By: Queen
Episode 33
Brian’s Pov
I looked inside the window of Ayna’s ward and watched as the doctor and nurses all trooped out of her ward with disappointing and sad faces.
“Ayna!!” Everyone screamed and entered her ward. I just stood there crying with my eyes closed.
“Brian Brian are you okay?” Somebody called, I opened my eyes and found out that I was at home, still in the house.
“Son why are you crying?” Mom asked.
“Ayna” I said.
“Yes you said you were going to meet her but why crying now?” She asked.
“I can’t lose her” I said and ran out of the house, took the same car and drove to the hospital.
When I got to the hospital nothing was different, the same dress everyone was wearing in my scary imagination.
I went to the window of Ayna’s ward and saw the same doctors, I became scared what if my imagination comes to pass?
“Ayna please don’t leave me” I prayed. The doctor looked at his watch and I became more scared. Does he want to record her time of death? It can’t be.
“God please I will do anything if you let her survive” I prayed silently.
The doctor walked out of her ward and first person to walk to him was Daxton.
“Doctor please how is she?”
“Well her chance of survival is still on a scale of 50/50. She has an injury on her head and it’s really severe. If she actually survives we are scared she might have partial or impartial amnesia”
“Doctor what do you mean?” Daxton asked.
“If she has partial amnesia she might forget the few people she met before the incident but if it’s impartial, I’m afraid she might lose her memory of everybody in her life”
“Oh God!” Rayna gasped.
I blame myself for everything that is happening. If only I had taken my love for her seriously, this wouldn't have happened.
“Sir the patient is responding to treatment already” A nurse said and walked back to Ayna’s ward, the doctor followed.
Ayna’s friends, siblings and her parents including I stood in the ward and watched patiently as Ayna regained consciousness. She opened her eyes slowly and looked around.
“My baby!” Her mom said and sat beside her.
“Mom” She said weakly and looked around again.
“I thought I died” She said and smiled softly.
“Ayna!” I called and went nearer to her, the smile on her face faded away slowly.
“Mom where is Asher” She asked ignoring me.
“Asher??? Honey you and Asher have lost contact for almost one month now” Rayna said.
“Mom what are you saying? I was driving to his house when I had an accident. It was my birthday right?” She asked. I became scared.
“Honey you were kidnapped and got involved in an accident”
“No mom” She protested.
“Honey you….”
“Mrs Caine please stop” The doctor said and she walked to the doctor who was standing at the door.
“Let her believe what she wants to believe, don’t force her to remember, it’s very risky. It can cause internal bleeding and that is another serious case” He said to her.
I looked at Ayna and she looked at me too but not with the same way she normally looks at me.
“Daddy I don’t know this people. Who are they?” She asked referring to me and her friends.
“How can you remember us when all you did was to lie to us. You took us as fools and lived a fake life. Now Chad is dead because of the stupid obsession he had for you. Miranda is right, you are nothing but bad luck. If you had not come to our lives pretending to be poor Chad might still be alive now. He might have kidnapped you but he didn’t deserve to die” Max said angrily and left the hall, Dora and Dina followed him both crying for the loss of Chad.
“Daddy what is happening? I don’t know these people but yet I feel guilty. What is going on?” Ayna asked.
“Who is he” She asked referring to me.
“He’s a…” Axton was going to answer but she interrupted him.
“Mom where is Asher?” She asked.
“I’m here” A voice replied from the door, I remembered him instantly. The same guy that worked for me.
“Ayna! Are you okay?” He asked, I could see the fake concern on his face.
“Asher, God I was scared” She said and he hugged her.
Daxton and Rayna looked at each other then we decided to excuse Ayna leaving only Asher with her. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life like now
“What is that man doing here? I thought we warned him to stay away from our daughter” Daxton said angrily.
“Daxton that’s not the case here, our daughter doesn’t remember what happened up to a month ago. She believes she is still in love with Asher. The doctor said we shouldn’t force her to believe anything. Let’s just leave her for now” Rayna said.
“But she doesn’t love Asher anymore ” Axton said.
“She is in love with Brian” He continued.
“What?” They exclaimed. I was even surprised myself.
“I know my twin sister very well, she doesn’t want to accept it but I know it” Axton said.
“Well I can’t let my younger sister be with that bastard” Isa said.
“Look I don’t care about who she loves, all I need is my daughter. I’m sorry Brian but if my daughter doesn’t remember you, then you would have to forget her” Rayna said.
“She will remember me and I will not forget about her. I love your daughter and I will make sure she remembers me” I said and looked at her ward. She was discussing something with Asher and smiling.
I walked out of the hospital and drove home, I met mom on the way.
“How is she?” Mom asked.
“She’s she’s okay” I replied.
“Are you okay son?” She asked.
” Yes I just need to drink something” I said. Evelyn walked in.
“Look Evelyn, your fiance isn’t doing well. Take care of him” Mom said.
“Fiance?? I don’t remember putting a ring on her finger and asking her to marry me” I said.
“That doesn’t matter now honey, you need Evelyn now” Mom said and left.
I looked at Evelyn and walked to the bar, I got myself a drink and soon I started getting drunk.
“Brian, Brian” Evelyn called me.
“Drink this, it will calm you down” Evelyn said and handed me a drink.
“Thanks??” I said and drank it all at once.
“So I will be going now, if you need me I’m just a call away” She said and stood up to leave but I pulled her back.
“Please don’t leave” I said and let her sit on my laps. I didn’t know what was going on but I had lost control of myself of myself. From lustful kisses I found myself having sex with the last woman I would ever think of making love to.
“Baby what are you writing” Mom asked looking at the names I wrote on the sheets.
“Mom I don’t know why but I can’t stop thinking about this names, especially this one” I said pointing at Brian’s name.
“Honey it’s nothing, don’t stress yourself you are still recovering”
“Okay mom. When am I getting discharged?”
“Tomorrow darling” She said touching my hair.
“It’s late already, you shouldn’t be up. Have some rest now”
She kissed my forehead and left, I looked at the names I wrote, BRIAN.
I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache.
“God” I said looking around me. I became shocked to see Evelyn beside me.
I looked under the sheets and felt my underwear.
“What the fuck happened here?” I almost yelled.
Evelyn woke up smiling.
“You are awake, thanks for the night” She said.
“What night? Don’t tell me it’s what I’m thinking” I asked.
“Sure” She replied.
“You are so good. I have had sex with other men but they are nothing compared to you”
“Did did I use protection?” I asked.
“Nope we had it raw” She said and laid back down on the bed.
“Asher stop it. I told you I’m keeping it for our wedding night” I said to Asher as I stopped him from taking my virginity.
“You don’t love me Ayna, you don’t”
“But I do” I said. It sounded like a lie in my head, things don’t seem right after I woke up. I’ve been indoors since and Asher kept on coming closer to me. Mom, Dad, Axton and Isa doesn’t treat Asher nicely again and I don’t feel the same way I felt with Asher again. It felt like there was someone else.
“You don’t love me. If you do, you will let us consummate our love” He said.
“Wait till marriage Asher”
“We’ve been dating for more than a year, you’re not a small girl Ayna”
“When we get married Asher, you and I…..”
“Fine let’s get married” He said all of a sudden.
“What???” I exclaimed.
“I’m just 20 Asher”
“So… ? Age is just a number, if you truly love me Ayna let’s get married”
“I don’t…”
“I got it. You don’t want to marry a poor guy”
“Fine Asher let’s get married” I said and watched him get excited.
I hope I’m doing the right thing, at least I love Asher
Click 2 below to read episode 34