… .I carefully wrapped the towel around my chest and ran into the shower I can’t believe he didn’t recognize even my body stature… Did he force himself to forget everything about me , we lived together for long but Ryan didn’t ,he didn’t remember anything about me… Ryan when you were stripping me to make love to me didn’t you look at my waist , my hip is wider than Anna’s. How could Ryan forget Clara so easily . You already buried everything about me. Does it mean Ryan didn’t take a look at my body that day my butt is lifted he didn’t notice that… even my chest is fuller. What was he doing that day if he didn’t look at my body? The reason i let you have me was to implant my memory in your soul I guess it didn’t work. I angrily threw away the bathing soap and sponge

” Anna do you need help? Are you okay?” he asked
What, ..he helps her bath. Is this what they have been doing here? I stormed out frowning. I picked my gown

” hey wear the other gown you have cold
I took the other red gown and stood waiting for him to go out of the room but he sat down and picked a file..doesn’t he have respect for my body? Arrrgh I’m too shy.. does Anna change in front of him? if I hide now he will know it is Clara

” Anna change. Do you need help? Are you feeling weak?

” Ryan I think the door is opened
” I will check.

He stormed out. I hastily wore the gown and fell on the bed. Just then he returned

” it was locked. I have surgery tomorrow let’s sleep early.

He closed his eyes and I smiled. The truth is may be Ryan is mad at Clara since I dumped him that’s why he forgot me , maybe he won’t accept Clara again , so i will continue being Anna I better continue being Anna until he remembers me. Until he proves he never forgot me…. I laid on my own side of the bed even though I desire to lie on his chest maybe Anna doesn’t do that I can’t blow my cover.

Anna’s pov

The doctor walked in…
” doctor
” Anna you will take those routine drugs until you are ready for the surgery
” ok
” my nurse will take care of you.
” one of our doctors will also look out for you.
” ok
“oh there he is. He is coming
I nodded.
the man walked out…. he mentioned a doctor and I started missing Tony. Just then I saw the preview of what happened at a.g.h.c today. Omg! Clara did something so big. That girl is smarter than I am. I mean all my life I wanted to remove Tonia’s base and power it didn’t occur to me that I could easily remove all the investors she corrupted. Wow! Clara you wowed me. you even had time to convince another set of investors In 7 days… Wait I paused the video as i saw one investor. Wait I know this man. He was…omg Clara went after all the investors who couldn’t invest last 3 years cos we reached our limit…how did she know we once had surplus investors…how did she locate and convince all of them .. in 7 days Clara did what I couldn’t do In one year. This is the biggest revolution. Indeed Clara is a genius. She has the brain. I knew I won’t regret choosing you my angel.
I felt weak so I fell to my bed and faced my side so I can watch the news but i can never fall asleep in this position I have not tried it before… i can only sleep facing upward.

Tony’s pov

Who is the new rich patient no 22 I am suppose to take care of now? Omg all this stress. If not that I have a lot to learn from Shane I should be in New York by now after all I wonder how Anna is doing. I opened the door and there the patient lay on her side.hmmmm must be a news freak… nice hair just like Anna’s. No need disturbing her. It seems she is enjoying her news. I quietly picked her health record and dropped my card then i walked out.

” Hey 22, that’s my card, call me when you need me” I said walking out.

she turned but I already stormed out. Her hair means she is hot…I will see her next time..

Anna’s pov

What a stupid rude doctor. Hey 22! Hey 22! What!!!! Does he know who I am…so stupid I will slap him when next he show his face. Is that his stupid card nonsense I don’t care I faced my news.

Clara’s pov.

I laid on the bed missing Ryan who was by my side. I don’t know the kind of intimacy he has with Anna. I feel like hugging him now. I felt him cover me well with the blanket.

” Anna you need to take drugs
” what… well I am strong now
” ok so you need to eat.
” no am fine …. i really am.
” a little
” no
” you are sick
“if you keep saying am sick I might fall sick
” ok you are healed.
i smiled and folded my pillow.

” sir……. I mean Ryan ,good night
” good night Anna .. sleep tight
” I will, I lo….. I longed to be with you ..missed you (I almost said i love you)
” goodnight.
I nodded and hastily turned to my side and closed my eyes. Just then I remembered Anna doesn’t sleep on her side. She sleeps with her face up w.t.f. just then i felt Ryan’s hands brush from my hip into my waist …omg why is he turning me on? Hee gently swiped his fingers on my waist

” Anna are you ok? Is your tummy paining … why are you lying on your side?.
He moved me and I turned facing upward with my head on the pillow. Ryan moved into me and gently kissed the hollow of my throat then my forehead. wait forehead kiss means care and assurance but the other kiss meant desire. Ryan desires Anna?Jesus am dead . I faked a smile

” no stomach pain actually I was thinking so
” ok can you sleep now

I nodded and closed my eyes. He removed his hands from my body oh God finally that was…..

I felt him switch off the light and laid on his pillow
” sweet dream
” you too sir…….. sweetheart
he chuckled.
mmmmm I have a feeling ohhh,Ryan, Ryan how many times did I call you. So you are not smart.

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