BELIEVE: Episode 31 – The End of Season 1

[the girl he never noticed?]
settings; Nigerian-Drama?.
Episode 32????
I became lost without knowing it..
Just 3hours; I hastily comport myself.
“do you sing?”he asked again and tried looking in my eyes,
I turned away so he won’t get a clear sight… I don’t know what he did to me,am always scared to even look in his eyes,maybe because of the sparkles i usually feel.
what if he is mistskening me for someone else?…
I could recollect vividly that he is curious about finding a girl,I even promised to help him find the girl….
obviously am i not and am not the Ife he is looking for.
Am ugly,nothing is attractive about my face.
The Ife he is looking for might be Ifeoma,Ifeyinwa or even Ifechukwu..
the person must be verrrrry pretty in reality and of course with a voice of 2000 fallen angels,
a voice more melodious than mine.
Not like am planning for him to be mine,not like I want him as my boyfriend… it is impossible and even if it is,I don’t want a boyfriend cos i fear guys,i always feel like every guys will end up like my father and that’s why I always dress decently and i never for once tried to get Lotanna to like me….even at the palace I always avoid him,the only time I show up is whenever he needs help.
I like him innocently as a prince, every girls dream of him and his twin brother…
maybe,just maybe am only created to admire his handsomeness..
what do I even have to boost of??
I don’t have anything and i don’t dream of something big neither do I BELIEVE.All I want is to be okay with failing and am thankful for all of it, most importantly the breath of life.
I know he is the reason why princess Akuna always threaten and pick on me,she thinks am the girl Lotanna is looking for and she already pledge death for whosoever the girl is…
waoow…if she can frame up her fellow lady for crushing on he ex boyfriend then who am I to her??????
An ordinary maid…
she can even kill me without anyone’s consent,my fate is in her hands…
Aaaaah Adeife,your life is so pathetic I wish you could rewrite your destiny.
“I just asked a question”,
Lotanna snapped.
I Jolt out of my thoughts.
“no no,I don’t sing” I replied plainly.
Onome will bath me hot water and lock me up without food if I tell him I sing…
she won’t allow me see the world again,I won’t get to see ngozi too.
“You don’t sing….” he said,
our eyes met, we stared like that into each others eyeballs.
I hastily look away so I won’t get carried away with sparkles.
why is he suddenly staring at me like he knows am lying????
“is that the truth?”he asked.
“yes” I nodded in agreement.
“gosh, am mistaken hunnn” he said.. and brought out a tiny needle like metal with red ink inside.
that thing is used in drawing tatoo, what is he doing with it?.
“is that the truth?” he asked again.
“yes” I said..
“are you lying to me?” he asked in his perfect way of speaking.
I stayed quiet.
“should I take your quietness as a yes?” he asked..
“no..I usually don’t sing” I said.
“then give me your hands” he said.
I got scared.
Next,I look around.
“for what,my prince?” I asked.
“if you know you don’t sing,give me your two hands” he said..
my fear started cooking up as I gave him my both hands.
did he want to play on my intelligence or he wants to underestimate my smartness????
no words*no speech as he held my both hands tenderly and look into them…..
finally he left my left hand and used the tiny needle like metal to pierce my skin.
“Lotanna,it hurts!!!! I screamed.
“so you know me,interesting” he said, that was when I realized I actually screamed his name.
“do you sing?” he asked again.
“no…I didn’t” I still said…
He pierced me with the needle again, “ooooooucccchh” I whinced in pains.
“do you sing?” he asked.
I stayed quiet.
he looked me in the eyes,I used my other hand to wipe my tears.
“will you ever lie to me?” he asked.
I got stunned at his level of intelligence,so he knew I was lying.
A guard came and he hastily left my hands..
I checked what he did in my hand but couldn’t see it cause it was dark.
“my prince,the yacht is leaving”
the guard said…and left.
Lotanna turned at me,I got scared as I couldn’t interpret the meaning of what he is telling me with eyes.
one last look,he left.
I also ran to the place ngozi said we should meet.
As I got there,the substance wash off..yeah,the three hours just complete it’s cycle.
“why did you take so long?”she asked.
“sorry” I replied and changed back into my maid attire.
“thanks” I said and hurried back to the yacht.
“where were you?” Mrs okafor asked.
“I went to ur!nate” I said.
she sighed.
I followed her into the yacht quietly and tagged in with the other maids..
I checked my hand,the exact place he shook me with needle.
It was a small tatoo of crown.
waooow,I thought he was shooking me for not saying the truth but he was actually scribbling a tatoo,
he even painted it red.
I smiled…
this is the best,best birthday present I have ever had..
but he doesn’t know am the ugly maid right? what if he is mistakening me for another person?.
I still admired the crown tatoo.
Adeife use your sense, you’re dealing with a smart person.Even nkem told me the queen always says Lotanna is smart in all ways,
what if he draw this tatoo so that he can always identify me??
who knows,it might serve as a form of recognition.
why did I even give him my hand??
how many trouble will I even put myself into???
