LOVE HAPPENS: Episode 31-40

Love Happens
Episode 32
“Babe. You are leaving”. Sophie said with a pout.

I sighed. “After i go check on Ashley, i’ll come pick you up later and then we go out”.

“Sure thing Love”. She pecked me and walked away with her friends.

I went to the driveway with Audrey, Lily and Kathryn.

“Yo, Adrian, i’ll stop by later”. Audrey said hopping on her motorcycle driving away.

Yep. She’s has a motorcycle.
She’s the school bad girl.

I turn to Lily. “Are you coming too?”.

“Maybe, if i have time”.

Her driver opened the car-door for her and she got in, the car driving away.

I went to my car unlocking it.

“Get in”. I told Kathryn.

She got in the car with me and drove out of the school’s parking lot.

“Do you have any idea why Ashley left school early?”. I asked her as i drove.

“Umm, no idea”. She replied nervously.

I glanced at her. “Are you okay?”.

She nodded fiddling with her fingers.

“Relax. I don’t bite”. I said giving her a charming smile.

Minutes later, we got to my house and i parked the car in our driveway. I got out alongside Kathryn and noticed a new car among the fleet of cars.

Thats strange.
It wasn’t there this morning.

We got to the front porch and i inputed the code walking into the house with Kathryn.

I was surprised to see Mum pressing her phone seated on the couch.

“Mum!!”. I shouted happily rushing over to hug her.

“Ian, baby”. She pecked both of my cheeks giggling.

Other times, i would have pulled away.
But i missed my Mum.

“When did you get back?”. I asked sitting close to her.

“Lets just say, maybe two hours ago”. She responded smiling.

“Good day, ma’am”.

Thats when i noticed Kathryn standing.

My Mum stood up. “Don’t be too formal dear, call me Sasha”.

Kathryn smiles. “Okay, Miss Sasha, i came here to check on Ashley”.

“Oh thats right”. My Mum faced me. “Whats wrong with Ashley, she’s been sleeping since we came back and i think she has a fever”.

I raised an eyebrow. “We? Who’s the we?”.

My Dad came down the stairs dressed casually but also coolly.

“Where are you guys off to?”. I asked confused.

“To the movies”. My Dad said going over to the counter to pick his car-keys.

He stopped when he saw Kathryn. “Do i know you?”.

“Mr Kendrick. I’m Ashley’s best friend, Kathryn”.

“I thought the girl with the glasses was Ashley’s best friend”. My Dad asked.

“We’ll worry about that later, for now lets go”. My Mum said taking her purse.

Kathryn turned to me. “I’ll go see Ashley”. She said going upstairs.

My parents went out the door. Seconds later, my Mum came back.

“I forgot, Alexander is in the kitchen”.

“Why? When did he come?”. I asked.

“He had a minor accident, seems like our house was the nearest. I wanted to take him to a hospital but he refused”.

“Did he tell you how he got into an accident?”.

My Mum shook her head negatively. “He didn’t but he seems down. I think you should go check up on him”.

I heard honking from outside. “You better go or else Dad will leave you”.

She smiled and blew me a kss. “Bye, love you, send my ksses to Ashley as well”. She ranted walking out the door.

“I love you too”. I shouted after her.

Then i went to the kitchen on the other side of the hallway. I walked in and met Xander on the counter with tissues and wipes beside him.

“What happened?”. I asked leaning on the fridge.

He frowned. “He’s back”.

Only one person Xander is afraid of.

I widened my eyes as i figured it out. “I thought you said he was in a conference meeting which would last for two weeks”.

“I thought so too”. He replied lowly.

I went closer examining his face. “The bruises are not much”.

“Thats because your Mum tended to them”. He said getting down from the counter going to the trash bin to dump the wipes.

“Were the bruises from him or the accident?”.

“Brush burns from the airbag. What he did was much worse”. He raised up his shirt and i saw his lower chest region bandaged.

I touched it a little but he pushed me.

“I didn’t say you could touch”. He yelled angrily.

It must have hurt.

“Look, i’m so –“. I was interrupted by screams upstairs.
More yelling followed.

What was all the screams about?
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