CLARA (The State Governor’s daughter)
Val’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the previous episode
‘’but for the last time Val, do you think you can cope up with Clara. Forget about the hormones raging in your body now. Can you cope with her for the rest of your life? You have a tasking job and your lifestyle is very much different from hers’’ Vivian pleased seriously. I smiled and held her shoulders.
‘’I’m in love with Clara and that’s all that matters to me. Just help me get her back and I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life’’ I pleaded. She rolled her eyes and shrugged in resignation.
‘’I already tried my best to open your eyes to reality. Don’t come crying to me in few years time’’ she breathed with a smile.
Together we headed to a small shop where we enjoyed some snacks as we waited for Clara and Vivian to arrive. It wasn’t long before they showed up in a black Toyota SUV.
I made the sign of the cross as I nervously got up. Jennifer smiled and got up as well. I bet she understood what I was passing through that moment.
A female officer was busy bringing out Clara’s luggage from the car trunk while she and Vivian stood a distance away discussing as we approached.
Before we could get to them, Clara spotted us and quickly headed away from her cousin. I increased my pace while Jennifer struggled to catch up with me. In no time I got to Clara, grabbing her left hand to stop her from moving further away.
‘’I beg of you listen to me my dear’’ I quickly begged as she struggled to snatch her hand from my grasp. Jennifer caught up with us with a smile on her face while Clara gave her a suspicious look
‘’Miss Clara you are lucky to have a guy like Val who loves you with all his heart. I was shocked over how you acted yesterday on seeing me in his house. Val and I are just colleagues and nothing more. I’m only squatting at his apartment because I have no house in this city and I’m on a temporal assignment. You have to trust him if you really want your relationship to last. He is a federal agent and you should know by now what to expect by being with him. You can’t imagine how much he begged me, how much he brought himself down just to beg me to come help him save his relationship. Do you really deserve such a good guy? Yes I really do want him for myself but unfortunately you are the one he wants to be with’’ Jenifer softly addressed her, getting all her attention. Her face slowly changed as stared at Jennifer with remorse in her eyes.
‘’hasty conclusions most times gets one into trouble. Val loves you and you have to make up with him and equally apologize to him’’ she concluded, smiled and walked away, leaving Clara stunned as she stared into thin air. I bet she wasn’t expecting such words from Jennifer. Yes I equally wasn’t expecting all that from Jennifer.
Deep down in my heart I thanked her a hundred times over.
‘’Clara my love’’ I breathed drawing closer to her. She slowly faced me, looked into my eyes for some seconds before hugging me, sobbing on my chest.
‘’I’m so sorry Val. I was just confused.
I have been through a whole lot. My heart, my head everything hurts. I’m sorry for doubting you’’ she apologized with great energy.
Vivian walked up to us, smiling.
‘’I don’t need to ask if you are still travelling or not. In fact its better I don’t know. I’m leaving right away with the officer that accompanied us’’ she softly said to Clara while I smiled back at her.
‘’thank you Vivian for helping me get her back’’ I breathed with all my heart.
‘’just take care of her and never give her the opportunity to doubt you ever again’’ she replied, turned and walked away, leaving Clara and I all alone.
‘’so are you still travelling out of the country and leaving me all alone?’’ I asked.
‘’I don’t know, do you want me to stay back?’’ she asked back, bringing up her face to look into my eyes.
‘’yes yes yes, stay with me. In fact we can go back to my apartment together. No one will know, come on dear’’ I begged.
‘’yes we really do have a lot to talk about’’ she accepted with a smile.
On getting to my apartment the first thing we did was tear each other apart and make great love.
Yes we badly needed it and we dug at each other the way we had never done before. We devoured, ate and tore each other as if our lives depended on it and yes of course our lives depended on what we felt for each other, what we had for each other. We really passed through a lot to get to this stage. We fought a lot of battles, took risks and came out stronger.
‘’oh Val I love you very much’’ Clara breathed later in the evening after another round of hot s-x. It was the fourth time we were doing it that very evening and yet we still needed more of it. The passion in her eyes was so intense and revealing.
‘’it’s almost 9pm now and I have many things to tell you’’ she solemnly breathed, sitting up on the bed. I quickly sat up to hold her.
‘’first I’m pregnant and we have to figure out a way to make my parents like you’’ she opened up, leaving my heart melting with more joy.
‘’can you also believe I was adopted?, just calm down and listen to all that happened over the past few days. That really was why I got so upset yesterday when I saw Jennifer in your apartment. I’m still emotionally weak’’ she opened up, slowly narrating all that went down in Donpatric’s house, plus her mother’s confession.
My ears and head were so filled up with her story. It was too much, really too much.
‘’well no matter what, the first lady is still your mother and I agree that a mother isn’t the one who gave birth to a child but the one who cared, feed and nurtured the child’’ I managed to mutter when she was done with her story. She smiled and dropped her eyes.
‘’but we still have one problem. My mother doesn’t like you and we have to find a way to change her heart. She’s very powerful in her own way’’ she added, bringing up her eyes to meet my gaze.
Just that moment, her new phone rang, gaining our attention. She slowly reached for the phone and breathed deeply.
‘’its mum’’ she said with a smile, accepting the call and turning the loud speaker on.
‘’Clara what has gotten into you?, why plan with your cousin to deceive and lie to us that you are travelling to Lagos while you only wanted to go spend time with that small boy, that young agent that is set to take advantage of you and your fortune huh?’’ she barked, leaving her extremely surprised which she probably sensed.
‘’you think I will take chances again after what happened with you and Charles huh?. I assigned some detectives to watch you every hour of the day and yes I was merciful enough to allow you be in his house till this time, now get up and head to the gate. A police patrol car is outside waiting for you. In case you feel like disobeying me, I will be down there myself to take you home’’ she ordered over the phone while Clara angrily ended the call and faced me with fear in her eyes.
‘’what do we do?, I have to go now?’’ she stammered.
‘’it’s time I talk to your mother. You are going nowhere tonight’’ I insisted.
‘’come on Val is that’s not a good idea?’’ she protested
‘’I don’t know but we have to defy her tonight. She can’t ruin this moment for us’’ I breathed strongly.
‘’so I should disobey my mother to obey you?’’ she asked with a soft smile.
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