HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

Chapter 15

BY : kebby NG

I stood staring at Jack while Andrea stood in between the both of us, looking drunk and if we hadn’t been holding her hand, she would have fallen.

She needs to get back home and also to get sobered up , I thought

“Won’t you let her go?”Jack asked and I stared at him

“I came to take her home,have any problem with that?”I asked

“I do! You see Beatrice has asked me to keep watch on her………”

“Just tell Beatrice that she left with me, she will understand”I said

“I won’t! Why don’t you do it yourself”he said as he held Andrea hand

“I didn’t come here to have any fight Jack,I …….”

“Am surprised you still remember my name”he said

“Why won’t I?”I asked

“Is it because you were feeling guilty at stealing Rose from me back then?”he asked.

“I didn’t steal Rose from you,we both know that she chose me over you” I replied

“Liar”he growled out loud getting the attention of the other students

It’s been years since this incident happened, so why is he suddenly bringing up this issue? I thought.

“What’s going on and why are you two holding onto Andrea like that?”Beatrice asked as she came to us

“This guy here insist on taking Andrea” Jack said

“She is drunk and so I will be taking her home”I said

“But wait,I………”

“Will you all just SHUT UP!!!!!”Andrea yelled startlingly all of us.

“I want to dance and party some more,so let me go “she said drunkenly

She managed to pull her hand from Jack but she was unable to do it with mine.

“Let go of me!!!”she yelled and then staggered towards me.

She didn’t move when I tried to pull her away, I realised then that she must have slept.

“I will take her to her house,”I said.

She had woken up a bit and she could walk on her own.

“You fool!”I muttered

“What! Did you just call me a fool” She asked as she stared up at me drowsily.

“Yes I did”I said and she pulled away from me.

“How dare you!” She said as she point her finger at me

“You je.rk!”She yelled at me and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling.

“Did…….did you just smile”She said as she walked towards me and before I could stop her, she drew my cheeks.

“What are you doing”I said as I pushed off her hand

“You should smile more often Max, you look handsome “She said as she gave me a grin

“First a jerk and now am handsome?”I asked

“You je.rk!!!! “She yelled again

“My handsome j.erk”she added as she smiled

I couldn’t stop myself from admiring her beauty.

Just then I saw a taxi and I waved for one.

“What! A taxi?”she said behind me

“Yes a taxi, get in let’s go “I said

“No,no I can’t, why didn’t you bring that big car of yours” she asked as she rest on the wall for support

“I didn’t bring it”I said

“I can’t get into a taxi, they are very expensive and I need to save more money “she said as she began to walk off.

I waved the driver off and followed her. If she remembers what she said and did tonight , I am sure that she will be very embarrassed to face me tomorrow,I thought.

“My handsome je.rk, my handsome je.rk, my handsome j.erk”She kept saying as she staggered off.

“Where are we going to?”I asked and she stopped to stare at me

“Why are you following me?”she asked

“I said I will take you home”

“Wow! You didn’t take me home on that day at Beatrice’s first party, so don’t worry, I will go home myself” she said as she began to walk off but she stumbled on something and fell.

“It’s okay, it’s okay……..i’m fine”she said as she stood up.

I went to her and bent in front of her “hop on my back, you are a walking disaster” I said

At first I thought she wouldn’t but then she hopped on my back

“Where are we going to exactly”I asked

“A bus station, we are taking the bus home”she said as she laid her head on my back.

“Have never taken a bus before”I said

“There is a first time for everything”she said sleepily and for a while she was quiet, I thought she was asleep but a while later she sighed.

“You are quiet”I asked

“Why are you doing this to me?”she asked softly

“What am I doing?”I asked

“If only mother isn’t so obsessed about me attending a good school, I will not have to live my life with worries”she said

“Me going to a rich school is all mom idea, she says she wants the best for me because she never had the best”

“You know my mom graduated,she finished college and got a diploma but just because she didn’t go to a good school, she was never given a job, they preferred someone who went to a good school than some who is hardworking”

“She doesn’t want the same thing to happen to me,that is why I attend rich school”

“Mom had payed for me and I was studying in the best school and so it was left to me to make staying in the school work, the students at Excel high hated the scholars and they made their life a living he.ll”

“I didn’t have any option than to lie but somehow they found out my secret and began to make my life impossible”

“Did you tell your mom about this?” I asked

“No, mom has a lot on her mind, I just couldn’t burden her with mine, so instead I went to school each day and I tolerated Erica’s bullying, you said something to me on the rooftop on that day”

“You said I was a weakling but am not, I was just scared, scared for my mom and for myself, I started to lie all because I don’t want to be bullied and also to avoid trouble and cause my mom to worry”she said sadly

“But as luck would have it, I changed school only to meet you, Someone who knows my secret, ever since I saw you,I couldn’t sleep, I tried to avoid you and kept praying that you wouldn’t recognise me but you did and you keep on tormenting me with it”She said as her voice changed.

