(Search for Love?)

Written by: Authoress Ricky

?? Episode Nine??
Listen to: Sucker by Jonas brother while reading this episode and thank me later?.


This party sucks as h.ell, I remembered when I will go clubbing with Cassie and we will dance the h.ell out of us and fl!rt with guys older than us but here am sitting in the midst of strangers and ugly people.

I left the place to get myself a drink before I notice another circle formed in a corner.
I walk closer and saw the four brothers including Zeke sitting with a little btch I guess who was all over him but he wasn’t paying more of an attention.

When they saw me, Jackson signal for me to come sit beside him and I did.
“Are you drinking that”he pointed to the glass of juice I was holding simply because I don’t want to get drunk and someone taking advantage of me.

“Yeah sure because this party sucks”I raise my voice since the sound of the music was so loud.
“Who is this”the girl sitting on Zeke lap turn her head towards me.
“Am Camila and you?”I replied politely even though I don’t know why I had the urge to go pull her away from Zeke.

Zeke!??? again why are you on my head and mind?.

“Amelia but just call me Mia bitch”she replied me but rudely so I ignore her and face Jackson back.
“I didn’t see you during the exam time”she continued.

What wrong with this girl.

“Because I don’t want to be there I already plan things ahead my Dad is fking rich that I don’t even need to be here” that was all in my head I didn’t say it out.

“I came late”I lied and she stare at me for a while before going back to eating Zeke face and I nearly had the urge to sl@p her again.
“Let play a game”Zack screamed and before I knew it some people started coming to our sit to Join the table and even Cassie was there.

I wave and smile at her and she returned it but when I notice Andrew the happiness in me die down. He is with the same girl that he was kssing again.

“Truth or Dare”
“Am not interested”I quickly say and everyone head to turn to me. I hate been noticed now that am in disguise.
“Why?”that Jackson asking me.
“I don’t like been dared to do what I don’t want to do”I replied.

“You can just take a shot if you don’t”Andrew said and I roll my eye before looking back at the rest.
“Let do it”Cassie said giving me a deadly glare and I roll it.

“I will start”Zoey said.
“Mia Truth or Dare”he asked.
“Kss me”he smirk and Jackson chuckled before wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

I noticed Zeke eye was on us but I just ignore it. I hate that guy with passion ?.

Mia kss Zoey and I roll my eye. She just kssed two guys I mean brothers in my front definitely she has no shame.

It Mia turn…..” Camila truth or dare” this girl must be joking, why does she have to call my name.
“Truth”I replied plainly.
“Are you a vrgin”She smirk at me and I notice everyone attention were on me.

It would feel stupid if I say yes when it obvious they are all expecting a No!.
“I go for dare”I replied and I notice Cassie smirk at me and I roll my eye.

“That was a simple question Camila”She fired back. “I said I want a dare or I quit”I replied.
“Wow….I dare you to make out with Jackson”She smirk.

I know this game is just letting you do what you don’t want to do or saying what you don’t want to say.

I pick up a shot and surge it down my throat, it burn my throat and I end up displaying my mouth in disgust.

“Sick”She muttered.
It my turn!??? who should I pick?.

“My chance”
“Andrew truth or dare”I asked.
“Dare baby”he seems so sure of himself.
“I dare you to pull of your pants”I chuckled at my own dare.

The people gasped and he now look embarrassed, payback time??. But my eye went wide open when he stood up and start unbuckling his belt.

“Stop”I yelled immediately he was about to pull it off and I notice Zeke smirked.
Andrew turn…… went off like that till it got to Zeke.

“Zeke truth or dare”it was Cassie turn.
“Wow he is acting all Innocent”I muttered and roll my eye.

“Do you hate him that much”Jackson asked and I realized he must have been hearing me cuss at his own brother.

“No”I replied shyly.
“Who do you find pretty here on the table and simply can’t get your eye off her”Cassie asks and my gaze turn from Jack to Zeke and found him already staring at me.

Does he found me attractive even with my Disguise!?????.
“Mia”he smirk at me and I roll my eye.
“Idio0t”I cuss again his eye widened probably because he can read my lips and heard what I say but soon enough he turn to a smile.

Zeke smile? Have never seen him smile, his face are always hard as fk.
I put my thought somewhere and get up from the now boring game and went to get myself a drink but this time I need a Vodka.

I can’t take it anymore, seeing Andrew change into a different person, Zeke stupid glares and Cassie annoying smirk.

I surge down the shot again and went for another one. When I had almost Like five the bartender stop giving me and I scoff before walking away.

My head was spinning badly and I was so tips or drunk probably. This is my first time drinking something this high. I attend party but I never drink.

I made my way through the crowd and also moving away from guys who want to take advantage of me till I got to four guys again.

I can see them but my head is spinning until my gaze landed on Andrew kssing another girl again.

“You son of a b@stard”I cuss and walk close and gave him a hot sl@p that even made my hand sting. The other gasped at my action.

“”he cuss too.
“You son of a bastard”I kept hitting him but I know everyone would see me as a cr@zy person.
“Are you cr@zy”he push me away and I fell on my b.utt on the floor but I stood up again and started hitting him.

I know everyone must think am crazy or drunk but I really wish I could kick his balls right now and I definitely did because he groaned.

“You fking kss someone else again and I will cut it off”I yelled and people attention were now on us.

Before I could hit him again, I felt someone lift me from my ground an his hand on my b.utt!!! as he carried me away from the crowd even though I kept struggling to free myself.

“Are you going to take advantage of me”I screamed.
“Something like that”his deep masculine replied.


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