BETROTHED : Episode 11 – 20


???She has supernatural powers???

????????Episode 13

Feet together!




I rolled my eyes. Obviously, everyone knows it’s me because she was staring at me.

I got into the ballroom dancing frame.

“Arms higher!” Bex shouted in my ear, while slapping my left arm.

I tried not to whimper from her hard slap.

“Feet together!” Bex shouted again. I swear I’m going to go deaf.

“Stand straighter!” She said and poked my back. That is

something that hugged the hell out of me.

I got out of position and crossed my arms.

I gave her a look, “I can’t take it anymore! I am standing straight

already. I am already holding my arm high enough. My feet are

already apart! If you’re going to teach, would you mind keep you

hands to yourself? And find someone else who would let you bitch

slap them!” I said to her, loudly.

If smoke could come out of her ears, they would.

“And by the way, I QUIT YOUR STUPID CLASS!” I said and

stomped out of the room. Great, I’m probably going to be in trouble

and I got a slap, a poke and a bruise on my knee already. I’m

surprised why I didn’t quit earlier.

“Vanessa!” someone shouted. I didn’t look back until someone

touched my arm – James.

“Oh, hi?” I asked. He grinned.

“Hi,” he said.

“Don’t you just hate ballroom dancing class?” I blurted out. I covered my mouth and blushed.

He chuckled, “The teacher? Sorta?”

I rolled my eyes.

“But ballroom dancing, the dance is a lot if fun!” He said.

“I doubted!” I said and rolled my eyes again.

“No, I’m not kidding!” He said and smiled, “Let me show you.”

Before I could say anything, he pulled my hand and led me down

the hall. He tugged me to another ballroom dance room.

I gasped; this room was so big, and beautiful.

“How much ballroom dance room do you guys have?”


“Ok, ready? I’m going to teach you have to dance and how to
love it.”

I have to smile, at least someone kinder can teach me.

“Lets get into position.” I got into position.

“You know you remind me of when I was younger. I used to trip

all over myself.” He said and laughed at himself.

I laughed, “I’m probably worst.”

“Not really.” He said and laughed again.

“Ok, so what dance do you want to learn first?”


“Ok, the dance moves are back, back, back, side, together. Give

it a try.” he said.

“Back,” I moved one feet back, “Back,” I moved the other leg

back, “Back,” I moved my other foot back “Now, side, together.” I

moved my second leg to my left and brought my right feet together.

“Correct?” I asked, eager. There was a part of me that said I did it right.


I squealed, “I DID IT!! I DID IT, I DID IT!” I absently threw myself onto James and hugged him.

“I’m so proud of myself!” I said and grinned like cr@zy. Wow, it feels good to do something right.


“You’re welcome.” he said. I pulled myself away from him and
blushed a little.

“Ok, now try to do it faster, but without tripping over yourself.”

I punched him lightly on the chest and got back to position.

“Back, back, back, side, together!” I said aloud and I did a little happy dance.

“Ok, let me teach you the rest of it. Ok, you do it twice and on the

third one, you do, back, back, take a step and rock your body,

another step rock your body, and then side together.” he said.

“Back, back, take a step rock, rock, take a step rock, rock, and

side together.” I said.

“You did it.”

Feels good to do something right

Yeah, enjoy it and REMEMBER it

“Ok, since you know the steps, the beat is, T – A – (N – G – O).

You’re still moving on the ‘O’, if you don’t then you did something wrong.” he said.

I nodded eagerly.

“Ready to practice?” he said.

“Yeah!” I squealed.

“May you dance with me for the night, my lady?” he said with a

thick British accent. I giggled, it remind me of those r0mance and

classic movie. He bowed and expanded his hand for me to accept him.

“Yes,” I said, grinning. He took my hand and gave it a light kss

before we got into position. I blushed.

We got into the dance frame and the music started.

“A 1, a 2, a 1, 2, ready 3.” he said.

Back, back, back, side, together, pause, back, back, back, side,

together, pause, back, back, take a step rock, rock, take a step rock,

rock, side together, pause, back, back, take a step rock, rock, take a

step rock, rock, side together. . .

The music came to an end and I grinned.

I like this!

He continued to teach me the dance move until we got the whole thing correct.

I grinned skipping down the hall into the kitchen.

“I’m starving!” I grinned, looking behind me.

“Let’s grab something.” he said and we looking around the

“Wait, there’s going to be not rats or insects in her, right?” I asked

looking around.

“No, you won’t EVER see a single one of them.” he said.

“Can I have a parfait?” James asked one of the chief.

“What do you want?” James asked me.


said shouted over James’s shoulder.

I walked out of the kitchen and sat down at the dining table.

“So which dance you like best?” I asked him.

The maiden pasted out the forks and spoon.

“The rumba!” he said.

“Well, my is the tango.”

“Are you just saying that because you don’t know the other

dances?” he said, smirking.

