By Melody
Liam got to his library room and made May sit on one of the sofa.
He started to move around restlessly and she could only stared at him.
” i swear I don’t fking agree to this!” He kept yelling to himself.
” Why wasn’t I informed in time!. Are this people crazy!. How dare they bring girls from who knows where and tell me they are meant to be with me. Ugh!” He groaned.
” I swear if I’d knew this was their reason to come to my house, I could’ve just tied up their heads and throw them out immediately!” He yelled.
He tugged his hands inside his pocket and heaved a sigh heavily. His parent was making his life difficult.
How can he of all people be betrothed!.
He looked over towards May and saw that she was quiet and just staring at him for long.
His smile shifted to a corner of his lip and he went towards her.
” Baby..” He said and sat on the sofa handrest.
” So..You will have finally have a new wife?” She asked and Liam sighed, carresing her hair gently.
” Of course I have a wife already. It’s you alone.” He said and May faced him properly.
” But..they said…”
” Shh. You are my wife. No one said anything.” He stopped her lips and brought out her ring, wearing it on her finger.
It still fit perfectly well, just like their love for eachother.
” I’m your wife now right. Those girls aren’t right?.” She asked and Liam kssed her nose sweetly as a way of saying yes.
May bit her lips as she stared at the ring. Somehow, she felt jealous when those girls came.
She finally realised the friendly attraction she had for Liam. She didn’t like when Liam would focus on other thing and abandon her.
” Brother Liam..” She smiled.
She stood up and hugged his neck tightly and Liam dragged her waist closer to himself. He had always yearned for her closeness like this.
” May. Won’t you be happy if you figured out we have juniors that look like us?” He asked, staring deep into her eyes.
” Juniors. What juniors?”
” Baby juniors.” He said and May palmed her lips gasping cutely.
” Wait. Who’s having a baby?” She asked with wide eyes and Liam blinked not knowing how to tell her.
” Y…you forgot about the. . .Pompom?” He asked and May creased her brow.
” What do you mean by Pom-pom?” She said it In a funny way and Liam palmed his eyes, trying not to laugh.
” Come here..” He said, twirling his hands around her waist and bringing her in.
” Say you love me.” He taunted with a smile.
” Why?” She looked above his head nervously.
” Say it. I wanna hear it from your lips.” He said.
” But you’re Brother Liam.. ” She stared at his eyes.
” I..I don’t like that nickname. It sucks.” He said rolling his eyes.
” Fine. I won’t tell you I love you until you accept the name Brother Liam.” She said.
” I accept the name.” He said and she smiled.
” I love you” She said giggling and it cause a turmoil inside Liam’s chest.
That voice was angelic to listen to. It was as if it made him love her times ten.
He stared down at her lips.
He had missed her small carved lips and the texture of her sweet body.
His body solely wanted her at that odd moment. He was about to lean and kss her when Emperor and Mitchell walked in to the room, disrupting them.
” Hey Liam.” Emperor said and Liam looked up. He suddenly stood up on his feet and May stepped aside.
” What did dad say?” Liam asked.
” He was quite disappointed with what you did to the contract papers.” Emperor said.
” Well, it’s a short simple story. They should know that I do not agree to this betroth of a thing.” Liam said.
” I didn’t agree to it from the start.” Emperor said and sighed folding his hands.
” We have to be strong in our relationship and prove to them that this betrothal won’t work in our family.” Liam said
” You know dad and mom. They had a deal with the girls family. Their deal is always a deal.” Emperor said.
” It’s our choices, Emperor. We can’t leave our true lovers and go engage with some two idiots who we know nothing about.”
” You’re right. I can’t possibly disappoint My fake fiancée to be.” Emperor chuckled and Mitchell pinched him.
” Ouch. Troublesome fiancée!.” He cursed and Mitchell glared at him.
Emperor began to walk towards May. He palmed her cheeks.
” How’s her health?” He asked Liam.
” She’s quite getting along with me.” Liam said hugging her waist to himself, still feeling quite jealous to see Emperor touch her.
” I heard she’s in?. Is that. . . really true?” Mitchell walked closer.
” Mm. Not yet. I’ve not confirmed it.” Liam said and everyone smiled.
” I’m in for what?” May asked, looking at everyone’s faces.
” Nothing.” Liam quickly said and they all laughed.
Mitchell was sitting up and Emperor was laying his head on her leg, reading a nice novel.
She was busy braiding up Emperor’s hair as they rested on the bed.
” What do you add to your hair that makes it this soft and long?” Mitchell asked.
” Fresh sea oil” He said and Mitchell kept mute as she continued to braid his hair.
She loved his hair. Sometimes, she would rub it smooth texture on her face.
” I’m going to cut it off soon and look more responsible.” He said and Mitchell plonked a Teddy shoe into his mouth.
” You dare not cut this hair. What am I saying…When I’m here with you what audacity do you have to meddle with this hair”
He threw away the thing in his mouth.
” Long hair is work.” He said.
” But it makes you look super cute. Don’t worry, I’ll be in charge of the hair from now. I’ll brush it, wash it and dry it. Then I’ll be the only one to sniff it at night ” She said and He laughed loudly.
He had such an angelic deep laughing tone.
” Um. Do you like me?” Mitchell suddenly asked, getting stiff under him.
” Yeah. Like a friend, tho.” He said and Mitchell dragged his hair tightly.
” Ouch!” He screamed.
” Answer my question like a good fiancé” She said and Emperor cleared his throat.
” I like you. I really, really do. A lot!.” He said and Mitchell smiles became a bit better.
Tho, she knew it wasn’t coming from his heart but she wished he did.
She was tired of playing around with boys and she just wanted a guy who would love her for real.
Suddenly the door got opened and Cassandra walked in with Ivory.
” Problem.” Mitchell whispered and left hold of Emperor’s hair.
” You are spending the night here.” She said and ivory dropped her bag near the cabinet.
Ivory walked towards Mitchell and Emperor on the bed and she stood there.
” Get out.” She yelled at Mitchell, pointing at the door.
Mitchell glared at her.
” How has this bed become yours.” She asked.
” This is my future husband’s room.” Ivory spat.
” Husband’s room?” Emperor was shocked.
” And this is my fiancée room!. Don’t make me sI.ap out the makeup from your face!” Mitchell hissed loudly.
” Boys!” Cassandra called and two men suddenly walked into the room. ” Take her!” She pointed at Mitchell.
The men walked towards her and begam to drag her off the bed.
” Stop. Don’t you dare!”Emperor yelled, standing up on his feet.
” Did you just stop my orders?!” Cassandra yelled at Emperor.
” They have no right to send her out of this room. I’m the only one with that right!” Emperor yelled and Cassandra sI.apped his cheeks toughly.
Emperor palmed his face in disbelief. He was finding it hard to believe the sI.ap was real.
He turned towards Ivory and suddenly sI.apped her hard.
” Ahh!. Are you out your sense! . How dare you raise your hand and__”
Mitchell had given her another one on her cheeks as well and her eyes swelled in disbelief.
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