By Naomi Cindy B.


She walked back in grudgingly, and she settled on the couch, but her phone began ringing immediately.

It’s Lina.

“Lina? What’s up?” She picked.

“Boss! Check Purple Cass’s IG update” Lina replied.


“Just check, boss…

“Fine!” She snapped and went to IG to check.

Her eyes widened when she saw her post.

? Outing with Limited Mell tonight at Red Roses pub, I’m looking forward to spending a lotta time with the boyfriend of Paris!

She even tagged Maxwell, and Jemima spranged up.

So this is where he went???


Before she could say another word, she got a brainstorm of something, and her eyes widened.

This ain’t ending well seriously…

She ran upstairs to change before rushing out of the house.



Cypress came out of her car outside the small building, and she inhaled before removing her face cap.

“Gosh! I should have towed this car but the fact that it belongs to my late dad” she complained and walked into the restaurant to meet Oliver waiting at the second table.

“Hey!” He waved, and she winked before walking to him.

“You should have invited me to a bar instead” she said.

“Shhh” he replied, and she laughed as he gave her the menu to order what she wants.

“I’m so happy tonight, so I’mma have one steak and…

“And juice please” Oliver interrupted, and she frowned.

“I wanted wine” she said.

“I knew you were gonna order alcoholic, and I’m not ready to run again” he replied, and she laughed as the server left.

“So… Congratulations” he said.

“Why?” She asked in her boyish tone.

“Your bro is becoming rich, you’ll soon stop working at the store” he replied, and she smiled.

“It’s something to be proud about for sure”

“Of course, you should start getting ready to dump your jalopy car” he replied, and they laughed as their orders arrived.

They were about to start eating when a spotlight suddenly came on in the middle of the resturant, trapping a lady.

She stood still, and a romantic song began playing as a guy entered the resturant with a bouquet and a ring box.

He went on a knee in front of her, and she gasped shockingly.

“Ok it’s a proposal” Oliver said.

“Whoa! Say yes!” Cypress shouted.

“Let him talk first, thug” Oliver laughed as the guy began proposing.

“I’m just impatient, I love proposals” Cypress laughed.

The guy finally ended the proposal, and he stood to hug her.




Everyone in the resturant started chanting, and the guy kssed the girl immediately, making them scream.

“Fk! So sweet!” Cypress clapped.

“Have you ever kssed?” Oliver suddenly asked beside her, and she faced him swiftly.

“Me? Kss? I haven’t…

She stopped talking suddenly, and she narrowed her eyes before grabbing her head as a memory slipped back into her brain.

The memories of the night she got drunk and made Oliver chase her. How she fell and he fell on her, the kss!

Her eyes widened madly, and she laughed dementedly, facing him slowly.

“We….we kssed? We did…what!” She shouted, grabbing her car keys from the table.

“Cypress wait…

Oliver made to hold her, but she started running out.

She bumped into a table and fell.

“Cypress!” Oliver ran to her, but she stood before he could get to her and ran out of the resturant.


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