



By Melody



Rosa was busy washing the dishes in the sink when her boss walked in, scaring her poor ribs.

” Rosa!. Where are the rest of your debts?!” Her boss yelled tugging her ears painfully.

A plate slipped off her hand, breaking into pieces in the process.

” That makes it the tenth one!.” She sneered.

” I promise to pay. Please, I promise!” Rosa yelled, wincing in pain.

” That’s what you say everyday!. Don’t you get tired of giving the same excuse.”

” I’m sorry. Just give me three more days. I swear, I promise to pay it up.” Rosa said with tears already streaming down her eyes.

” Three more days is still far. I need the money to furnish up my restaurant!” The boss yelled.

” But three days is how long I can space myself to pay up the bills, Ma’am!” She said and the woman left hold of her ears.

” If Three days comes and goes without you paying my money, then get ready to be arrested.” She said and stepped out of the kitchen

The staffs began to stare at her as she broke down in tears while finishing up the rest of her duty.

After work for that day, she got a cab that would take her home.

Inside the cab, She cleared her tears as she stared at her husband’s pic on her phone.

He had gone. During her youthful years, she remembered how she failed to cherish him and the kids.

It was all her fault tho. If she hadn’t been influenced, her marriage and family wouldn’t have been destroyed.

” How I wish I know where you are now. My life won’t have been this hard.” She said and suddenly remembered Mitchell.

She took out the personal card from her bag and stared at the address.

She frowned after she realised had already passed by that location. She would have loved to visit that kindhearted girl again.

She kept the picture back into her bag and sighed.

She has been working in the restaurant for so many years and yet, she found herself still suffering hard.

She planned on running away from her debt and searching for a new job the next day.




Cassandra walked into the large furnished dinning room with the two girls following her behind like security guards.

” Why are we having dinner with them?” Cassandra asked the two maids standing close to the door.

” Ma’am. We don’t have two dinning rooms in this mansion, So please have a seat.” Ms lily bowed.

” How rude.” Ivory spat.

She approached the table and slammed against May’s table.

” Switch” She said and May looked at her with a questioning face.

” What do you mean, Switch?. We should switch body or what?” She asked.

” Gross!. I mean Switch to another seat immediately.” She said and everyone raised their heads.

They knew a scene was about to play. Unfortunately, Mitchell and Emperor weren’t here

” Don’t you understand English anymore miss baby?” Ivory spat.

Picked For You:  IN A 10 YEAR OLD BODY: Episode 21-30

” I didn’t see her name written in bold letters on this chair so I won’t leave this seat.” May said stubbornly.

” May. Don’t make me warn you twice. Leave the seat or get punished.” Cassandra said and May fearfully pouted her lips.

Liam concentrated on his meal, eating casually and pretending not to hear them.

” Liam..” May whispered,tugging his shirt.

” Continue your meal and ignore them.” He said and May bit her lips, picking up her spoon to begin with her dinner.

” Okay fine. It seems my fiancée is taking me for granted. I’ll go find somewhere else.” Eddie said and went to sit in some other place.

The meal continued in silence. Everyone was busy with their thoughts.

No one seemed interested to speak or gist about a popular event.

May suddenly held Liam’s hand under the table, with her other hand squeezing her tummy.

” Oh my God. This food is bitter.” She gasped and everyone snapped their gaze at her.

” Are you okay?” Liam asked dropping his spoon before facing his baby.

” My belly hurt and burns like there’s fire in it. Ughh. My stomach hurt!. Liam..” Her eyes turned watery and Liam immediately picked her up.

Her mouth went full and she covered her lips wanting to throw up.

He took her to the sink and she threw up all the food she ate, bI.eeding through her lips as well.

She kept throwing up without stopping to catch a breath.

Everyone, except Ivory and Eddie, stood on their feet feeling scared at the scene.

“Baby?. Are you okay?. Talk to me!” Liam said shaking her shoulders as his heart raced like a turmoil.

” I feel…so. . .diz. . .zy.” She held her hands and slumped on his body suddenly.

Liam slowly picked her up on his shoulder and left towards his room without looking back.

Mr Kim looked at everyone’s face.

” Who’s behind this event?. Talk now or face my wrath” He asked and everyone kept a brief silence.

” Where’s Mitchell and Emperor?” Cassandra suddenly asked as well.

” Is it Emperor and Mitchell problem we are trying to face or a bleeding young girl?!!” Mr Kim yelled, scaring her bones.

” I’m sorry.” Cassandra said and sighed, staring at the two other girls who were maintaining an innocent face.

Silence reined for a while until the mo.nster was back, ranging in a gruesome manner.

” Someone poisoned her food!. Tell me who the person is and everyone in this kitchen is saved!” Liam yelled, swelling all over.

No one moved or spoke a word. Everyone was quiet, waiting to watch him dare his instinct.

Liam opened the wardrobe and brought out a gadget that scared their ribs to death.

” W..who is it that poisoned the meal?” Ms lily gasped.

” You all should speak the truth now!” Mr Kim yelled.

” It was Eddie.” The new maid suddenly pointed and Liam froze.

At that point, he forgot the definition of how to be a human.


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