FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 1 – 10

FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 1 – 10
I was 11 years old when my family and I were traveling to my hometown in the eastern part of Nigeria when the worst tragedy in my life struck.
I saw what I’ve never seen and I pray to never see it again.
Half way into the journey, we felt something hit our car and it bounced forward, backwards,and forward again like a baby rocker. My dad stopped the car to check what the problem was, we alighted and realized that the front tyre has exploded.
Quickly my dad tried to change it but it ended up wasting our time, as he was fixing it my sister and I shifted a little bit to play, why my mum brea$t fed my baby brother.
As my sister and i were playing, I felt like someone was watching us, fear crept into my soul, my mum always say that I’m precious cause I always feel weird things especially when something is about to happen, she said I’m gifted but in a way I feel like it’s totally something different, something I can’t explain, I feel like I’m attached to somewhere, my destiny is not of this world.
I began looking around to see who was watching us but I saw nothing, suddenly the feeling stopped and then few minutes later, my dad beckoned on us that he has fixed the tyre.
We entered back into the car and zoomed off. About 30 minutes into the journey, around 8:00pm, it was already dark but the moon was at it’s mercy, my dad suddenly hit the break, my mum asked him what the problem was, he pointed to the road.
I looked to know what it was, immediately I saw it, my breath seized, my jaw dropped, how is it possible, this is a high way, though no other car was passing by which is very surprising, but its also unbelievable that a wild animal will be standing in front of us.
Looking ahead i saw a very big, gimongous wolf, its four legs were apart from each other, its furs very dark, in fact black in color yet shinning under the merciful moon, its teeth gritting together ready to attack, As if it has been waiting for us.
It was so huge that i began to wonder if I was a Lycan, according to some comic books I’ve read, warewolves and lycans are half human and half wolves. They can turn into humans If they want to, lycans are believed to be bigger and fiercier than warewolves, they are considered the gods of the werewolves.
Could this particular wolf be a Lycan, but on a second thought, warewolves and lycans are just myths and bed time stories, they don’t actually exist, which made me believe that the one infront of us is just an ordinary hungry wolf.
My mum told my dad to take the other lane which he did, but before we got to the other lane, the wolf was already there waiting, my dad blared the horn countless times but the beast was still standing there, my dad decided to move towards it, believing that maybe it will run as soon as the car gets closer, my dad hit the gear and off we went, we were heading towards it with full speed but instead of running away, the wolf stretched himself looking more angry.
My dad was determined to hit it if it refuses to run, but as soon as we got closer, the wolf jumped on the car and started shaking it with its two front legs, could this be a Lycan, cause an ordinary wolf can’t shake a car fiercely like That.
My sister gripped my hand and started wailing, my mum began to shout, my dad tried to move the car but no, the car was stuck, before I could blink, my baby brother was no longer in my mum’s hands, we all started wailing as we watched the heartless wolf devour every part of my brother with his legs still holding and shaking the car, my dad tried to move the car with full force but instead the car fell and started rolling into the bush.
Everything became so blurry, but somehow I managed to see the dark wolf roam around the car which was now upside down, blood was dripping from his mouth as he roamed around hungry for more. His image was all i saw before I passed out.
When I finally woke up, I was in a hospital, images of what happened the previous night started flooding through my memory, I became scared, I looked around and saw my aunt and her husband, I began to call my mum but aunt rushed to me and hugged me as I cried to see my mommy.
I didn’t understand it then but I do now, my mum and sister died in the car accident while the wolf devoured my dad as well.
Wolves, I hated wolves from that day, if i see any wolf anywhere in my life again, I will definitely kill It, roast it and eat it.
My name is Andra Bassey, i’m 21 years old and this is my story.
FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 1 – 10
“Hey Andra, what’s up….. By the way, how’s that your cute boyfriend” Flora asked me as she bit her lip $eductively.
This girl is just a born pro$tit*te. She’s always asking of my boyfriend, anytime she sees him, she’ll start acting as if they are the only ones on earth.
It pisses me off, but what can I do? If I talk the so called boyfriend of mine will call me a jealous girlfriend and get angry for no reason.
Speaking of the idi*t, he’s the jealous one, he calls me a million times in a day just to ask ‘how are you, where are you, what’s that noise, are you In a club, who the h*ll are you with? Blah blah blah” and then he’ll get angry with me for no reason.
He’s so jealous to the extent that he has beaten me up three times just because he saw me standing amd chatting with a guy.
He’s new trouble in recent times is to compare me to flora, even in her presence which is so humiliating, and she always feel on top of the world whenever he does that.
He would ask ‘why can’t you be more like Floral? She’s outspoken and agile, you are just so dull Andra and its annoying, why can’t you try and dress like Flora?
Look at her, immitate her sometimes and stop distracting me in front of my friends’ jeez, I’m just so tired of it, i mean, who on earth would want to dress like Flora, what woman will wear just a top that stops below the bum to work, if it’s club it would have been preferably, but a work place, you have got to be kidding, the bch is insane.
And she always twirl whenever Bryan compares me to her, id*ot. These days they have become so close to the extent that Bryan will come to the resturant where we work just to visit flora and spend time with her and not me. It’s beginning to annoy me, if Bryan doesn’t want me anymore, he should just tell me, in fact I’m tired of him already, who wants a man who thinks that the collegue of his girlfriend is better than his girlfriend?
Even the thought of Bryan makes me sick these days, i don tire for the guy matter. I just pray he won’t show his face here today.
I cleared my throat and turned to flora and replied. “He’s fine”
“So it took you hours to answer” she rolled her eyes at me but i ignored her. “Anyway, he called me, he said he will come today” she smiled and flipped her hair for me.
Idi*t! He told you that and you are asking me nonsense question, f00lish f00l.
“Why will Bryan call you when he’s girlfriend Is here, mmm?” That’s Nicky, my best friend.
Nicky is a pretty party bad girl, very outspoken but on the good side, she’s wonderful, trustworthy and loyal, I love her very much, she also happens to be a mixed race and there’s this weird thing her eyes does whenever she’s angry, it turns to ocean blue and sparks lightning, she said it’s her birth mark or something like that, I don’t care what it is, i just love it.
“Awww, Nick are you the only one who doesn’t know that Bryan misses me a lot these days because he’s girlfriend is so dull and lame.
Nicky turned to face her with her right hand akimbo, ready to fight flora for insulting me if she didn’t tell her the reason behind the insult.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Nicky asked flora.
“Nothing girlfriend, just making a silly point” flora answered.
“Bch” Nicky fired at her.
“That’s you mother’s second name” flora fired back.
“What did you just say” Nicky asked her.
FINDING REMEDY: Chapter 1 – 10
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