IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

Episode 27


She kept driving while trying to wave off the hate, the anger forming on her mind.

Is better she gives him the benefit of doubt and hang on to some tiny hope like she had done all this years.

She loved her husband dearly and had overlooked so many of his errors and bad sides.

She had wanted to divorce him in the past, during the first fraudulent charges that his company leveled on him and it turned out to be true.

A devasting moment and a big stain to their names.
Their lives and marriage was shaken by the whole saga.

He was supposed to served a long term sentence in prison but due to her influence and also putting in all the resources she had Pete was released.

After she managed to free him, she didn’t sense guilt or full remorsefulness in his actions and that was when she started having a deep rethink over the marriage.

She was going to end the whole thing, kick Pete out because by right the house was hers and take care of the kids.

He was free to come and visit but that was all to it.
For her sanity sake she prefers to be alone.

The shame, pain and all her hard earned money that went down during the process was too much loss.

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

Initially, she did not mind because all that matters was that her husband, the man she loved with all her heart and father of her children was out and safe but what pisses her off is his act of pride.

Portraying himself like what he did was right, no consequences to his actions due to he has a caring wife that won’t let him last a day in prison.

He felt that he can do it all over and no one has the right to send him to jail.

That was when she started thinking of letting it all go. Letting her sacrifice in the marriage and her so called husband to go.

It was as if Pete sensed what she intended and began to plead for her forgiveness.
She had to forgive and put it all behind her

Not until it happened again after few years and this time the money was huge.
Double to the previous theft.

She couldn’t tell what he did with the millions except that he squandered it carelessly and the remaining one was frozen by his company.

With her influence again and selling most of her property that could have worth more than what she sold them in few years time and also through the help of some of her influential clients she was able to bail him out after months of cooling in jail.

She had to also source for the help of the banks and thereby using one of her property as collateral which they are still holding onto.

All of this she sacrificed for a man she called her husband and she even assisted in setting up his own pharmaceutical store since he has lots of knowledge on medicine.

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

He was scrutinized and money was paid to get him a licence so that he can practice.

This year she had thought everything was settled and no more crisis or troubling drama until Veronica showed up and ever since everything changed.

She was heart broken when she got those pictures from Veronica and that was when Pete began to confess of having an affair which produced two kids after lying that Veronica was just a colleague who was obsessed with him.

And despite his criminal records he still had the mind of adding murder to it.

He almost succeeded with his act of killing Veronica, her kids and also Jane her friend without any sign of fear.

Another big mess that she will be dragged into and will start looking for a means to tidy it up.

Pushed into his mess again without choice.
If not that she followed him and appeared just at the right time it would have been too late to remedy anything.

Lives and properties would have been lost and Pete will act like nothing happened because that is mostly his way.

She will not only be married to a criminal or ex convict but also a murderer.
That will be freaky scary.

She had paid for all the hospital bills for Veronica and asked the doctor to try his possible best to keep her alive.

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

Her husband did not ask her even for once about Veronica or the kids.

He did not care if she died or survived instead he was a bit relieved that they may never trouble him again.

“…. pathetic, inconsiderate, selfish barbarian…”
Patricia spoke out loud to the quiet car as she kept driving trying to suppress the anger and agony resting in her heart.

And now her concerns is getting the truth from Veronica.
Hopefully she will tell her the truth about the house.
She also hopes that Jubril has nothing to do with it.

Patricia was believing that her husband is telling the truth and if so, it will be his saving grace.

She got to the hospital, parked, picked up her bag and walked into the hospital.
The doctor attending to Veronica was just coming out of his office.

He saw Patricia and called out to her.
She greeted him kindly with a smile as she asked about Veronica.

The doctor told her that Veronica was recuperating fine.
He asked to see her in his office but she said he should hold on for some minutes.

She needs to see Veronica first before coming to talk with him.
The doctor allowed her to go.
She tapped gently on the door before walking in.

“Hey… how’re you doing?
Patricia asked gently as she entered the private hospital ward where Veronica was.

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

“I’m doing great by the grace of God. Thanks to God for another chance to life and thanks to you too Patricia for overlooking everything and helping me.

God bless you and grant you your desires. I’m forever grateful… thank you.

Patricia did not smile or say anything as she took few feets closer to her bedside.

“I’m not really a religious person Vero but I will still say Amen to your prayers. You may be right when you say God gave you another chance to live but it could still be coincidence. Me showing up at the right time to help save the day…”

Veronica looked up at her and said.
“No sparrow falls from the sky to the ground without His knowledge. For He knows the number of your hair and your deepest thought.

Patricia, I don’t believe in coincidence…I believe in God. I have taken him for granted enough I will never do that again…never. He knew you will be there that day.

Jane wasn’t supposed to come…I wasn’t even expecting her until the weekend but God lead her down and it was due to the way she tries to engage Pete in a conversation that delayed him shooting until you showed up just in time.

God knew what was going to happen that way. He showed me signs through dreams severally but I never understood but I do now.

Is okay not to be religious, I’m not religious either but I believe in God and he has the best interest for us all despite how filthy we are.

IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

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