MISTAKENLY HIS: Episode 1-10

? Mistakenly His
(Kidnapped by a Ma.fia)

Episode 23

? Charlotte ?

” You love him Charlotte, admit it ” Chelsea said laughing!

Is this lady okay? Why’s she laughing?
I made my way to go again but she held me back;

I sighed in frustration, I..I need to see Jace right away!

How bad is the accident? He left here few minutes ago !

” C’mon, I just did all that to see your reaction sis. You do love Jace and I don’t know why you are stopping yourself from embracing the truth ”

” From what you said earlier, he’s not that bad not to give him a chance! I am sure he changed because of you sis, give the poor guy a chance ”

She patted my shoulder and left! Leaving me confused !

Do I really love him? God! I have never been this confused in a long time.

Despite his intimidating body, I feel much safer around him!

He’s my perfect kinda man!
Within this days, I have gotten many reasons to like him!

What do I do now?
Chelsea is experienced right? And she said I love him!

She won’t ever give me a bad idea for anything!

Maybe, I should give him a chance! Maybe it will yield something better and I hope I don’t regret it!



I woke up with the sun piercing through my window!
I picked up my phone and it was &:45am ! Crap!

I jumped out of the bed into the bathroom.

Chelsea has killed me! G0sh! Why didn’t she wake me up?

I am sure she’s gone to work and Mum too didn’t wake me up!

I hastily brushed my teeth and fasten my bath!

Two minutes was an understatement! I was out before you know it!

I quickly dried my body, scattered our closet and picked some random dress, wore it , combed my hair!

I didn’t care to rub a cream or apply some makeup!
I am d@mn late ! I mean freaking late!

How the he do I explain this? Chelsea purposely not wake me up?

I picked up my phone and hand bag heading downstairs with my car keys !

Oh my! I forgot my car broke down! What do I do?
Maybe I will just take a cab! I will call my mechanic to fixed the car later!

” Baby ” Dad said as he sighted me !

” Good morning mum and dad ” I greeted rushing out!

” Aren’t you going to take your breakfast?” Mum asked

I shook my head!

” No Mum, I will just grab some lunch at the office! I am late already , take care of dad mum ”

I passed them a flying kss and dashed out like a cr@zy person!

Luckily for me, I saw a cab as I came out!

” Where to ma’am?” He asked

” Nee and Co ” I replied he nodded and began driving!

After about thirty minutes, we arrived at the building!

You are wondering why we came very fast? Well! I urged him to drive speedily!

I payed the cab man silently praying not to be seen by Jace!

His words yesterday played in my head like a music!

” I hate tardiness, do not come late to the office ”

That was his words to me !
By now, it was 9:15am ! Coming to work almost ten! G0sh!

As you know, I don’t have friends here except Noah and I guess he’s in his office so that made it easier for me to get to the elevator as possible as my legs could carry me!

I pressed the elevator and in no time, it began moving to my floor!

My hands were sweaty! God please, let him not notice my absent!

But am I kidding? He will definitely know!
I had to submit a file to him by 8am and I haven’t !

I got to my office, dropped my bag, searched for the file, looked through it to make sure there was no error and I dashed to his office!

Lord! I feel so nervous and scared! I know he will be very mad at me!

I gently knocked on his door and I heard a faint ‘ come in ‘

I opened the door to see him busy with his laptop!

Okay! I need to calm down! He glanced at me and fixed his gaze back to his work!

” G… good morning Sir ” I stuttered! We are at work right?

He stared at me for a while then back to his laptop!
He closed it giving me his full attention!

” What does the time says Charlotte?” He asked clasping his hands together.

I know I am late! And he did noticed! G0sh! What’s my excuse now?

” I asked you a question Miss ”

I quickly glanced at my phone and it was 9:20am .

” 9:20am …. Sir ”

” I clearly stated I hate tardiness to you yesterday right? ” He asked and I nodded nervously.

G0sh! He’s so strict sometimes! Like he isn’t smiling!

” And you still came late?”

” I…I..I..am sorry Sir, I…I…I…”

” It’s fine! You didn’t wake on time ” he cuts in and I nodded!

” Do not come to the office late again Charlotte Please ” he pleaded and I sighed!

Thank goodness he isn’t mad at me!

” T..thank you s…”

” Jace ”

He stood up and before I knew it, he was already standing in front of me with his arms folded around him!

My heart skipped as he took a step forward! The close proximity is something else!

It’s making me nervous!

” Hey did I scare you?” He asked .

Well! He did, he’s just too serious sometimes! Anyone else will be very scared of seeing his anger!

I have seen and I don’t want that to ever occur again! It’s terrible!

” I am sorry okay? I..I just don’t lateness! I am sorry ”

” I.. it’s nothing, I should be the one apologizing ”


What’s he doing? He took the files from my hand and placed it on his desk before facing me again!

He gently but roughly grab me and my b.00bs came in contact with his chest!

My eyes widened at that!
Oh God! I am sure he felt it!

He protectively held my waist as his breath aerifying my neck!

He gave me a soft kss on my neck ! Oh God!

I couldn’t help but let out a plea$urable m0*n!
What’s he doing to me?

” J… Jace ” I called .

Instead of a reply, he smashed his l!ps on mine!

Saviours! What have I gotten into?

I fought breathlessly to release myself from his grip but to no avail! I was no match for him!

I can’t say I don’t love the pleasure I am deriving b..but, he took me unawares and this is an office, anyone might come in at anytime!

” J.. Jace ” I called in between the kss .
After what seems like forever, he broke the kss and stared at me!

” You love me Charlotte, I can feel that? Why can’t you accept me?”

” I want you Char, I want you to be my girlfriend ”

He blurted out in frustration! I have kept him waiting for a long time and I think it’s time I give live a trial .

” I..I.. I.. will be your girlfriend Jace ”




?? Chelsea ??

” Someone is here to see you ma’am ” Martha said!

Someone? I am not expecting anyone! I don’t even know people around here so who?

” Who’s the person?” I asked ..

” He wouldn’t tell us ma’am, he just wants to see you ”

Who’s the person visiting me during work hours?

” Okay, let him in”

” Yes ma’am ”

She left and in no time, there was a knock on my door! I told the person to come in.

To my surprise, it was Noah! Oh my goodness!

” Noah?” I furrowed my eyebrows! What’s he doing here?

” Since you wouldn’t pick my calls Chelsea I decided to visit you, at least to know how you are faring and to ask for your forgiveness! ”


” Uhmm, you didn’t do anything to me Noah please sit ”

He sat down opposite me while I stared nervously at him!

” But you were mad at me right? I am sorry I shouldn’t have asked about your past, some memories are better left behind ” he said sincerely!

He thought I was mad at him? Of course I am not;

” I am not mad at you Noah, I am sorry for the way I behaves yesterday. I just don’t want to be remembered about my past but, I think I will share it with you one of this days ” ….


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