LOVE HAPPENS: Episode 31-40

Love Happens
Episode 39
I went back to the living room and saw it empty.
Maybe Audrey and Lily left.

I went to the kitchen taking a soda drink from the refrigerator heading to the living room. I sat on the couch turning on the television, i kept changing channels. G0sh! T.V is boring these days.

“Where’s Adrian?”.

I turned to see J.R standing behind the couch.

“Still in his room, i guess”.

He nodded. “Right, tell him i had to go”.

“Sure thing”.

With that, J.R left.

I took my phone out of my pocket checking the time.
What the hell!
6:50 pm.
Time’s really .. fast.

After a while, Adrian came down with Sophie and Samantha along with Xander.

“Sis, i’ll be gone for a while”. Adrian said taking his car-keys.

“Yeah. Sure. Don’t care”. I replied.

He chuckled leaving with Sophie and Samantha.

Xander plooped down on the couch sitting close to me.

Startled i turn to him. “Are you not gonna go?”.

“Do you want me to go?”. He asked with his oceanic blue eyes twinkling.

“I don’t know”. I replied lowly.

“I’m staying the night”.

I turn to him sharply. “Wait!! What?”. I yelled standing up.

He became confused glancing at me. “You don’t want me here?”.

“Its not that .. I just .. Um”. I said nervously.

“Is it about the kss?”.

I widened my eyes. “No .. No”.

“Then what?”. He asked coming closer.

“Don’t come closer, just stay there”. I said.

“Why?”. He asked and stepped closer.

I walked away fron him and went straight to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and poured some water gulping it down my throat. I sighed softly and rubbed my forehead.

G0sh! Why am i like this?
I mean i don’t like Xander.
But the kss.

I grunted as i rolled Kathryn off me.
The btch is still asleep.

I stood up putting on boxers then my shorts.
I didn’t bother wearing a shirt as i went out in the big hallway leading down the huge stairs.

I got down and was surprised to see them still here.
With Miguel.

“Woah. What are you guys still doing here?”.

I asked as they all turned to me.

“V-man”. Miguel said shaking me.

He calls me V-man for a reason.

I smirked. “How was the hot chick?”.

“Not better than yours, apparently”.

I stares at him confused. “What’s that supposed to mean?”.

“I love you so much, Axel. I hope our relationship lasts”. André cooed playfully.

“I love you too Kathryn. You are the best”. Ryan added.

I laughed understanding what they meant.

“You like her?”. Miguel asked.

I frowned. “Yuck, No, its for the money”.

Miguel’s face lightened up. “Speaking of money, Ashley’s bid rised up”.

I shrugged. “So?”.

“Many guys in school are desperate to get her. Cash prize is 200,000 dollars”.

Ryan gasped. “All that money just to get one girl”.

“I’ll win the bet”. I said sitting down.

André chuckled. “You didn’t win the other one”.

“The whole school thinks i slept with Ashley dumping her in the process”.

“But you didn’t fck Ashley”. Ryan said.

“I made them believe i did”.

Ashley came out of the kitchen minutes later.

“Ugh. I gotta go”. She said nervously running upstairs.

Soon, Adrian came back and we went to his room to play Zombie video games.
And i was winning.

“The heck are you doing, Adrian, you used to be a lot better than that!”. I teased him.

“Shut up, you will see what i’m capable of!”. He replied.

A knock sounded on the bedroom door.
The door slowly opened.

Well actually, Adrian’s mum.
I’m used to calling her Mum anyways.

I nudged Adrian to stop playing but he ignored me focusing on the game.

“Welcome, Mum”. I greeted politely.

She smiled in return. “Xander how nice to see you again, you are like the son i never had”.

Adrian groaned. “Seriously Mom”.

She frowned. “I came in here and i expected you, Gregory__”.

Adrian grunted. “Don’t call me that please”. He said cutting her off

I snickered. “Gregory”.

Adrian turned to me dropping his game pad. “Watch it”.

I raised my hands in a surrending manner still laughing.

“Baby, Gregory is a nice name”. Mum said mockingly.

“Mum!!”. Adrian wailed.

“The delivery service is delayed. Do you want to pick up the pizza or do you prefer to make sandwiches”.

Adrian and I looked at each other slowly shaking our heads.
We’ve had a bad history with things done in the kitchen.

“We prefer Pizza”. Adrian said. “And Xander will pick them up because i’m d@mn tired”.

I rolled my eyes inwardly.

Mum flashed a smile. “Great, Ashley wants to tag along”.

Hmm .. A bet was made on Ashley
Ashley is avoiding Xander
But this one that Xander and Ashley are going to pick up the Pizza TOGETHER.
Hmm ..

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