BY Melody.
Liam came out to lean on his table, with his hands crossed on his broad, hard chest.
He was staring so deep and intense at the girl infront of him wondering what to say or think about her.
He was startled, at first, that she could go behind his backs to do this awful things.
He gave a tired sigh, looking at the blank tiled roof.
” First of all, what did you need my password for?” He asked and Mitchell fell her heads, saying nothing.
She couldn’t look into Liam’s eyes. Practically, he had this deep set gaze that could leave a knee trembling.
She was very scared and her lips kept trembling with no words when she tried to speak.
” You are keeping me in silence?” He raised his voice and Mitchell heaved a heavy, noticeable sigh.
” I don’t need your password.” She said bluntly and Liam crossed his tall feet together as well.
” Then, why are you trying to get it by all means?” He asked and Mitchell didn’t still shake a bone from where she was standing.
Liam got fed up with her attitude. He didn’t like being treated with deaf ears.
He left the table and walked around the office, with his hands tight in his pocket.
” I don’t want to repeat this question thrice, Mitchell. Who sent you?” He said and halted, hoping to hear her speak this time.
She only shuddered her shoulders to his words and that raised liam an alarm.
He knew she was very tough, and it wouldn’t be easy to make her speak.
He decided to be the smarty pant again.
” Give me your phone.” He ordered and Mitchell palmed her butt, snaking her hand in to her bring out the phone quickly.
” Have it.” She said and Liam collected it, swooping it carelessly in the air.
He smiled at her and Mitchell looked away from his face.
” So…Let’s do this the other way round. The easy way.” He said and Mitchell snapped her eyes close, maintaining her fiery aura.
If she could be given wishes to do so many things to this Liam guy. She would start by paralysing his senses.
Liam stepped towards her and stretched out her phone.
” Take this malfunctioning thing and dail the first caller on your list?” He said and Mitchell stung a suprise look at him.
He raised his brow at her, silently asking her if the request he asked was too big to handle.
” I should?”
” You heard me right. Do it now” He said, releasing it to drop on his table.
She knew Ray was the last person she called last night after their sweet love-making.
The thing she didn’t understand was how he knew about it.
Mitchell looked at him for a while and many awful thought began to swim around her head again.
She started to hate him, and hate him, and hate him even more that she couldn’t bare to stare at his gorgeous face.
She grabbed the phone with detest, still staring at Liam and then she returned her gaze to the screen.
She unlocked her phone and dailed the first individual number.
Liam raised his head when he heard the phone start to beep slowly.
” When he picks the call. This is what you will do. First, Tell him you found the Password and Let me hear him speak and then I’ll figure out who the real culprit is” He said.
Mitchell returned her gaze to her phone and the call was finally answered.
” Hello..” She said, stretching it to her ears.
” Hey Elle!. How’s work going?.” He said, loud and clear in the dense room.
” Fine.” She replied breathlessly, while crossing her other arm under her armpit
” So..The password?” He was quick to jump in
” I was…” She trailed off and looked at Liam who was grinning like a sweet deviI. “I was able to get the password.” She stunted
The call went spare for a second and Ray continued to talk, not hiding his inner happiness.
” Wait?!. Really. That’s so brilliant!. Send the password to me immediately after this call, okay?. It needs to get to Emperor as soon as possible.” He said.
” And what do i do afterwards?” She asked.
” Just do as i say, I’ll tell you the next option later.” He said and she cut the call instantly.
She turned to look at Liam and saw the satisfied look in his eyes. He began to step closer to her.
” Emperor?. Ray?. So you are working for them!” He hallowed and she kept sighing all the time.
He picked her phone and threw it inside his pocket.
” This phone would be on a little probation so you don’t get to communicate with those fools.” He said and Mitchell folded her hands, scoffing.
” You don’t need to ask anymore. You have seen it yourself. Just call the police so i can get arrested.” She said, rolling her eyes.
