HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

Chapter 12

BY:kebby NG

“You heard what I said Andrea, don’t act like you don’t know?”He said and I could feel my heart beating very fast.

He knew! He knew! My head kept screaming at me.

What am I going to do? I stood starring at him, I will just have to come up with some thing,I thought.

“What do you mean sir! I don’t know what you are talking about”

“Getting bullied and lying are traits that I can understand from you but pretending is not one of your best trait”He said

“Look sir,i suggest that we do this some other time, I still have to do some thing”I said turning to leave.

But I didn’t make it to the door because my leg got tangled with a wire and I fell making the light go off.

I knelt in the darkness, trying to figure out where he could be.

“Urrrgh sir,Where are you ?”I asked feeling scared.

“Am still here and don’t expect me to switch on the lights , do it yourself”He said from no where.

Gently I stood up in the dark and traced my steps to the wall.

It took me a while to find the switch and when I did find it, I turned on the light.

I turned only to find Max in front of me, out of fright, I almost fell, so I used the wall for support.

“Do you think that I wouldn’t recognise you?”He asked so sudden and i gulped down my spit.

“I don’t know what you are talking……….”I stopped when he pulled me by my sweater.

He gave me a cruel smile and pulled down the zip of my sweater revealing the Jupiter high uniform underneath.

“Are you still going to deny it Andrea”He asked and i knew that it was all over.

He walked away from me and went to sit on his bed.

“Tell me how did you manage to get into Jupiter high, From what I know, you are poor and the prove is your mom who works here as our maid”He said

“My mom payed my fee, She wants me to attend the best school, That is why she keeps on enrolling me in a rich school”I explained

“And then If she enroll you, you start up the lie about you being rich just so you can feel like the students?”He asked and when I didn’t answer, he continued

“Wasn’t the bullying you suffered at your other school enough, is it a must that you go to a school that is well known?”

“If I had known that this was your reason, I would have never helped you”He said

“Why did you? I never asked for your help “I said suddenly getting angry

He doesn’t know my reason yet he dares to judge me, who the hell is !


“You heard me right sir……why am I even addressing you as sir, we are both the same age and so I can address you how ever I like”I said

“You don’t have any idea why am going to a rich school even if am poor, you also don’t know why I choose to lie about me being rich than to tell the kids the truth, So you have no right to judge me, you have no right at all”I said letting out the frustration of the past few days.

“Aren’t you scared that I might tell the kids the truth?”He asked

“For days I couldn’t sleep just thinking about my secrets being exposed and if you chose to tell the others you will be helping me, I won’t have to go through telling them myself”I said to him.

“Are you sure? Would I really be helping you, wouldn’t I be making your life worse”He asked

“Do what ever you want Max, I just don’t care”I said and left his room.

I didn’t get the chance to think about what I did and said in Max room a while ago but when I was on the bed.

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

I finally began to think, Why didn’t I just beg him.

Why make things worse for myself by telling him to tell the truth.

For the first time in my life, am getting used to attending a rich school,Getting used to being accepted by my peers and getting used to having nice friends but again every thing had to be ruined for me and this time I caused it myself.

I should have begged Max, he had help me at the party, If I begged him to keep it a secret am sure that he would do it.

I just have to beg max, that’s what I have to do,if I want to live my life peacefully in Jupiter high.

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

I tossed and tossed on the bed, wondering why I couldn’t sleep.

Could it be because I was thinking of Andrea,v: I thought as I remembered her face when I told her I recognised her.

She was shocked and she also looked like some one that committed a serious offence.

Well she is committing one and thats why she was so frightened when I told her I knew who she was.

She could have at least have covered her tracks well enough.

I won’t deny that when I first saw her in Nick room for the second time, I didn’t recognise her to be the girl at the roof top but when I saw her at school the next day, I began wondering who she might be.

On getting home, I had gone through all of the workers resume and I was lucky to find hers.

It clearly told me more about her, I was still thinking of how a daughter of a maid could be attending Jupiter high when I noticed some thing else in her resume.

It showed the town they lived before and also the school she attended.

Then I called up some people I knew that were going to that school and they confirmed it for me.

It was then that I realised that she was the same girl I had helped at the roof top

I found out all of this but I didn’t say any thing, I wanted to see what she will do and it turns out that she is pretending to be some one that she is not, making up lies about her self, it was the same thing she did that caused her friends to bully her In her other school and now she is doing it again.

“Andrea! What a fool you are”I said softly

What’s wrong with me! Why am I even thinking of her and the problems she caused for herself.

If what she starts begins to cause her harm, I wouldn’t do a thing, I thought as I switched off the light to sleep.

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20


I stood in front of the gate waiting for Max to show up.

I looked at my watch and saw that by this time, I would have been at school but I will just have to be late today, I have to talk to Max and I will be doing that in his house, better at his house than at the school.

Just then the gate opened and he walked out, looking smart and hand some in his uniform.

Remembering the way I had spoke to him last night made me feel a bit nervous.

Would he still want to talk to me,I thought as I wait for him to notice my presence

And when he did, he acted like I wasn’t even there.

“Good morning ,Can we talk”I said

“As you can see, Am late as it is, so what ever you have to say will have to wait”He said as his car was drove out by his chauffeur

Before he could get in, I held him by his hand and he stopped to stare at me

“We really have to talk Max”I said

“About what exactly!?”

“About me and what you know”I said

“What exactly do I know about you?”He asked

“My secret!”I replied

“I just want you to help me keep it a secret”I begged ..

“And what makes you think that I will do what you ask of me”


“Sorry Andrea but I won’t be doing you any favours” he said as he got into the car.

I stood watching the car leave and I knew that he meant what he said.

He wouldn’t help me and am sure that if worse comes to worse, he will tell them the truth about me.

I got to school quite late, I ran into class only to see the students around Max.

They all looked serious and it looks like he was telling them some thing.

Was he telling them about me? I thought as I stood watching them all.

Am doomed for real!!!!.
HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

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