I laughed and said, “Yeah,”

He shook his hand and smiled.

“Which of the dances did you learn first?” I asked.

“The merengue.”

“You got to teach me those dance moves next time.” I said.

“Sure.” he said and smirked.

Then, there was an awkward silence, until, he broke the silence.

“Oh, I forgot something!” James said jumping up from his seat,

“How can I forget!”

“What?!” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

“Wait, just hold on, I will be right back, ok?” he said and running out of the dining room.

A moment he return hiding his hand behind his back.

“Is it a surprise?” I giggled.

“Yeah,” he said, “Ok, close your eyes. No peeking.”

I closed my eyes and can’t help, but grin a little.

I heard a bag rustling and a bow opening.

“Done?” I asked, impatiently.

“Almost and don’t peek.” he said.

I could feel someone behind me and leaning foreword. The heat

of James heat near my body was making my heart beat. I could feel

something cool and smooth going around my neck. I could hear a

little clasp from a claspers.

“Open your eyes now.” he said. My hand flew to my neck and I

looked down. I gasped, it was simple and beautiful necklace, it has the letter V on it.

“It’s really simple and I didn’t really know what to get you, like,

you know.” James said and scratched his neck.

I grinned and said, “I love the necklace, it’s beautiful.”

“Oh,” he said and blushed a little.

The parfaits came and James took a seat.

“Let’s dig in!” I said and started eating.

“Mmmmh,” It’s really good.

“Oh, yeah, James, you’re hired as my ballroom dancing teacher

and Bex is FIRED!” I said, smiling.

James chuckled, “$100 for an hour!”

I gasped, “An hour? Than, I quit!” We both laughed.

“GIRLS AND BOYS!” Mrs. Cohen said, walking into the dining

room with Jason and Jen behind her. The 4 inch high heel created a

high pitch click, clock on the marble floor.

Jason and Jen took a seat and groaned a little. I looked at Jason

to see what was wrong and right away, he looked at my neck. His

eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his socket and his eye

looked at my finger quickly.

Mrs. Cohen clapped her hand loudly and smiled her thousand

dollar smile.

“Ok, I got good news.” she said in her super high pitch voice, “I

thought that the Night of Engagement for Jason and Vanessa should

be pushed to an early day.”

All of the eyes flew to Jason and me.

Still eating my parfait, I can feel the piece of fruit that I was

chewing in my mouth getting stuck in the middle of throat and my

eyes widened. I choked on the fruit and coughed, while Jason

cleared his throat, sounding very uncertain.

“It’s everything ok?” Mrs. Cohen asked, like she doesn’t see the

problem. She looked at me and sighed, “I know I am pushing you to

the limit, – arrange marriage, ballroom dancing and making the Night

of the Engagement early – but everything is going to be perfectly fine,

ok darling?”

I reluctantly nodded and smiled like everything was perfectly fine too.

She turned to Jason and said, “And Jason, it’s not that bad, ok?

Just trust me, ok?”

Jason just raised both of his eyebrows and shrugged.

“And as for Jennifer and James, I will start thinking about your

wedding.” Mrs. Cohen said dreamily and smiled. She sighed,

clasping her hand.

“Ok, now darling, go back to what you were doing, ok? Oh, by the

way, that was the good news.” she said.

Before she walking out, she turned and looked at me.

“Vanessa, come to my room, please.”

I sighed.

Oh, boy!

It’s not going to be bad . . . I think Layla said.

Yeeep I said sarcastically.

And pushing the Night of the Engagement is not going to be
that bad

It will be pretty bad I sighed.

No, he is your mate and your going to love him, I

promise Layla promised.

I got up and followed Mrs. Cohen upstairs.

“Sit, darling.” Mrs. Cohen said, when I was in her office. I sat on

one of the chairs and I fold my hands together, I squeezed them

really tight together.

“Vanessa, I know you are having some difficulties with Jason, so I

decided that I am going to push you and Jason together, like, more

together.” Mrs. Cohen said. I stared at her, really confused, how did

she know about me and Jason not being so close together? I have to give her credit for knowing it.

“So how are you going to do that?” I asked. I squeezed my hands tighter.

Mrs. Cohen giggled and sighed, “Like what they do in modern

days. Go on a date.”

“A date?” I asked.

“Yeah, a date.”


“Anywhere you and him want to go. I am going to let you decide.”

Mrs. Cohen said.

I hold in a sigh and an eye – roll.

“And don’t worry, you’re going to love him.” she grinned.

That’s what EVERYONE says

“Ok, that’s it for today.” Mrs. Cohen said, “Oh, yeah, the date is

tomorrow, so wear something nice and don’t worry, Valerie, Sunny,

Vicky and Beth is going to help you. Ok, bye darling.”

I got up and rolled my eyes when my back is to her. I got out of the office and I sighed.


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