AWKWARD NURSE : Season 3 Episode 21 – The End

Episode 28

” Ryan
he looked at me for a while and hugged me deeply.
“Anna are you ok now?
“how was the surgery?
“it was fine
” Ok is Clara outside?” he asked looking out
“Ryan Clara left.
“she left Ryan…. we both can’t stay here together. It is risky
” why didn’t she tell me?
“Ryan i am sure she can explain.

We both sat down
“Anna what do I do?
“Ryan, l will bring Clara back to you. I am still Anna and a.g.h.c is under me . Clara helped me a lot and I want to help her too. I really want to.
I hugged him tight

I strolled into a.g.h.c, i have an immediate meeting with most of my hot brains. I rushed up to my office. Rachel had arrived early as usual, she opened the door and I walked in. They were already waiting for me just like I planned. i took my sit and looked on their faces. Here present was Chris, Jake, Ethan, Kang, Rachel, Henry. Most of them are just my boys from the research department. I always prefer to hold this kind of meeting before a board meeting.
“madam, what Is the meeting about?”Chris asked.
” I want to break off my marriage to Ryan. Can this happen without affecting the peaceful merger?”i asked
“that’s very impossible madam. This merger is not an ordinary one, it was founded on your marriage to Ryan so ,no marriage no merger.” Henry said.
“then i will end this merger ,what is the worst that can happen?” i asked again.
” madam if you break off this merger now obviously without Mr Grande’s consent , it will cause a huge dispute between the two families and secondly you will meet a huge loss”Chris said.
“how so?
Chris handed me a file
” madam you signed 5 hospitals to R.D from a.g.h.c’s money and we can only make it back and make more if we stand in this merger but if you break off this merger R.D will gain and a.g.h.c will lose a huge amount . This might cause disputes.
” but I can’t marry Ryan
“then Daniella can marry him
“any Grande female can marry Ryan as long as the person had enough shares just like Ella, her mum’s shares have been added to hers
“how I wish Clara is my sister then this issue will end peacefully but since she is not I am breaking of the merger myself” I said


” Yes start the procedures fast
“madam this is not as easy….
“start the procedure!

i stood up. Clara thank you so much.

I ran into Ethan and almost fell then I recognized him as Diana’s boyfriend mostly because of my stay in Clara’s house.I need to thank him for saving Clara and changing the blood test result

“Ethan I just want to thank you for what you did for Clara
“it’s no biggie I have done a lot of things for Clara but which one exactly?
“the blood test , the board meeting
“madam i see you are in the mood to make jokes, Clara was not in the board meeting and the blood i tested was yours and your parents.

If Ethan didn’t know Clara was acting as Anna then he didn’t changed the text result.
” Ethan is that test result correct
“I did it 5 times ,you are Anna don’t forget yourself
“get out!
“Yes madam.

I rushed away… how can Clara have the same blood as my parents. what is going on?

I entered my car and headed home. My mum hugged me tight then my dad rushed out.

” Anna I thought you will stay with Ryan and forget me” my mum said and i hugged her tight.
I unlocked and hugged dad too then I faced my mum

” mum when everyone was doubting me and said i wasn’t Anna what gave you so much assurance that i was Anna? The assurance so strong that you trusted me.

My mum lifted my hand up for me to look into my fingers that was when I saw the star mark in between my fingers very little but pretty

“mum what is this?
“Your grandma drew it each time she gave birth” my dad said
“mum you saw this on Clara?
” who is Clara?
Anna opened her phone and showed her mum a video of her surgery.
” mom I was away for one month.
” so someone else was acting as you. No wonder I really felt it but each time I saw that finger mark I forget my doubt.” dad said
” Anna you mean I was with a stranger all this while?” mum asked
“Yes ,she is not Anna she is Clara. How can her blood match your own? How can she have the mark?
” oh my….. Aaliyah!!!!” Isabella screamed and ran away picking her car key
“isa wait” My dad said

All of us rushed into the car.

Clara’s pov

I wonder how Ryan is doing. The lights are out. My phone is dead. Right now. I am sweeping the yard. This is my mum’s favourite message to send. I swept hastily until a big black car pulled in..omg isn’t that Mr. Grande’s car.

