

MY BABY HUSBAND : EPISODE 81 - THE END Thingscouplesdo



Episode 6

By Ayo Omolayo

“Now tell me, why do you want to marry her?” Pastor Kunle asked.

Chris smiled and rocked back and forth on the chair.

It was time to see the pastor of the church I attended. Was my mentor aware we had moved on? Of course not. I was going to surprise her with our wedding invitation. She would have no power to stop me anymore.

Christopher was completely unaware of the disagreement between my mentor and I. We are moving on with our plans and no one is going to stop us.

“Sir she is beautiful!” He began, taking a look at me.

I smiled and he returned the smile.

“I mean she is so beautiful and has a very smooth skin. Her voice is like music to hear it. Whenever I call her and hear her voice on the phone. I feel some butterflies in my stomach. When she walks, she moves with such grace and elegance that I cannot look away.

A shock appeared on my face and that of the pastor. What was this guy saying? What are all these details for? I can’t work this hard to get us here, only for Chris to ruin everything with his babyish behavior.

With the expression on the pastor’s face, I knew an upper case N.O. awaited us.

“She is the goddess of my life”, the idiot continued.

“My angel and the beauty queen that stole my heart from Jesus.”

“Yeh! I did what?” I screamed inwardly.

The pastor’s eye brows raised at that statement.

By the time he was done speaking, the pastor shook his head in more pity than amusement. I was waiting for when I would leave this place to scream my anger on Chris.

“Is that all?”

“Yes sir”, he answered grinning.

“But you didn’t answer the question,” the pastor said.

“I asked why do you want to marry her? I never asked If she
was beautiful.”

There was a few minutes of silence as the young man didn’t know the right answers to give.

“Sir I want to marry her because I love her”, he answered.

“That’s still not the answer. I mean what are your convictions?” He asked, almost pissed off with my boyfriend’s childish attitude.

“Oh! I want to marry her because she’s God’s choice for me”. He answered.

For the first time since the conversation started, this was the only thing he said that made sense.

“How?” The pastor asked.

“How? God did!” He said grinning.

“I mean how did God convince you that she’s the one?” He asked.

“Oh you mean that?” He chuckled.

“I just saw her and knew she was the one. My instincts told me that my entire life would be miserable without her in my life”.

“Your instincts?”


“What about the Holy Spirit?”

“The Holy Spirit?” He asked, completely lost.

I was told the usual questions we would face during the interview. So I lectured Chris on what to say and what not to say. I never knew the questions were coming in a tricky way.

“Yes, the Holy Spirit!”

“I don’t understand? Are you asking if I am baptized in the Holy Ghost, because I am”, he replied.

“Beautiful! Does the Holy Spirit speak to you?” He asked.

“Yes, I can speak in tongues. Robobobokakakatataya”,

“Thank you my son!” The pastor quickly cut in.

“I didn’t ask you to speak in tongues, I only asked if the Holy Spirit speaks to you”.

“How?” He asked.

“How? Aren’t you a child of God?” The pastor asked.

“Of course I am”.

“So what’s going on here?”

“You tell me! I answered all your questions except for the fact that you are bent on getting me confused and sending me away”, he replied frowning.

“Ha! What had gotten into Chris?” I screamed within me.

I quickly reached for his hand and gave him a gentle squeeze. He looked at me and calmed down.

The pastor sighed and looked at him.

“Young man, if I were to slap you, I would give you a slap you will never forget in your life. So you want to marry a woman because of her smile? I can’t believe this height of foolishness still exists in the body of Christ.

It is completely glaring you are not ready for marriage yet. You still have the brain of a child. You need to know God the more and deal with every character deficiency in your life.

First thing you are not paying attention to in your life is your relationship with God. What is the capacity of your spiritual life? How is your relationship with God?”

Chris looked at me. It was obvious he had no idea of what the pastor was talking about.

“Cris! Please tell your boyfriend to excuse us!” He ordered.

