CLARA (The State Governor’s daughter)
*Clara is seen horse riding with Donpatric who rode behind her, smiling confidently
Clara’s side of the story continues.
‘’you remind me of so many things my dear. You remind me of good old times but unfortunately good things never last’’ Donpatric breathed, riding closer to me while I nervously tried to control my horse. Even though i was a very fast learner, I couldn’t really believe I could ride such a big animal on my own after few attempts.
‘’you are a very strong and beautiful girl Clara, no wonder you are driving Charles crazy’’ he praised. I stared at him curiously.
‘’why are you against my relationship with Charles?’’ I curiously asked. He breathed deeply.
‘’that’s a story for another day my dear. I bet you will get tired of my stories’’ he promised while I scoffed and shook my head.
‘’Anyway my story is really a long one. I lost my parents during the civil war when I was barely fifteen years old. My dad was a Biafran soldier who died at Nsukka war front. He died for what he believed in. he died saving Nsukka from the Nigerian army invasion. My mother, my good old woman died at Okigwe when the Nigerian army surrounded the town. My only uncle died helping us escape to Okwelle. He pushed back a whole company of soldiers with his Dane gun while we ran towards Okwelle. Of course we never heard from him again. He definitely died’’ the old man narrated, stopping briefly while I nodded for him to continue.
‘’after the civil war, I had no one to run to, no family to help out and no relative to look up on.
There wasn’t any job, I had no education, and my life was just empty. I gave up on life and did some terrible things just to get enough money to head to Lagos. On getting to Lagos I upgraded my life of crime and built an empire. I made lots of money doing what no one would do and here I’m living well. Yes I regret a lot of things and I equally made lots of terrible mistakes. But the thing I regret the most was the young sales girl I raped and impregnated for no just reason. Don’t look at me that way my dear. Of course I took responsibility but she died giving birth to the baby and I had no choice than to play a very dirty trick with a friend just to ensure that the young child had the best care and family’’ he stopped while I silently waited for him to continue but he said nothing else.
‘’so the child, does he or she know about you?’’ I asked. He shrugged.
‘’no she doesn’t and it’s better that way. Moreover I have a wife and three kids in London’’ he added with a smile. Somehow I was getting a bit comfortable with him and his reason for not wanting Charles to be with me was another thing that kept bugging my mind.
‘’I know what you are thinking right now, but don’t worry i still have many stories to share’’ he promised and carefully got down from his horse while I breathed deeply.
Val’s side of the story continues later that same evening.
‘’I’m so worried for Clara. I don’t even know if she’s still alive. We just have nothing and no one is talking, not even her mother is showing enough concern’’ I breathed in frustration as I fell on my bed while Jennifer smiled and watched me.
‘’just relax, we have two agents watching Charles every minute. It’s just a matter of time before he leads us to Clara or to her abductors’’ she assured me confidently.
‘’I just can’t wait. I just can’t wait’’ I breathed desperately. She smiled, drew closer and pulled off her top, revealing her b0s0ms which were tightly held by her bra. My eyes almost popped out with surprise.
‘’how about we get busy?’’ she suggested, jumping on me like a wild cat.
Meanwhile just at the outskirts of the town, the two agents sent to watch over Charles are seen lying unconscious in their car while Charles and his men are seen heading out of town in a convoy of thirty trucks.
At the governor’s mansion, Vivian is seen looking out of her window and crying silently while the governor’s wife is seen at her bedroom kneeling and reciting the holy rosary with a chaplet she held on her right hand,
At Donpatric’s castle, Clara is seen lying quietly in her room in deep thoughts, but suddenly she jumps up and heads to the toilet to throw up. She couldn’t help but wonder why she had been throwing up all day with fear written over her as something struck in her mind, while at the other side of the castle Donpatric is seen smoking a big cigar at his large balcony as he gazed at the stars. There wasn’t any doubt he already knew Charles was on his way.
A battle between two men lies ahead. Only one of them could end up surviving.
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