By Terri Savage


“Henry” Joyce almost screamed.

“Hey don’t shout too much, I know I’m cute” Henry said as they walked to the dinning.

“Sons” Thomas said.

“Dad” The twins said and jammed knuckles with him.

“Sweet aunt” The twins said and Joyce smiled.

“I got this for you baby” Hilliary said and handed a bag of chocolate to Joyce.

“Aww, I love you sweet heart” Joyce said.

“What did you got for me?” Cassie asked.

“I got this” Henry said and gave her a sugar biscuit.

“What! biscuit?”.

Everyone laughed.

Joyce stood up and hugged Summer.

“You’re so cute more up close” Joyce said and Summer smiled.

“Mother” Summer said and Joyce gushed cutely.

“Summer, this is my dad and my mum, my aunt and I guess the other guy is her boyfriend” Henry said.

“Sir, I greet everyone” Summer and Dorathy said, bowing respectfully.

Everyone smiled at them.

“Everyone meet my girlfriend Dorathy” Hilliary said and Dorathy blushed.

“She is so cute” Cassie said.

“Summer is more cute” Joyce said.

” Meet my boyfriend ¢razy twins” Cassie said and the twins moved over to Brandon.

” He is not more handsome than us” They said and Brandon chuckled.

” Guys” Brandon said and they hugged him at once.

” We like you”.

” I like you too guys” Brandon said and they broke the hug.

” Hey everyone, the food will get cold, let’s eat” Thomas said.

Joyce stood up and started dishing out the food on the table and in the next minute she was done.

“My crazy cousin is dating the governor’s daughter, Summer how do you handle this mad man?”

Cassie asked and everyone on the table laughed.

“I have the key to control him” Summer replied.

“Dorathy, I like your lips” Joyce said and Dorathy smiled.

“Thanks mum” She said.

“Girls feel free, Brandon feel free, we are a free family” Thomas said.

Brandon said and Cassie held his hand, they shared glances.

“I will be expecting the wedding soon” Thomas said.

“Let’s get, no talking, we will do that later” Joyce said and everyone started eating.

” Henry and Hilliary…”.

” Dad!!!” The twins yelled.

” Okay no more talking, I zip my mouth” Henry said and everybody laughed at him.



Cassie got out of the bathroom and smiled, Brandon is on the bed working on the laptop.

Brandon looked up and his eyes fell on her.

“Like what you see?” She asked.

“I swear, I’m enchanted, I would have missed if I didn’t date you” He said and she smiled.

“Same here” She said and let go of the towel immediately.

Brandon’s eyes widened as he stared at her beautiful nkedness.

His eyes soon started clouding with lust and desire as his eyes roamed all over her succulent body.

The voluptuousness klling him.

Cassie smiled at him and started walking to the closet.

” Fk” He muttered at the way her @ss were clapping on each other.

Cassie threw a simple gown on and turned to him.

” How do I look?” She asked.

” Cute as always but I love the first sight more” He replied.

” Naughty boy, you ain’t getting that tonight” She said and climbed the bed.

What are you doing?” She asked, staring at the laptop.

“Working on some artwork papers for my boss” He replied and she pecked him.

“So baby tell me how did you find my family like?” She asked.

“They are simple people with a great personality, and that fake twins are something else.

I haven’t seen guys crazy like them” He replied and remembered the drama at the mansion earlier.

” No dull moment with those mad men”.

” Your brother and his wife are the best, I am grateful they accepted me so quick, I won’t disappoint you” He said and she hugged him.

“I love you” She said.

” I love you too” He replied and they kssed.

” Are you done working on them?”.

” Yes, why?” He replied and moved the laptop aside.

” I want to sleep on your chest” She replied and he smiled.

Brandon lay on the bed and Cassie lay on his chest.

” So comfortable” She said and he started stroking her hair.


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