HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

Chapter 16

By : kebby NG

I got dressed for school, though I was feeling reluctant to leave the house.

I didn’t want to see Max. I felt so embarrassed. Why did I have to talk so much? Drunkards are meant to sleep but instead my mouth kept running.

I had even told him the real reason why I attend Jupiter high, something I never tell anyone.

I just hope that he doesn’t get the chance to see me or talk to me.

“You are still here, you will be late ?”my mom said as she stood in front of the doorway staring at me

“I will be out soon”I replied and she walked off.

Taking my books, I head out of the house being cautious at the same time.

As soon as I was out of the gate, i smiled to myself, feeling lucky that Max hadn’t seen me

“Good morning Andrea”on hearing his voice I turned only to see him all ready for school and he was standing in front of his car.

“Good morning”I said nervously

“Had a nice sleep?”he asked

“No…..not really”I replied still feeling nervous

“Would you like to have a ride to school in my car?”He asked

“What?”I asked, Surprised by his question

“Would you like to have a ride with me to school?”he asked again.

“No!!!, I mean I am used to using the bus, so I will just use the same thing this morning”I said

“Really? But last night you were asking for my car?”he said

“What? Last night?”I asked as I tried to remember that part

“You said why didn’t I bring that bring car if mine?”he asked having a smile on his face And I knew that I must have said and done stupid things in front of him

“That was the drunk Andrea but now……….”

“You are yourself again, the well ordered Andrea”he said softly.

“Last night was the first time I saw you free with yourself and around me”He said

“Being drunk made me do that, look Max am sorry, If I did anything that offend you last night, please forgive me” I said

“You don’t have to…………..”

“I have to, my mom told me what I did and it’s a must that I apologise for it and so Max , please accept my apology “I said

“Andrea I …………..”

“I will head to school now”without listening to what he had to say, I left him and went to take the bus.

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20


“I will never get you close to alcohol again” Beatrice said as we three walked into the school.

“I had messed up badly right?”I asked

“You went crazy Andrea, even jack had a hard time trying to get a hold of you”Brenda added

“Jack? “I asked

“I had told Jack to keep an eye on you”she said

“But why him?”

“He was the only one available and he didn’t keep an eye on you for long because Max showed up “Beatrice said

“You should have seen the way the two of them were over you last night, Max didn’t want to let you go and Jack too but you pulled yourself free only to fall into Max arms and so he took you home”Beatrice said

” You should have stopped him from taking me”I said softly

“Now that I think of it, I doubt that there is nothing going on between you and Max”Brenda said

“Nothing is going on between Max and I?”

“And so, tell us how he knew where you live, we don’t know it, how did Max know it”Brenda asked again

“We…….well it ………….”

“My God! What is he trying to tell me” Beatrice called out as she stared at her phone.

“What now?”Brenda asked

“It’s Jack, he said……he said he is coming to our school” she said

“Our school? I thought his school is in the states”I asked

“Well I don’t know, he just said……watch out”Beatrice said as we all moved out of the way for the motorbike to drive past us.

“No way!”Beatrice said as we all stared at the driver of the motor bike.

Jack stood by the bike, Dressed in our uniform and he was giving us all a smile.

“No way!”I also said the same thing Beatrice said

While hers was with good intentions, mine was with bad one.

“Why this school?”I muttered to myself.

Beatrice ran towards him to give him a hug and Brenda pulled me towards them

I would have like to escape but Brenda hold on me was too strong

“Guess what guys! Jack will be studying in our school from now on” Beatrice announced as we got to them.

“Why?”I found myself asking

He gave me a look and smiled before answering.

“Cause I like this school and because my favourite cousin is here” he said, giving Beatrice a peck on the cheeks.

“Oh Cousin , school will be fun with you and Max wouldn’t be the only handsome stud in school, now he has a rival, you can tell with the way the other students are ogling at him”Beatrice said

“It’s so nice to have you here Jack, I just hope you will be able to control your cousin a bit, she tends to do crazy things sometimes”Brenda added

I was still in shock to say anything, First I had to cope with attending the same school with Max, now I have to do the same with him, life is just so cruel, I thought

“Aren’t you going to say a thing?”He asked suddenly

“That’s right Andrea, you’ve hardly said a thing “Beatrice said

“Aren’t you happy to have him here, you know you can use him as a shield against that Max”Beatrice added

“I don’t think that will ever happen, I can certainly protect myself and I am happy to see him here” I said

“Well enough already, let’s go to class”Beatrice said happily

“But I still have to talk to the teacher, You see I haven’t been given a class yet” Jack said.

“Don’t worry I……or better yet Andrea will take you to the teachers office”Beatrice said

“But I………”

“Brenda and I have something to finish up, so hurry and go with him, or he might just get swamped up by these hungry looking girls, ”Beatrice said as she pulled Brenda off with her.

