MENDED WINGS : Episode 1 – 10

Minded wings

Episode 10

Ella lay on her bed, her elbow resting on the widely opened Bible beside her. Thoughts filled her mind. It couldn’t be a coincidence. She’d dreamt of Joel even before he had expressed his love to her. He had to be the one she was meant to marry. He was all encompassing, lacking nothing. But why was peace absent in her heart, the kind of peace that
had washed over her heart when she had eventually agreed to begin a relationship with Kunle.
She sighed, the umpteenth time that morning. Her whole body
and mind approved of Joel. After all, Joel was a believer who must have prayed intensively before deciding to extend a hand of love towards her.
And he was one of those who heard God every second or so she
thought. He couldn’t have chosen wrong. That was the confirmation she was awaiting. If he could tell her that he’d received God’s consent to marry her, then nothing else mattered. Moreover, she’d been having good dreams about him recently, unlike when she had just started praying about marrying Kunle, and she had negative visions about Joel.
Nothing would deter her from making the right choice. But what if…
“Ella, open the door,” Evelyn said, interrupting Ella’s thoughts.
“I’m meditating. Can we talk later?” Ella answered, her nose
“No. We can meditate together. It’s important.”
Ella knew nothing she said would make Evelyn turn away from
her door. She reluctantly left her bed and opened the door. Evelyn walked in and sat on the bed.
“Come sit with me here. We need to talk,” Evelyn said as soon as
she made herself comfortable on the mattress.
Ella stood behind the door, holding it open, a habitual action she put up to tell a visitor he or she wasn’t welcome.
“Auntie, can’t we talk later? I was in the middle of something?”
Ella said.
“You’ll go back to whatever that was when I leave.” Evelyn tapped
the mattress. “Come have your seat.”
Ella exhaled deeply. She shut the door and sat close to the edge of
the bed, facing her aunt. “I’m listening,” she said.
“How’re you?”
“I’m fine,” she said, her countenance opposing her utterance.
“Thank God for that. Ella, it’s not news that you’re not getting any younger. What’s going on?”
“Going on where? I don’t understand you,” she said with raised eyebrows.
“Okay. Let me be direct. What has God told you concerning
Kunle? You’ve been praying about him for a long time now. Time is
running by, you people should start thinking of tying the nuptial knot.
You need to let him know your stand.”
“Oh, that. Actually, I’ve not been serious about the prayer. But now that you’ve mentioned that time is running by. I’ll get serious with it.”
“Ella. What has suddenly gone wrong with you? I just wanted to
hear it from you. He told me that the last time he discussed with you about bringing his parents to meet yours, you refused and told him to
give you more time. My question for you is this, what do you intend to do with more time? Answer me, Ella. More time for what? To build a house or what? And I heard you stopped communicating with him. You
banned him from visiting this house and even blocked him on social media. That’s very wrong. How could you treat a man who genuinely loves you like that? That’s insensitivity of the highest order.”
“Don’t auntie me. Do you know how long you’ve been avoiding
discussion each time I tried to talk to you about it?”
“You’re pressurizing me.”
“I’m not pressurizing you. You’re the one dragging what shouldn’t be dragged.”
Ella shook her head, anger trickling into her veins. “Auntie, you’re taking things personally. I was the one who said yes to courtship with
him in the first place. And I still have the prerogative to say yes or no to marriage. It’s not a must-do thing. Seriously, we need to have a talk about something else of more importance and drop this issue.”
“Drop what issue? We’re not dropping this until it is resolved.”
“Flogging a dead dog is an exercise in futility. Forget Kunle. The earlier you do the better for both of us.” Ella turned her head to the
side, staring at the plain wall.
Evelyn exhaled. She knew another approach was needed if she’d
get Ella to talk. She stood up and went on her knees. “Ella, for God’s sake, please tell me what is going on. What has this guy done to you?”
Ella jumped off the bed and pulled her aunt up. “Please, have your seat.”
