JUST TWO MONTHS: Chapter 41-50

?Just Two Months ?

Chapter 47

? Mason’s P.o.v?
“Why did you compare her to Chnatel, that’s not nice” i said after Daniel told me what happened.

“I know, I just let my anger get the best of me, She was all up on her phone and i got so angry that she isn’t me attention”

“You have to apologise to her”

“I know,i have been trying to call her but she’s not answering me”

“Don’t worry, i will talk to Nina to talk to her”

?? Kylie’s P.o.v??
I went over to the park where i know Daniel can’t find me,he’s been such an idiot lately,he’s so insecure.

The only person that knows am here is Nina and i told her not to tell anyone.

“Kylie?” Someone said and i turned around to see Jamil standing at my back.

“Jamil,what are you doing here?”

“I came here to clear my head,this is where i always come to”

“Oh, that’s nice”

“Where’s Daniel,i don’t want to get punched in the face”

“Why would you get punched?”

“Well, because your boyfriend warned me not to come close to you and he wasn’t joking”

“He threatened you?”

“Pretty much”

I can’t believe Daniel threatened him,i know he is my ex but Daniel can’t go around scaring him.

“Sorry about that”

“So why are you here?”

Jamil sat beside him.
“Well,we fought..again,so i came here to relax”
“You two have been having issues?”
“Couples always fight, it’s normal,if you two truly love each other,then you will settle things”

“So how about i take you out for ice cream..as friends?”

“Okay, sure”

We ended up hanging out together, buying ice cream and having alot of fun,at least it got my mind off my fight with Daniel.

“Ahh,i forgot something at home”

“What’s that?”

“Some documents that am supposed to give a client today,i have to get back home”

“Oh.. okay”

“If it makes you uncomfortable,i can just drop you off at home then leave”

“No,no, let’s go to your house”


We got to his house,it was really big and beautiful and the decorations was amazing.

“You like it?”

It’s amazing, you have great taste”

“Okay, settle down while i get the document”


He went upstairs while i walked around admiring the beautiful painting and sculptures.
Then i was a door half opened, out of curiosity,i walked in but it was dark.
I found the switch and turned on the lights and what i saw shook me to the bones.

It was pictures of me everywhere,so many pictures i couldn’t count,there were pictures of me when i first met Daniel,when i decided to be his pretend Girlfriend, pictures of when i got a job,of when i and Daniel went to paris.

I was terrified and scared,Jamil has been stalking me,he’s obsessed with me, there was also a painting of me.

I have to get out of here,right now.
I ran out of the room, then out of his house ,i took a cab to Daniel’s house.

? Daniel’s P.o.v?
“Where are you going?” My mom asked as she saw me heading out.

“To look for Kylie,i need to apologise”

“It’s late,why not do it tomorrow”


I cut off by the loud opening of the door,it was Kylie,she ran into my arms so scared and she was shaking.

“Kylie, what’s wrong?”


“What did he do? I swear am gonna kill him”

She was still hyperventilating,my mom had to give her lemon juice to calm her down.

“Okay, honey, tell us what happened?”

“Jamil took me over to his house because he said he wanted to get some documents,while he was gone i saw a room and decided to enter that’s when i saw pictures of me everywhere, Jamil has been following me ever since,he has been stalking me,i think he is obsessed”

“What? That bastard is so gonna get it from me”

“Danny,am so so sorry, I shouldn’t have talked to him,he seemed so nice with me,am sorry”

“It’s okay, let’s go to bed,okay.. nothing will happen”

?? Kylie’s P.o.v??
I woke up the next day still feeling scared,if Jamil has been following me, then he’ll probably know am here.

“Good morning,babe” Daniel said as he walked in.

“Good morning”

“Food is downstairs so go take a shower so that you can eat”

“Oh, Danny,i love you,okay?”

“I know and i love you too”

We hugged for a few minutes before Daniel suggested he baths me.

We were having breakfast when Paris walks in with a letter.

“What’s that?” Mason asked.
“It’s a letter for Kylie and Daniel”

“Let me see it” Daniel said

He collected it from Paris and opened it,it was pictures of me sleeping in Daniel’s bed last night and pictures of Daniel and i this morning.

We became scared when we saw it, someone is watching us right now.

“This means someone is watching us right now” Mason said.

“Wait.. there is a paper attached to it” Paris said as she picked up the letter.

“The letter says ‘You can run but you can’t hide, dear Kylie,am watching you,am watching your every move,i must have you and if i can’t have you then no one can not even Daniel… from your future boyfriend,Jamil’

Immediately Paris read the letter,i became so scared,Jamil is Definitely going to do something nasty.

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