Gently I put her down and turned to stare at her, she had been crying, I thought as I wiped off her tears.

“For once in my life,I thought that I could be happy as a student,that somehow Jupiter high will bring me luck but it didn’t, you found me out and I can hardly sleep because I keep on wondering if you will tell everyone the truth or if you will make me do things that I would be called names or worse if you will also become Erica who bullied me”

“It’s all so frustrating Max, you knowing the truth frustrates me like hell”she said as she kept on crying

I felt bad after listening to her story, she isn’t doing it just because she is poor and wants to be amongst the rich.

She is doing it for her mom who wants a better life for her.

I pulled her towards me and gave her a tight hug.

“You mean Max, you made them call me a thief, I can be everything else but not a thief, you having fun at my expense is cruel, really cruel” she said as she kept on crying.

“It’s okay Andrea”I said softly,placating her.

“Am sorry, I really am”I added and when she didn’t say anything, I stared at her only to find her asleep.

Luckily a taxi passed by and I called for it. Soon we were in the car,on our way home.

“It’s all so frustrating Max, you knowing the truth frustrates me like he.ll”

“you having fun at my expense is cruel, really cruel”

Her words came back to haunt me as we headed back home.

Was I having fun knowing her secret, I thought as I remembered watching how she tried to hide the truth, how she tried to avoid me and how she behaved when she knew that I remembered her.

I knew she was having a hard time doing all of those things and yet I had watched and made fun of her.

Am cruel just as she said,I thought as I stared at her.

The car got to the estate and with the driver’s help I carried her on my back and went inside the house.

Her mother was waiting at the garden when I carried her In.

” But she told me she wouldn’t drink!”her mom said as she saw us

“She was saying the truth, the other kids brought the alcohol and poured it in everyone juice”I said

“Just put her here sir, I will take her to her room when she is sober”her mom said to me

“Let me take her to the room, it will be much better that way”I said and she led the way to their room.

The room itself was quite small, the second thing they had to a bed was a duvet which they spread on the floor.

“Just put her here” Her mom said pointing to a well spread duvet.

I laid her on the bed and stared at her. She looks beautiful when she is asleep, I thought.

As if she could hear my thoughts,she opened her eyes and stared at me.

“My handsome jerk”she said softly and before I could give her a reply, she sat up and threw up on me.

“Andrea !!!!” Her mom yelled at her.

She stared at me drowsily and smiled, then she fell on the duvet and slept off.

“Am so sorry sir, give me your coat, I will wash it for you” Her mom said as she tried to pull off my coat.

“No, no need, I will just throw it away”I said as I left the room.

“Andrea will certainly drive me crazy”I thought as I held my breath not wanting to smell her vomit.

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

I woke up having an headache, my head hurts a lot, I thought as I sat up

“So you are finally up”my mom said and I opened my eyes to stare at her

“What happened, my head keeps on banging”I said

“Have this soup, it will make your hangover go away”she said

Quickly I carried the soup and began to drink .

“You don’t remember what happened yesterday right?”she asked

“Is there something that I have to…………..”I stopped when I began to remember what I did and said yesterday.

“Oh no!”I said

“You remember right?”

I nodded gently, Beatrice had given me a Juice and I had drank it only for me to get drunk and begin to do crazy things

I don’t really remember the rest but I do remember that Max came for me and I had said and done crazy things with him.

“Oh God”I said feeling bad

“It’s best you get ready for school and make sure you apologise to Max”my mom said

“Why”I asked

“Don’t tell me you don’t remember what you did to him in our room”she asked

“Is there more?”I asked again

“You threw up on him and though he had said it was fine, I don’t think he was telling the truth, so get yourself ready for school and go to him to apologise” My mom said as she left the room.

I laid back on the bed, feeling so nervous, why did I have to get drunk.

“My handsome je.rk” , the name I had taunted Max with last night ,came back to taunt me.

How will I face Max now.

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