IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End


Episode 25


Jane waited until the doctor was out from attending to Vero before Going to meet him.

She asked him how she was doing and he said she was fine.
The doctor asked her to follow him to his office.

Immediately they got into the office, he offered her a seat and began speaking to her.

“Your friend is very stable at the moment and responding to treatment. that’s actually a good news… right? she was lucky that the bullet didn’t get to her heart region.

It bruised through the area. it was a tiny line of luck indeed or she would have been dead within few minutes of getting hit. our happiness is that she is going to be alright.

The bullet have been removed and the flesh hole have been stitched up, is the healing part that remains.

Unlike the first day that she was brought in, that very day like I have already told you before…it was a critical emergency situation that the medical team tries to the best of our ability.

Had it been that she was brought in an hour late she wouldn’t have made it.

Her body would have suffered violent involuntary contraction of the muscles… that’s like convulsing. And in 75percent cases leads to death. Just to let you understand how lucky she was to still be alive….”

Jane smiled and thanked the doctor.

“How long will she be here before going home? Just asking because her kids needs her and they wish to see her soon…”

“We need to monitor the healing process, to loosen the stitches in about a week and to make sure that nothing gets close to the sensitive part… that’s the heart.

Today is the third day, she should be discharged in a week and few days from now which will be totalled two weeks in all.

You can bring her kids down here to see her but not right away because she needs lots of rest to quicken the healing process. Maybe two days time… you can bring them over…”

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

Jane heaves a sigh of relief before asking
“Is she presently awake…? Can I go and see her now?

“Sure you can but don’t stay for too long. She needs lots of rest.

Jane nodded and as she stood up to leave the doctor asked her to wait.

“There is another major thing I need to ask you which will also help in filing our report. The second lady with you on that first day, she deposited enough money for your friend’s treatment and when we asked her how she sustained the bullet wound she couldn’t give a concrete answer but she promised to return back to do so.

This is the third day and we haven’t seen her and since you are present during the incident, we will like to get the proper report from you. We need to know this things and if involving the police on this case is necessary or not for the sake of our patient.

After further examining her we realized that she was shot at a very close range. I want to know if it was a robbery case? It doesn’t look like a stray bullet is not like we are cancelling the possibilities but there is a slim Iine to that.

We want answers regarding the incident and you are also in the right position to give it to us…”

Jane think back and remembered Pete threatening her that first day as they got to the hospital. He said if she ever says anything to anyone he will come back to finish what he started.

The whole thing was still very traumatic for her and so it must have been for Veronica.
She does not want to get herself or Veronica into further trouble.

She only wish all of this is over soon so that they can both have their normal lives back.
Although things won’t be ever the same but is better not to attract any further troubles.

“I’m sorry Doctor. Let’s rather wait for Patricia, she has all the details more than I do and she will come around just as she promised maybe before Veronica is discharged.

I have nothing to say concerning your questions. Please be patient until the woman in charge comes around…. please”
IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

The doctor told Jane that he will give a call to Patricia then since she dropped her mobile number that very day and asked the doctor to update her on anything.

Jane stood and went to see Veronica.
When she entered her room she saw her staring at the ceiling and muttering something to herself.

“Hey girlfriend… you fought so well and beat death to it’s game. I’m proud of you Vero…”

Jane smiled but Veronica couldn’t reciprocate. She sighed heavily and said.

“I didn’t beat death Jane, I couldn’t have done that on my own… God did it all. He gave me a second chance to live and that I will never take for granted. Thanks Jane for everything… you’re a friend indeed. How’re the kids…?

“They’re alright Vero. Don’t worry about them because they are both cared for and will come visiting soon and you will get to see them.

I know you are looking forward to going back home, the doctor said about a week time and maybe few days and you will be free to go.

All we pray now is a quick recovery. I really thank God for our miracles, yours especially Vero. You loved and trusted the wrong man, had children for and looked forward to the future with him not knowing he is a wolf in sheep clothing. he is a beast and would have end us all.

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

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