BUT HE NEVER NOTICED: Chapter 11 To 20

?But he never noticed ?

Written by Bella writes ???

Chapter 17 ??????

“Why did you bring her looking like that?”Stella yelled at me

After every one had seen Alexia,Stella had pulled me off to her father study to talk with me.

“I pitied her”I replied

“This is not how we plan to take our revenge Dave”She said

“I know”

“Then what the he..ll are you doing ?”

“She likes him”I said

“Likes who?”

“She likes Nick or better yet, She is in love with him and that’s a upper hand for us”I replied

“That girl really is some thing, Does she think a guy like Nick can like her”Stella asked

“Knowing Nick,I doubt if he would ever see her as more than a friend,So your job here is to make sure Nick becomes yours”

“I already have that up for my sleeve but you? Isn’t it worst knowing that that girl is in love with Nick”

“I know and that’s why am pretending to help her but what you are going to do tonight will shatter her and that will make her open up to me”

“I like that! She will really be a mess when she sees what I have in store for the party”

“I just hope that you do it right”

“And I hope that you will do it right too,I don’t want you falling for her and ruining the whole plan” She said

“When it comes to keeping my promise,You can trust me”I said and she gave me a smile before leaving the room

Why do I think that I wouldn’t be able to keep this promise? I thought as I let my troubling thoughts out

This deal with Stella had been going on well until today,Why did I feel my heart beating fast when I saw her in the boutique,Why did I feel proud when I walked into the party with her

When I told Stella that it was just pity I felt why did I feel that I just said a lie.

I went out of the study and back into the party and the first thing I saw was Alexia in Nick arms and they were dancing

I felt very angry seeing her in Nick arms and I knew then and there that whatever I felt for Alexia is some thing very very strong.

Have never once been the centre of attraction but being one today made me feel happy

This is the feeling Stella always feel whenever a lot of guys stare at her,Being the spot light for once made it all feel like magic

A magic I knew for sure would be broken but it doesn’t matter right!

Tonight will only be the night I get to look this pretty, So why not enjoy myself.

I was wondering where Dave could be when suddenly some one held my hand

I turned and saw Nick behind me,Ever since I came in with Dave,He has been doing his best to avoid me or was it justy imagination,I thought.

“Let’s dance” He said and before I could pull away,He drew me to the dance floor and at that same time the music change to a slow beautiful song

Nick pulled me into his arms and at first i was surprised by the contact with his body but gradually I began to let go and just be in his arms

He didn’t say anything but I knew that he wanted to say some thing, It was why he brought me to the dance floor

“Say what ever you have to say”I said to him

“You know me really well,don’t you?”He asked being caught that he only wanted to ask me a question

“Why? Why did you have to do all this with Dave?”He asked

To make you see me? To make you jealous and to make you fall for me, Those are the answers I would have like to give but I stopped myself

“Because I had no dress for the party and he took me to a boutique and they made me look pretty”I replied

“Is some thing going on between you and Dave?” He asked

“Of course not! Where did you get that idea”

“Because you refused to come to the party but when he asked, You said yes and was here with him”

“Believe me when I say this Nick,There is nothing going on between Dave and I”I assured him

“That’s good to hear”He replied

“Why is it good to hear?”I asked

“Dave is nothing but a trouble some guy and he hates me,Knowing that you are some one I care for,He might be getting close to you just to get back at me”He said

“So You are saying Dave only got close to me because he hates you”I asked getting pissed already

“Yes,So just…….”

“Let go of me Nick”I said


“I said you should let me go,I don’t feel like dancing”I said and he let me go

“You really know how to ruin some one self esteem”I said and left him standing there.

He thinks that Dave is only around me because he hates him!

Can’t Dave think of me as some one attractive and follow me around for it.

I went along with Dave idea just to get Nick to notice me but the only thing he noticed was that No one could like me because he has it in his darn head that there they are only getting close to me because of his popularity

I was heading outside when I felt some one pull my hand,I turned and saw Dave behind me

“Where are you going?”he asked

“Home,I want to leave”I said

“But why? What happened?” He asked starring down at me

“It’s nothing,I just want to leave”I said

“But we can’t,At least not yet,The party is about to end, So why not just stay”He said

“Ladies and gentlemen, I know you all have been wondering why I had this party,Well your questions is about to be answered”Stella said as she stood on the podium taking every one attention,Even mine

“First of all I would like Nick to join me up here” She said and I knew that whatever she was going to say,I wouldn’t like it at all.

I saw Nick going towards her and I felt hurt seeing him.

A lady walked towards them holding a box ,Stella smiled and pulled out a necklace, one had a heart engraved on it and the other had a key engraved on it

“If you would come close Please”She said to Nick who moved towards her

She then put the necklace around his neck and asked him to do the same for her.

“What’s really happening Stella,Are you proposing or what?”Some one asked from the crowd

“Do you remember the question you asked me not long ago” She asked and he nodded

“Well this is my response Nick, I will be your girlfriend” she said and while everyone cheered for them

I stood starring at them,Feeling so shattered and with my heart broken

“The necklace I gave to you is some thing dear to me Nick,You have the key to my heart because I love you so very much”She said again and I felt the tears threatening to come

“Say some thing Nick,Our Angel is proposing,Give her a reply”A girl yelled amongst the crowd and i knew what his answer would be even before he replied

“For me too,It’s a Yes,I accept your heart “He replied and the tears fell from my eyes unwillingly.

I didn’t notice that Dave was starring at me.

“Kss her,kss her,Kss her” The audience yelled and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to bear it if he kssed her

They moved close and their lips was about to touch when suddenly Dave pulled to me to him,Hugging me tight……..

“Don’t look at it”He whispered holding unto me and I held him back and slowly the tears fell from my eyes……..

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