“I won’t stand up until you tell me all that is in your mind.”
“Okay, I promise, I will. Please sit.”
Evelyn resumed her seat and stared expectantly at her niece.
“I can’t marry Kunle. He’s not the man meant for me. That’s all.”
“Ella. I’m your aunt. I can’t see a pit and ask you to jump into it. I was aware when you fasted and prayed in this same house before you started courting this man. I knew how much confident and convinced
you were. Are you saying God Has changed His mind concerning
“Yes. And it isn’t the first of its kind. God changed His mind
about Eli and his generation in The Bible. He can change His mind about anyone.”
“This is deception of the devil. Listen to me, no verse of The Bible stands in isolation. Picking a verse or an incidence in The Bible to justify one’s decision without getting the true meaning by the help of the Holy Spirit will not save one when the consequences of such decisions arise.
God is not an author of confusion. If indeed, God didn’t want you to marry him, He would have told him too, and you wouldn’t even need the unnecessary hostility you’re displaying towards him. I’m not
canvassing for Kunle. But the truth is that he will make a good husband for you. I’ve also been praying, and I thank God for the words of assurance I received about Kunle. Besides, I’m beginning to get worried
that it’s getting late. I want you to settle in good time.”
“If you’re worried about me marrying late, you need not. I’ve met the man that will be my husband. He’s a born again Christian. He’s in the ministry. And he has told me to marry him, a decision he didn’t take
based on feelings.”
Evelyn’s eyes widened as she stared at Ella’s mouth. “I knew it. I knew pebbles were in the beans. You couldn’t suddenly refuse Kunle like that if there was none in the picture with you two. By the way, who is this man you’re talking about?”
The thought of Joel parted Ella’s lips in a deep smile. “His name is
Joel Mason. He attends my church. He’s young and vibrant. He’s…”
“Wait, is that Joel the Pastor Mason you’ve told me tons about?”
“Yes.” She grinned. “Your memory is good. He’s the same
“The same person as the pastor you had a crush on.”
She frowned. “Auntie. I didn’t have a crush on him. I was only
admiring him. And that was long time ago.”
Evelyn laughed. “Now I get the full picture. I was wondering what was clouding your vision because I knew how sound your judgment used to be. I knew how much you received directions from God regarding issues. So, I was wondering what went wrong this time around.”
“What are you saying? My visions are still as clear as ever. All the revelations I’ve had of recent assured me he is the one.”
“Don’t be deceived. The devil is using your lust for that man to
becloud your vision. You’ve wanted him from the very first day you saw him.”
“I don’t have lust in my heart,” Ella snapped.
“Lust is subtle my dear. Sometimes you never know when it creeps in. The Bible, in Proverbs 4:23, says, ‘Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.’ Admiration isn’t a sin, but when care isn’t taken, it degenerates into lust.”
“I know. But this has gone beyond the issue of lust or no lust. Joel What is the one I’m marrying.”
Evelyn shook her head. “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?”
“That’s because you’ve told yourself Kunle would be your in-law.
Sorry to burst your bubbles, Kunle has no place in our family. The earlier you forget about him, the better.”
“So, your mind is made up.”
“That’s an understatement. I’m more determined. Joel will be my
“Have you told your pastor about it?”
“Yes. He has gone to see our senior pastor, and the pastor has sent for me. I’m meeting him on Thursday.”
“Ella. The spirit of God will not always strive with you. If you refuse to hearken to divine instruction and allow the devil to befuddle you, you’ll have yourself to blame in the end.”
“Are you placing a curse on me?”
“No, I’m not. I’m only saying you need to be careful at this
junction. I’ll accept any man you bring because I can’t force any man on you. I pray God will guide you. I leave you in God’s hands.” Evelyn rose up.
“Thank you. I can assure you that you’ll love Joel. He’s everything you love. You’ll see.”
“It is well with you,” she said and walked out of Ella’s room.

To be continued

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