Some guards walked out then Anna walked out with her parents. Her mum was crying. I rushed towards her forgetting that i am not Anna. I was surprised when she hugged me and just held me tight.
” are you okay madam?
she took my hand again ..she likes looking at my hand. She kissed my finger shedding tears and hugged me again I held her tight.

My mom walked out. She looked shocked

“madam , sir ” she said bowing tearfully
” why did you take my baby Hannah? Did I deserve this from you? Why did you steal Aaliyah?” Mrs Isabella shouted.

I hastily left Anna’s mother and hugged my mother

“mum what is she saying?
“no ..she’s the one who is your mother not me …not me my baby.” i hugged her tight shedding tears.
“no mum … you are my mom ,don’t mind them ” i said and Anna wiped her tears.

” no ,am not Clara. I am not your mum” she said again

Why did dad go out?

” Hannah what happened? Tell me everything I really want to know ” she said crying and we all walked in.

” actually I had a baby girl just as Aaliyah’s age. I walked in different departments of the hospital just as long as I could get more money. I was part of the team that treated Aaliyah and the way he just sent us out concluding that she was dead was so surprising. So I decided to wait for them to bury her but the didn’t.
After you left I snuck back into the place they kept Aaliyah who was presumed dead.

i was shocked that she was laughing and smiling. It didn’t occur to me then that she was killed and revived. I thought it was just a miracle so I happily left my baby and ran away with Aaliyah smiling.

I ran out of the hospital looking for the doctors as well as your husband when it dawned on me that I just left my baby there. What if this was all a plan? What if someone wanted to kidnap Aaliyah? What did i get myself into? What If my baby is not safe? I ran back to the room but i couldn’t see my child again. I looked and searched and investigated then i found out that it was all Tonia’s handiwork. I advised myself to let go. Tonia might kill me if she finds out i know her secret. Tonia is too dangerous to ask for my baby. Isabella I wanted to give you your child but what about me? Everyday I would carry her to your gate and come back home again with her. You had Anna I had no one. So I decided to bury the past and train her as my own….she is your daughter, Clara! She is your mother.

I hastily ran out of the house in tears. Anna ran after me
” Anna
“am happy you are mine, my dream came true.

She hugged me tight outside the gate when twelve cars pulled over. Anna smiled ” Granny ” she said.

A lot of guards and maids walked out with a beautiful older woman ,wealth was dripping from her. Anna hugged her tight.
” Anna I heard Kenzie is here ,where is she?
Anna pointed at me and the elder woman hugged me
“my child
I wiped my tears
“don’t worry. You won’t get hurt anymore.
bring her ” she said and the maids bowed to me. Anna held my hand and shouted mum!! dad!! Come quickly.

Isabella rushed out with my mum and Grande.

” mom ,don’t do this. Her mum just found her let them be.” Mr. Grande said
” which mum? The one who couldn’t protect her… Aaliyah is a royalty. Look at the kind of environment you left her in. Look! She might even get infected. She won’t stay here with you both. You failed in protecting her before. So it’s our turn now.

” grandma where are you taking Aaliya?

“to her house ,where she is safe. You are free to come but this time Aaliyah is mine to protect. You failed as a mother.
Come on Aaliyah. You shouldn’t even be stepping on the floor.

” wait ,wait ,all of you please wait. I will not leave my mother.. I don’t understand and I don’t want to anymore. I won’t let her go I am really going to stay with her for a very very long time.” I took my mum’s hand and walked inside.

Anna’s pov

That was so funny…Clara please make the right choice

” Briada how did you even know about this ?” My mom asked my grandmother.
oh gosh both of them can be cat and dog
“I had your house bugged people.
“mom I banned you from my house. How did you do that?” dad asked
“like I want to visit your house? Your house Is not classy for Mackenzie. She is a royalty and she must be in a royal paradise.
” then I will build one for her. Why are you dragging my child with me?” my mom asked.

I shouted on top of my voice

” mum!! Dad!! granny!!! silence!! it’s been many years. Can’t you stop this quarrels? The girl we came to carry just denounced us !! Let’s go home!! I wonder who will unite you guys ,am out.

I entered one of my granny’s car and took off. I called Chris
” madam
“don’t touch the merger
I smiled
“miss Grande the second will marry Ryan
“seeing is believing.

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