By Succie Brown



Dario kept shaking his head, holding on the bedsheets tightly, and at the same time, sweating so much, as he dreamt about what happened on the prom night party.

He was with Jaycee and some of his classmate, and they were drinking and enjoying themselves, since it was their last day in high school.

“C’mon Dario, stop drinking” Jaycee said trying to take the drink from him, but Dario slapped his hands off.

“I want to drink some more” He said, excitedly.

“You are drinking too much Dario, what if you can’t drive back home”

“You are my best friend, right? You can always volunteer to be a designated driver for me” He said, blinking his eyes and Jaycee chuckle.

“You are a carton” Jaycee said, playfully, and Dario laughed and continue drinking.

He got pressed and wanted to use the restroom, but on his way to the restroom, he began feeling hrny, with his head spinning like ¢razy.

While he was trying to control himself, he saw a girl coming his way.

The scream of the girl he rapped at the prom party wake him up, and Dario sprung up, panting heavily, and slowly he broke into tears.

“I didn’t mean to do it, I didn’t mean to kll her” Dario said, crying like a baby.


Someone’s feet could be seen walking to an isolated place in MCC, but no matter the fast pace of the person’s feet, it couldn’t be heard by anyone.

The person stopped walking when he got to the isolated place in MCC, and put a call to someone.

“Hello boss” The voice said.

“Are you already in MCC?” The boss asked.

“Just as we planned, I am in MCC, and from now our business will go smoothly.

I will always update anytime they plan to carry out investigations about the smuggling of kids” The voice said.

“Good job. Find a way to sneak out from MCC college, I have a reward and a mission for you” The Boss said.

“Thanks a lot boss, I promise to do my best” The voice said, and ended the call with a dangerous smirk.




“Daddy!” Nadiya said, running to her dad to hug him. Lorenzo smiled and carried her. “How is my princess doing” He asked.

“I am fine Daddy” Nadiya answered.

“Where’s your momma?” He asked.

“She is in her room taking a rest, she is not feeling well”

Lorenzo nodded his head and looked at the maid. “Take Nadiya to her room, she needs to sleep, she is going to school tomorrow” Lorenzo said.

“Okay sir” The maid said, and carried Nadiya to her room.

Lorenzo went to Becca’s room, and sees her laying on the bed, and she was shivering despite the fact that the AC wasn’t on, and she was covering herself with a thick duvet.

“Get up Becca, I am back” Lorenzo said.

Becca sit up in the bed, looking at Lorenzo with so much trepidation in her face. “Nadiya told me you are sick?”

“Yes… I’m not feeling well” She said, shivering.

“What are we going to do Becca, I am hrny, and I want my thinb inside of you, fking you like never before” Lorenzo said.

“I am sorry Lorenzo, but I can’t give you my body today, I am sick” Becca said. Lorenzo walked up to her and she snuggle back fearfully.

“Are you trying to deprived me of my property?” He asked.

“No, I am not feeling…..”

Becca couldn’t complete her words, when Lorenzo sI.apped her, and spread her Iegs wide open.

“Please Lorenzo, don’t rappe me today, I am not feeling well” Becca said, crying.

“Are you trying to say I am a rappist. I am your husband Becca and you are my wife!!” Lorenzo shouted at her and pnch her stomach so hard, and Becca cried.

“When I want you, you give yourself to me. No one can have you, except for me” Lorenzo said.

He forcefully to.rn the PJs she was wearing, and without wasting time, he penetrated inside of her ba..nging her aggressively, not minding she was sick.

“Lorenzo, please you are hvrting me!” Becca cried in so much pain, but Lorenzo didn’t stop fking her vigorously.

“Please Lorenzo have mercy on me” Becca begged, crying.

“Stop crying!!!” He shouted at her, and pnched her so much hard on the face, fking her so hard.


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