“princess Akuna calls for all the maids” Sharon said.
we all entered her room in the yacht and stayed on a straight line with our heads down.
“you all should look at me” she said, we looked at her.
I admired her.
she looked so pretty in the white robe she wore,her waist chains are pure gold and her wrist was adorned with numerous bangles,likewise her hair, just so attractive.
“you all saw the princess that came today-Princess Ife ~~
she paused and we look at each other.
? yes ma’am
? I saw her..
? they named her purity
? she’s pretty…
? I gave her gifts..
we replied,consecutively,
she made a jealous look.
“who knows her whereabout?”
she asked,
we kept quiet and that made her got so worried.
“you all can go to b.ed except you”
she pointed at me,
the rest left.
Aaaaah,did I offend her?
she scoffed and returned to bed looking so scary and mean.
I watched her lay on the bed,flaunting her sexy figure.
“what did Lotanna tell you after he saved you in the sea?” she asked.
“nothing…he didn’t speak to me”
I said..
“did your stupid self told him I pushed you?” she asked.
“no,my stupid self told him I fell on my own accord” I replied.
“better” she rolled her eyeballs.
“pick that handfan,I need fresh air” she said..
sooooo harsh and unkind.
I sighed as I picked the hand fan.
next morning…
nkem’s p.o.v…
the girl that appeared during yesterday’s night party reminds me of how Adeife dress to Akuna’s party.
just so pretty and curvy of course.
my guess was right,
she is Adeife and I know ngozi is behind her stunning transformation.
she deserves it,
she has suffered too much…
but deep down,I know that her ugliness is not natural,something must be wrong somewhere..that is her own battle for her alone to fight.
All I know is that one day,
she will be what she is.
she came from poverty but she never wake up with the mindset of becoming something big,she always thinks she doesn’t deserve it.
if and only if she can believe in all that can be.
soon,the yacht stopped.
finally we are back to our kingdom.
I moved out from my place in the yacht and passed Akuna’s door,I decided to check through the transparent lid on the door.
she’s still sleeping,Adeife was standing beside her bed with an handfan.
does this mean she didn’t sleep??
Akuna must be really wicked for making the poor girl fan her all through the night.
“Akunaaa!!! I shouted her name from where I was at the entrance,
she rolled on her bed.
“who is that one disturbing me this early morning?”she muttred.
“Akuna how can you be so cruel?” I asked as I entered.
“cruel as in how?”she asked,perfunctorily.
I collected the fan from Ife and fling it away, next I took her out.
“thank you nkem” Ife said and dlipprf her hand away in a polite manner.
“you didn’t sleep…how are you comfortable watching someone sleep and you’re even fanning her” I said..
“it’s nothing,I already know how to endure pains”she replied.
“can’t you tell her there is free moving fresh air?” I asked..
“I wanted to tell her but then I remembered she’s a princess and besides she is prince Lotanna’s girlfriend…even if am right,the queen will still take sides with her” she replied with an explanatory expression.
“you know how to endure pains” I crackled.
“here is still better than life with my stepmother, she usually give me fresh marks everyday” she said.
“everything will be okay” I said..
she nodded..
she joined other maids in packing our belongings out of the yacht.
?Queen’s p.o.v?[golden palace]
whosoever find the pendant among my two sons have successfully passed the test of “perseverance and self control” and at the same time, am scared the both of them might not find if because the place i instructed ikechukwu to hide it is a bit distant from the party arena…
They could get carried away by many things in the party;
in the party,there are tempting ladies, seductive ladies and many fansy things that can cut their ties with the search…I bet if one of then will find it.
ikechukwu entered the throne room not quiet long with the news of the prince arrival.
“I think one of them found the pendant” he said.
I got happy and proceed to the prince empire…
I checked Jiddenna’s room first..
“did you find the pendant?” I asked..
“nooo,how will you expect me to search for a tiny pendant when there are so many fun to have at the party-
I didn’t search for a pendant neither did i see a pendant,
I only saw a pretty girl i would love to marry” he said.
“umm okay” I said and left.
next to Lotanna’s room.
He wasn’t in the living room,I proceeded to his bedroom door and entered since the door wasn’t locked.
he was lying on the b.ed,his laptop was halfly opened,
he must have abandoned it before sleeping…
I went closer and tucked the silky gold trimmed duvet on him..
why is he soo hot????
he opened his eyes the moment I touched him.
“why so hot?” I asked.
“that’s your pendant” he replied another thing.I turned,and picked the pendant…..
so he didn’t get carried away by the fun in the party.
I still moved close to him and stroke his hair…
“obim(my heart)” I called and traced his brows with my fingers.
“mother” he whispered.
“should I sing for you?” I asked.
“nooo” he said.
“you look sick,did you expose yourself to cold conditions? remember you have allergies” I said.
“I jumped into the sea in order to safe someone, damn it the sea was as cold as a deep freezer” he said.
did he just said he safed someone?
how kind—–
“Obim(make a wish).. I will do it for you” I said..
“sooner or later,I will tell you what I want but firstly, remove Akuna from my life,she is not worth it” he said in sleep.
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