DANGEROUS LOVE: Chapter 21-30

? Dangerous Love ?

? Chapter 22?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Brandon’s P.o.v?

“You just have to find a way to get rid of Clarrissa” Jason said and i sighed.

We were at school,i was so anxious about this Clarrissa issue.

“But how, Nicole will get suspicious”

“Then find a way”

“Hey,guys” Nicole said as she walked with Clarissa with her.

What the h.ell is she doing in our school?

“Hey,Nikky” Jason said,he was also surprised as i was.

“Clarissa will be attending our school from now, it’s so great because now she can be our friend now” Nicole said smiling widely.

Clarissa wants to do everything to ruin my relationship.

“That’s great” I said.

“I will be really happy to stay with you guys” Clarissa said smiling.

She’s such a btch.

?? Nicole’s P.o.v??

After i talked with the Brandon and the guys with Clarissa.

I noticed Brandon was so nervous when Clarissa was around.

“Isn’t Clarissa nice?” I asked Bella.

“Hmm,i don’t think so”


“Nicole,i don’t know if you have noticed but Clarissa is not as nice as you say she is, don’t you see the way she stares at Brandon,she gives se.ductive eyes at him”

I have noticed Brandon gets so anxious around her.

“Do you think there’s something going on with her and Brandon?”

“No,i think she’s trying to snatch Brandon away from you so be careful”

? Brandon’s P.o.v?

It was after school and i was going over to meet up with Nicole.

“Hey, Brandon” i turned and it was Clarrissa.

She was smiling so ev!ly.

“What do you want?” I asked sternly.

“I want you,oh,i want you so bad” she said l!cking her l!ps.

“Clarrissa,why are you here,after one year?”

“I told you that i would come back for you anf i did”

“You know am dating Nicole and I love her”

“I don’t care,i want you if you don’t tell her what happened between you and i,then I will”
“What happened between us was a huge mistake”

“A mistake that produced a new life”

“What new life?” I asked confused.

“I didn’t ab0rt the preg.nancy”

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