Chapter 47


“Whoa, whoa” Mr Baldwin exclaimed as he threw his bIade on the ground. “That was a terrific rehearsal” he said.

He smiled as he stared at his handiwork, the snitches’s bodies on the ground.

“It’s such a long day” he faced Lucas. “What’s the time?”

Lucas quickly reached for his phone and checked the time.

“9:01pm, are you heading home, sir?” Lucas asked as he collected the blades his boss threw on the ground.

Mr Baldwin looked down at himself, he gagged at his own appearance and shook his head.

“I can’t go home looking like this, or my wife would ki¢k me out” he paused. “That is if my appearance didn’t scare the living day light outta her”

Lucas took a second look at his boss, he grimaced when he saw bl.ood running down his boss’s body, as though he’s sustained a very serious injury, but he knew better -It belongs to the snitches Mr Baldwin had just klled.

He (Lucas) turned his gaze to the bodies, or what’s remaining of the snitches.

“You’re heartless, Mr Baldwin” he muttered, forcing down the lump that’s forming in his throat.

Mr Baldwin looked at the remains of the snitches, and shook his head as if he’s not impressed with the job he’s done.

“I was being merciful because I can still recognize them” he faced Lucas. “Wanna betray me and see if I’ll be this merciful to you too?”

Lucas’ eyes grew wide, he shuddered in disgust as he recalled the way these snitches d!ed, then he took two steps away from Mr Baldwin and cleared his throat.

“I’ll help the boys clean up, why don’t you go freshen up first?” he said suggestively.

Mr Baldwin grinned at his reaction.

“You’re so boring” he sighed. “Come to my office in thirty”

“Yes, sir”

Then Mr Baldwin rushed off. Lucas stared at the remains with a grimace, and quickly turned away.

“Clean up the place” he ordered the other men.

“Yes, sir” they chorused and started working.

Lucas didn’t bothered turning to take a look, he decided to clean the tools instead.



Baldwin’s Mansion, LA

My stomach growled for the one thousandth time, but I reached for my glass of water on the bedside table and gulped down the little water left inside.

I’m super hungry, but I don’t wanna go down to eat, because I don’t wanna see that woman or her kids. Mrs Jackson sent Fatima to come get me for dinner two hours ago, but I refused, and chased her out.

I wouldn’t stop hating on her and her kids until Duncan gives me an explanation, I’m selfish, I know that already.

I heard Fatima’s voice as she laughed with one of the woman’s kids, which seem to increase my anger and I glared nastily at the door, imagining she’s the one I’m glaring at right now.

How dare she laugh with my rival’s son?

I don’t know if I’m just being paranoid or something, but I’m starting to feel like Fatima and I are slowly drifting apart lately, we aren’t as close as we used to be, especially since I found out she’s working for my husband.

She’s behaving somewhat professional with me, and I hate it.

If it was before, Fatima would have been trying to calm me down and she wouldn’t stop trying to make me see how much Duncan loves me, but she didn’t do that this time, even though I’m making my jealousy so obvious.

Argh!! I need my friend back!

I checked the time on my phone again, it’s showing 9:35pm, I frowned. Is my phone working? Or someone tempered with my phone, and fastened the time?

My eyes located the wall clock immediately to confirm if my phone’s still working, and to my disappointment, nothing’s wrong with my phone.

It’s really 9:35pm.

But why isn’t Duncan back yet? Has he forgotten he’s yet to tell me who that woman and her kids are? Maybe I should give him a call.

I quickly searched for his number, and dialed it. His phone rang for a few seconds, but he didn’t pick up, I continued calling him four more times, he still didn’t pick up.

What is he doing? Why isn’t he picking up? Or is he driving?

I can only stay up and wait for him now. I leaned my back against the headboard, reached for a pillow and hugged it to my chest.


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