Benefits of Avocado seed Tea

Never throw away your Avocado seeds any more ?.

Health Benefits of Avocado Seed Tea No doubt, the Avocado is a very healthy fruit with many healthbenefits. As I have earlier mentioned, 90% of the actual benefit lies in the seed and not the fruit meat. These proven facts can help you to get rid of many vitamin supplements by simply drinking the tea.

The seed contains more than 75% the benefits derived from eating the flesh alone. It is a concentration super house of nutrients. Check out the benefits below.

Contains anti-inflammatory properties to fight various inflammations and diseases in the body.

It stabilises blood sugar

Reduces blood pressure

Relieves stomach pains and troubles

Releases body tension to aid sleep

Boosts body immune system and so much more…

Benefits heart disease patients.

Researchers also suggested that avocado seeds could offer protection against arterial plaque formation. The dietary fiber found in avocado seeds is linked with lower cholesterol. The fiber will bind to the cholesterol in the intestinal tract and prevent it from being absorbed.

Preparation :
Get your Avocado seeds

Grate it with kitchen grater

Dry in the sun or microwave till dry.

Take one table spoon of dried avocado powder and boil in a cup of water for 5mins.

Sieve into a cup, add 1tsp of honey to sweeten (optional).


Now you know what to do with your Avocado seed, what are you waiting for?