I sighed sadly and looked at Jack only to find he looking at me

“You definitely aren’t happy to have me here”he said

“What do you think? That I will be excited with your arrival! Why did you even choose this school, there are a lot of…………”

“Because I want to be close to you” he said suddenly and I stopped what I was saying

“What?”I asked and he laughed.

“Remember I told you that I will get to know what your secret is, well am here just to do that” he said

I couldn’t get to answer him because the girls began to scream .

I turned only to see Max getting out of his car.

As if he knew that I was watching him, he looked up and stared at me.

Quickly I looked away “let’s head to the teachers office “I said to jack

“Why? Are you suddenly being this way because of him”Jack asked

I didn’t answer him and when I turned to stare at Max again, it was to see him coming towards us.

By now most of the students were staring at us.

“Can we just go”I pleaded with Jack

“No, I want today hi to my soon to be classmate” he said

Max got to us and I could feel his gaze on me.

“You came early but you haven’t gone to class yet?”he asked

“I will do that soon”I said not looking at him

“Very rude! Won’t you even say hello!”Jack said to Max

“I only say hello to those that are worth it, common Andrea let’s go to class”He said holding my hand.

“Sorry Max but this time you won’t be taking her away, she is to take me to the teacher office, so kindly let her go” Jack said as he pulled me from Max.

“Why don’t you let me call one of those girls, they will be willing to take you to the teachers office” Max said

“Or I think it will be best that you go with one of them, they will be so willing to go with you to class” Jack said.

I could sense the hostility between these two guys and not wanting a fight amongst them I said quickly

“I will take Jack to the teachers office and then I will head to class”I said to Max

“See”Jack said having a smile on his face and then he took my hand and pulled me off

I didn’t dare look back because I knew that Max was watching us.

Why is he suddenly acting like a friend, he always avoids me at home and also at school? What caused this sudden change, I thought .

“My my my, Max is always full of surprise”Jack said

“Why do you say that?”I asked

“Have always wondered why he is always around you, now I know”He said

“What conclusion did you come to?” I asked

“It’s either of two things”he said as he turned to stare at me.

“It’s either he likes you or he knows the secret you are trying to hide”He said

Knowing that he was so close to the truth, I pulled my hand from his .

“That’s rubbish,I don’t have any secret to hide and Max can’t possibly like me”I said

“Why can’t he? You are beautiful and I couldn’t help but to notice that guys were staring at you”

“Stop it! You aren’t here to interrogate me, the teachers office is down this hall, you can get there yourself right?”I said and began to walk off

“Judging from your behaviour, you still haven’t remembered what happened between us last night”He said and that made me stop

“What happened?”I asked

“Try remembering,” he said to me and walked off.

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

For the first time in a while, I found that I couldn’t concentrate.

What’s wrong with me, I thought as I closed my book in anger.

The teacher hadn’t arrived yet and so was Andrea.

How can she keep lurking around Jack after what he did at the party?

She should have known by now that Jack is after something and I hope that it’s not after her.

Why would I hope for such a thing? What is wrong with me, quickly I bent to retrieve a fallen pen when I heard Beatrice calling Andrea.

Quickly I sat up and watched her walk in without Jack.

Did she get rid of him that soon, I thought feeling somehow relieved.

“Come here, tell me what you think of my cousin”Beatrice said

“What I think as in how?”I heard Andrea asking them

“Tell us didn’t you find him attractive” Brenda added

“No I don’t” her reply made me happy.

“But why, Jack is a hunk and compared to someone,he is easy going” Beatrice said and I know that the someone she was referring to was me.

“I know and just as you all think of him as a friend, I also think of him the same way” Andrea replied

“No way!” Beatrice and Brenda said at the same time and they would have continued if the teacher hadn’t walked in

“Seems like this is my lucky year, Apart from having the top student along with the beautiful transfer student another will be joining our class today” Mr Daniel said

“Who sir” A student asked anxiously

“It’s none other than Jack,”Mr Daniel said and Jack walked in.

“Hello guys, Am jack and I am new here. I am easy going and friendly. Treat me with care,” he said as everyone clapped.

“Why don’t you sit next to Geoffrey at the back”Mr Daniel said

“I would like to sit beside the beautiful transfer student”he said as he went over to the empty seat beside Andrea and sat down there.

“Okay then with that settled, let the class begin” Mr Daniel said.

All through the class,I wasn’t paying attention because I was staring at Andrea and Jack.

The jerk purposely sat beside Andrea to get me annoyed.

As if he knew that I was looking at him, He looked my way and then gave me a smile before staring at his book.

Jack will certainly be a threat in our lives, I thought to myself.

HIGH SCHOOL: Chapter 11 – 20

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