Written by Àñgél Louis

? Chapter 37 ?

~~~~~ The Kids ~~~~~

At lunch break, the kids sat close to each other eating their delicacies as usual.

“Guys..” Noel started, chewing on his pancakes.

“What if we get back and Meet Alicia there again?”

His sudden question took his sisters aback as they paused amidst eating.

“I don’t expect to see her when we get back home . Dad better do something about that” Janietta retorted.

“Understand the probability of a question Janietta. I said ~what if~?” Noel stressed more.

“If we go back to see her still around, then we’ll do what we do best. We’ll find a way to frustrate her like we did this morning.

She hasn’t gotten the message we’re trying to pass” Janietta stated matter of factly.

“What is she even doing at our place? I don’t like her. Besides I miss Anna. Why isn’t she back yet?”

Kayla complained bitterly.

“I’m beginning to think all this was planned up. I don’t see a reason why the so called Alicia would have to come around when Rosiana is away. What is she up to?” Janietta frowned hard.

“Wherever Anna is, she has to come back. She has to come back and stop whatever Alicia is hatching on dad” Noel stated clearly.

“What if we put a call through?” Kayla suggested.

“Great idea Kay. But we don’t have her contact do we?”
Noel asked..

“Don’t act dumb Noel. You can find a way to get it from dad’s phone.” Janietta rolled her eyes at him.

“Why me? Why not you?” He arched a brow at his sister.

“That’s because you’re closer to dad’s stuff. Plus, you’re smart.

You can do it without getting caught… C’mon Noel do I have to spell it out to your face??

Cause deep down I know you know what I mean”

“I know… Sure I do” Noel smirked hard.
“So, when do I get to carry out this assignment??”

“Tonight… We’ll put a call through tonight. She has to come back ASAP!”

**** Evening ********


I busied myself in the sinc washing out the used up plates humming alongside when my phone suddenly rang out.

I stared closely from where I stood at the caller’s ID and a frown stretched on my face.

As usual, I ignored the call. It’s Mike!

Doesn’t he get tired of calling?

I’ve intentionally missed his calls for the past three days and he still can’t get the message. What does he want?

I huffed out with an eye roll. Watching the tone ring out endlessly and then stopped.

I knew after the first call, he’d still call back… And not so suprising, the call came again.

I sighed out tiredly. He won’t stop calling, it’s best I pick up and listen to whatever he’s got to say. Who knows, maybe it’s important.

I wiped my hand dry with a hand-towel before picking up the phone.

? Good afternoon Mike.

~ I greeted, sounding close to exhaustion~

? Finally! Ana you picked!

~ he stressed out a sigh of relief… I could sense a bite of happiness in his voice~

? Hallelujah… ~i mumbled within me~

? You got me really worried yunno. I’ve been to your place twice now and didn’t see you.

I thought you were Faraway from the neighborhood when I met another lady at David’s place. I was beginning to think she’s his new Nanny and it scared me sh•tless!

~he ranted out `
? I’m still around. And…. Wait a minute, what do you mean by David’s new Nanny? Did you meet in there?

* I asked. My heart skipped all of a sudden*

? Yeah. Today made it twice I saw her there in your absence. So I had thought David hired a New Nanny..

* Now I’m beginning to get confused. What is he saying? It’s getting mixed up here.

What the he..ll would a lady be doing at David’s place? In my absence??

Who is she???**

? Uhm… Mike.. eeerm.. do you have any idea what this lady name is? The presumed nanny?

** I tried to ask in a calm way. Cause deep down. My heart was slowly racing nervously**

? Aliha… Or whatever.. I …

? Alicia? Alicia you mean??

? Yes. Alicia. The blonde lady. You know her?

? Y-y-yeah… Yeah I do . Thanks Mike for this information. I’ll call back later I’m busy right now.

? What? But Ana you—


I cut the call almost immediately, not giving him room to finish whatever he had to say.. I didn’t want to hear. Cause right now, I could feel my heart summer saulting within me.

I can’t imagine what that lady would be doing at David’s place in my absence?
Was she waiting for me to leave first?

And why would David even let her in the first place? Didn’t he know such act would hurt my feelings??

What if Alicia is sleeping over??
Nah! I wouldn’t want to think so… I don’t want to freak out!

I shut my thoughts from wandering about.

I don’t want to jump into baseless conclusions..


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