Liam laughed, tugging his front hair. He came forward and pat her head like a good kid.
” Police?. It hasn’t gotten to that. But my pvnishment wouldn’t be that easy.” He said and Mitchell glared at him.
He leaned himself to his table and folded his hands, sparing her that tense and cold looks.
” You are a big betrayal, Mitchell. Women…that’s how they are. Thank God i wasn’t as dumb and empty brained like Emperor and his side chick.” He said.
” Do you want to pvnish me or not?.” She asked, snapping her lashes hard at him.
” I want to pvnish you so badly, Mitchell. You have done the worst thing ever and Practically, you have lost my trust.” He said and she fell her shoulders tiredly.
She couldn’t believe this man. He had been here for over hours now, talking and instead of solving the terrible case at hand.
” You need pvnishment, right. You’ll have it now.” He said.
He picked out his telecom and mentioned down the cleaning attendance.
The door to his office opened and a petite woman appeared in. It was one if the hardworking old staff.
At the look of the woman’s face, she looked scared because Liam hadn’t call her without her knowing her respective duty.
Liam drawed the woman closer and crossed his arm around her shoulder.
He then turned to look Mitchell.
” We’ll move to other stages but Let’s start with something simple and very..Very humorous.” He smirked and turned to the cleaner.
” Take off your apron, give it to her quickly.” He said and the woman gave a concerned look, as well as Mitchell.
” You can give her the apron. She’s been demoted, from a PA to a cleaner.” He smirked and Mitchell gave a very wide eyes.
” What!!” She screamed out of her lungs.
” You are not legible to disapprove this order. You must take it, as you see it ” He said.
The cleaner almost burst out laughing. She knew workers were promoted and demoted sometimes….
But this one had flew boundaries…Like…PA to a cleaner…?…it made her lost it completely.
She took out her apron, while covering her mouth and then she threw it towards Mitchell.
” Put on the apron.” He ordered.
Mitchell felt like she should tear up. This was worse than a punishment. This was bitter to.rture.
She took up the dirty old looking apron and tied it around herself before looking up at Liam’s eyes with tears almost dropping.
Liam grinned and took a picture of her with his phone.
” Awn. So Cute. That would be added to the Workers of the year calender.” He said and Mitchell was still trying to control her loose tears.
Meanwhile, The cleaner was beside them, laughing out her lungs.
She wasn’t laughing because Mitchell deserved it, Afterall, she didn’t know the back up reason.
She was only screaming with laughter because Liam was making it seem extra funny in a way that looks painful.
She covered her mouth when she saw he was about to talk again.
” So Mitchell, Your work now isn’t to sit in offices and receive fresh air. From now on, your duty will be to scrub and sparkle the whole offices and toilet.” He said.
Mitchell fell her head, releasing her tears freely. She wanted to apologise but she knew he wasn’t the kind of someone ready to change his mind.
She palmed her eyes, not ready to listen to any words from him again.
” And one more thing, your salary is cancelled.” He said Mitchell raised her head to look at him.
” You won’t be receiving any salary for as long as it part of a pvnishment”
” How do you expect me to survive?!” She almost screamed.
” Obviously, you wouldn’t need to struggle to survive.” He said and Mitchell raised a confused brow at him
” You are now under my care. I have every feeling that when i leave you to return home, you’ll go back to my rivals. So as from now, you’ll follow me home and continue the usual pvnishment until i can sort things out.” He said.
Her plan came crashing down that way. She had thought that if she got the chance to leave this company at once, she was coming back with a bulldozer.
At that point in time, she felt completely helpless and
” You can leave, Miss. You’ll still be paid even if you don’t work at all ” He said to the cleaner.
” Oh thank you so much, boss.” She bowed and ran out of the office excitedly.
He turned to look at Mitchell and he pinched her chin forward.
” This is just the beginning of my punishment, Mitchell. You haven’t cried yet. Soon, you’ll cry bloody tears.” He said and Mitchell gulped down hardly.
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