“And what do you mean by that?” Chris said angrily.

“Chris, please!” I pleaded.

Grimacing, he stood up and walked out angrily.

I turned to face the pastor and saw his expression of displeasure.

“Cris what are you doing here? What baby factory did you fetch this baby husband from?”

Hearing the word baby husband from the pastor’s mouth got me angry on the spot. Had Mrs Thompson informed him I was bringing a baby husband for interview?

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“This spiritual kid is not ready for anything yet. He’s not filled with the Holy Spirit. He doesn’t know the word of God. He’s not a praying person. I could smell it all over him.

And you intend on making him your spiritual head? Ha! Cris! I can’t believe your mentor is in full support of this. No way! Mrs Thompson would never approve of this. I want to believe you are doing this against her advice”.

He stood up and rolled up his sleeves and showed me a scar on his left arm. The cut was so old and the wound deep.

“I got this scar while trying to separate my parents from a bloody fight. This is a matchet wound. My parents got so infuriated that they used weapons on each other”, he said.

My heart skipped. I felt sorry for him and at the same time afraid.

Chris may have anger issues, but he’s such a gentleman. I don’t believe he could go to this length of picking up a weapon to harm me.

“Cris, a baby Christian cannot tame anger. A baby Christian is still growing up and just as expected, he will fall several times while learning how to walk. So as a baby Christian, Chris is going to stumble and fall into sin several times.

I’m not giving a negative prophecy. It’s natural for a newly born again Christian to stumble at the beginning of his walk with the Lord. But the most important thing is that each time he falls he gets up and continue his walk with the Lord.

Cris, you need to understand that you cannot make this baby your spiritual head. It’s like putting a bag of rice on the head of a toddler. He’ll not survive under the weight of responsibilities.

Why do you prepare for marriage? Especially Christian marriage.
You prepare for marriage because it’s warfare. Satan fights Christian couples because he knows godly union produces godly children.

He fights them so that he can push them into sin and keep them slaves to it. It may be bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, unfaithfulness, lies or whatever. Once he achieves this, the children in that union becomes easy prey.

He’ll come for the children because the number on duty of every Christian parent is to intercede for their children. Believe me. A prayerless parent should get ready to raise godless children.

And sin keeps one from praying. Even Samuel said in 1 Samuel 12:23 Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you.

Refusing to pray, skipping quiet time, not interceding for loved ones forbidden. The Prophet Samuel saw prayerlessness as a sin. But today we have a lot of genuine excuses why we don’t keep our quiet time.

So alot of Christian couples do not have a consistent prayer life. And every holiday you take in the spirit realm is enough for the enemy to sow a seed, because the Bible says, while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.

Jesus said, men ought always to pray and not to faint. That’s why godly parents find the seed of rebellion sprouting out of their children today.

A parent who has a burning altar, will sense the day the devil visited the family and stand to confront him. Today many Christian children are disvirgined on their parents bed. And their parents return from work and sleep on the same bed.

They don’t have the spiritual nostrils to smell the sin that took place on their matrimonial bed. All they know how to do is go to work and come back tired. The devil destroying their homes and the destiny of their children is not bordered whether they are tired to pray or not.

The Christian father is the priest of the home. The spiritual head and the God ordained leader. It’s not because the man is superior to the woman. Sometimes the woman may be more of a leader than the man. But God is a God of order and he places authority in every location in the world.

He is the orchestrator of marriage and it has pleased him to make the man the leader, the same way we chose who we want to be our president. And he’s not going to change that order.

As a priest, the Christian husband is the one to stand in the gap for the entire family……

To be continued…….

Can imagine this kind of conviction?

I want to marry her because she is the goddess of my life.

Somebody should tell to hear word ooooooo

Please who is doing that for us ??

By the way, the lecture continues tomorrow. Grab your pen and your jotter as we learn together.

Who is the Christian husband and why is it important to prepare and grow Spiritually before entering into marriage.

The next episode is going to bless you richly…..


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