JUST TWO MONTHS: Chapter 11-20

?Just Two Months ?

Chapter 19

? Author’s P.o.v?
Two days later, they all returned from the vacation, Daniel’s parents went on a business trip leaving the rest at home.
Kylie was heading out when she bumps into Paris. “Ky,do you wanna go shopping with me?” Paris said smiling. Oh,i would love to but I have to go see my family today,i miss them” Kylie said. “Okay,have fun”Paris said,gave Kylie a hug and walked away.

?? Kylie’s P.o.v??
I really need to see my mom,i miss her so much. “Hey, going somewhere?” Daniel said as he walked in. “Yeah,am going to my mom’s place”i said.
“Let me drop you off”He said smiling at me. “Um.. thanks,i can manage, bye”i said and walked away quickly before he insisted. I really don’t want to near him for long because anytime he touches me,i feel those stupid butterflies in my stomach and i hate feeling that way especially for him, I just this two months to be over so that i can leave.

I just want to go back to my own life, my mom,my sister and Nina. With the money,Daniel is paying me,i bought a house far away from my dad,he doesn’t know where we live and it’s better.

“Mom,Kris,am back” i said entering the living room,Kris ran up to me and hugged me while my mom came out of the kitchen and i hugged her.
“Oh,mom,i missed you so much and you are looking so pretty” i said while she smiled widely
“I missed you too,honey,you are just in time for breakfast” she said as we sat down.

“So kris, how’s your new school?”I asked Kris who was on her phone. “It’s great,better than my old school”She said with so much happiness.
“But honey,you haven’t really told us the job you are doing that is bringing so much money”My mom said. “Mom,i told you that i work as a secretary to a big company,yeah, that’s what i said” i replied hoping she won’t question me more,i can’t tell her what am actually doing.

“Okay, dear” she said while arranging the table for breakfast. “What of Nina?”I asked looking around. “Oh, she’s at the coffee shop nearby,she works there”Kris said . “Okay,after breakfast,i will go meet her” i said.

“He apologized?”Nina asked surprised when i narrated everything that happened during the vacation. “Yes, he did”i said and sighed in frustration.
“Well,that was a wrong move on his part, did that hurt you?” She asked holding my hands. “Well, a little,i guess”i said and shrugged my shoulder.
“Kylie,am your best friend so you have to tell me the truth?” She said and i nodded. “Are you in love with Daniel Mendes?” She asked.
“Nina,that is so irrelevant and….”. “And nothing,this is a Yes or No question,so do you love him?” She said cutting me off.
“I..i don’t know and i don’t want to think about it,all i want is for two months to be over” i said.
“Kylie,when you were telling me all about the vacation,i saw your eyes Everytime you mentioned Daniel,your eyes sparkle,you love him, Kylie Blair” she said smiling widely.
“Let’s forget about this and go shopping” i said dragging her along.

? Daniel’s P.o.v?
Today has to be the most boring day ever, Mason and Paris are not at home and Kylie just came back from her mom’s place,i don’t want to disturb her,i guess i will go watch a movie.

I head to the living room and put on a zombie movie,i wanted to go grab a popcorn when Kylie walked in wearing a black hoodie stopping under her knees. “Going out again?” I asked trying so hard not to drool over her.

“Yeah,am going to MacDonald’s, since Paris isn’t around”She said. “Okay,have fun” i said while she walked away. “Now am completely alone” i said to myself.
Suddenly Kylie walked in again. “Did you forget something?” I said. “Yes, do you wanna join me?” She asked pouting her lips.
“Yeah,sure,let me go get ready”I said

?? Kylie’s P.o.v??
I knew he was feeling lonely so that’s why i asked him to join me. He wanted to take his car but i forced him to walk, the place isn’t that far.
We had fun goofing around the street, people started thinking we were couples.
“Daniel,can you stop doing that,we are in public for Pete’s sake” i said to dance who was busy licking ice cream like a baby.
“Okay,i will stop,i have never felt so free in a long time” he said smiling widely at me.
“Hmm, that’s because you were busy being a j.erk face” i said and started laughing.
“Hey,i thought you have stopped calling me that” he said feigning anger.
“Oh,am sorry but i can’t help myself”I said while we laughed. “Ever since you came into my life,it has been so fun”he said while i started blushing.

? Author’s P.o.v?
At the balcony was where everyone was playing Tennis, the girls were beating the boys.
“You two are cheating”Mason said while Paris and Kylie laughed. “Just admit that you can’t beat us” Kylie said
“We are just letting you win”Daniel said while Kylie rolled her eyes. “Oh, please,spare us….”
“Honey” Someone said cutting Kylie off,it was a girl wearing a really short gown.
“Chantel?” Daniel said surprised while Mason and Paris were looking angry.
“What’s this slut doing here?” Paris asked with so much anger, Kylie was so confused.
“Who is she?” Kylie asked. “She’s Chantel, Daniel’s ex- girlfriend” Mason said

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