“And 30!! Wow” They cheered for Paula as she did the last pushup.

Paula sat down on the floor, heaving loudly. Reagan stretched her hand forth and helped her up.

They turned to Doc who was busy stretching out, warming up herself.

“Doc! Doc! Doc!” Someone screamed running to them.

Doc stood up with furrowed brows when she heard someone screaming her name.

“Doc!! It’s Brittany…” The lady heaved loudly, resting on her knees.

“What about Brittany?” Reagan asked.

“She,,, we saw her in your cell… She’s,, she’s in labor” The lady said, breathing heavily.

“What!” The three of them sprang up.

“She was rushed to the infirmary”

Doc, Paula and Reagan took to their heels. They ran madly to the infirmary. Doc kicked the door open and met Brittany in pains..

“Ahh” Brittany said breathing heavily.

The infirmary who was attending to her looked confused. It was clear on her face that she didn’t know what to do..

Doc pushed her aside and grabbed the hand gloves then wore while Paula and Reagan rushed to her side.

“Britt!, calm down… I’m gonna help you out. On the count of three you’re gonna push as hard you can okay?” Doc said.

Brittany nodded, breathing heavily.

Doc spread her legs and looked down. She could already see the baby coming.


“Ahh!!” Brittany pushed as hard as she could and slumped back on the bed, breathing heavily.

Tears could be seen escaping her eyes..

“C’mon cute girl! You can do it…” Paula rubbed her hands.

“1…2…3!!” Doc said.

Brittany let out a scream as she pushed with all her force. Never in her life, will she have thought that child birth was this painful.

She slumped down on the bed, feeling too tired to move a muscle.

“Just this once Britt, you can do it… 1…2..3… Go!!” Doc said.

Brittany gathered all her strength and then pushed as hard as she could. Almost immediately, the baby’s cry were heard…

Brittany smiled as her eyes shut down on it’s on. Reagan touched her.

“She passed out…” Reagan muttered.

Doc smiled as she looked at the crying baby covered in bI.ood in her hands.

“It’s a boy” She announced.

“Yes!!” Paula squealed.

“Though I lost, I’m still happy for Brittany” Reagan smiled…

Doc took the baby away to clean him…




“And here comes out gorgeous Valerie Rodriguez!!” The MC announced.

The whole crowd went in an uproar as the clapped for Valerie who catwalked her way out of the curtains.

She was modeling a very gorgeous designer gown which fits her so perfectly. Valerie held her head high as she walked down the lane and then did some few poses before walking back to where she came from.



Valerie rushed out of the dressing room while fixing her dress when the fashion show was over. She ran out of the hall as her eyes searched for someone in particular.

A smile spread on her lips when she saw who she was searching for.

“Hey!! Hey!!” She called and held his arm.

Nick turned to see who held him and it was none other than Valerie. He turned to his business partner who he came here with.

“I’ll see you around” Nick smiled and they shook hands.

The man smiled at Valerie before leaving. Nick then turned to Valerie.

“Hey… Any problem?” He muttered.

“Uhm..” Valerie bit her lips.

“No!, not at all… I just,, wanted to thank you for what you did nine months ago… You helped me out” Valerie said awkwardly.

Nick looked at her for a while before nodding in realization.

“Oh yeah. Now I remember…” Nick smiled.

Valerie smiled too as her heart raced. Seeing him this close was like a dream come true to her..

“I’m Valerie Rodriguez… Nice to meet you” Valerie stretched her hand.

Nick looked at it and then took it then placed a polite kss on the back. That made Valerie’s heart to flutter..

“I’m Nicholas Hayes but I prefer you call me Nick” He replied with a smile before releasing her hand.

“Okay Nick… I’m hoping we can be friends yunno” Valerie said.

“Uhh..” Nick paused.

Ever since that incident, he has never had a female friend but just fkmates. Well having one now won’t hurt right?

“Sure” He replied.

“I’m glad” Valerie smiled brightly.

“Okay. Have to go now,, see you around… Valerie” He said and smiled politely before leaving.

Valerie just stared as she watched him enter his car before driving off… She squealed happily and stared at hand he kssed.

“Nick” She muttered.




Brittany slowly opened her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. She immediately struggled and sat up on the bed with her eyes darting worryingly round the room.

“Where’s my baby!!” She muttered in fear.

“Doc! Paula! Reagan!”

“Hey calm down cute girl…” Paula said as they came in her ward.

She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Doc carrying a baby in her hand. Doc walked to her with smiles on her lips before handing the baby to her.

“It’s a boy..”

Brittany took the baby with shaky hands. She smiled widely as tears brimmed in her eyes. The baby was so cute!

Luckily, the baby resembles her a lot. Long lashes, small pointy nose and pouty lips. His lashes moved and the baby’s eyes went open.

Brittany felt her heart melt with so much happiness as the baby stared at her with his round grey eyes like he was trying to mark her face as his mother…

“My son” Brittany muttered as tears streamed down her eyes.

“Awwn..” Reagan hugged Paula.

Paula looked at her and hissed then looked back at Brittany, resuming her smile. Doc didn’t know when a drop of tear fell from her eyes. She immediately cleaned them..

“What are you going to name him Britt?” Reagan asked.

“My mother’s father’s name… Alexander,, my cute Alex” Brittany said.

“Awwn” Reagan gushed…

“The question now is… How will you raise the child,, you know you can’t raise a baby in here… That’s dangerous” Paula said.

Brittany thought for a while as she held Alex’s soft and fragile hands. She looked back at them.

“Doc, can you help me borrow a phone? I wish to contact my grandma… She’s the only one that can help me and only one I trust though she lives at the outskirt of the town but that will be safer for my son” Brittany said

“You mean your mother’s mom?” Reagan asked and Brittany nodded.

“I’m still to find out who set me up like this but one thing is sure… If that person find out where my son is, he’ll be in grave danger” Brittany said..

“Alright, I’ll help you get the phone” Doc said and left the ward.

Brittany’s gaze went back to Alex who had his eyes closed. She smiled and and kssed his forehead..




“What!! She gave birth?!!” Hailey screamed on the phone..

“It’s a boy… I tried klling her but-”

“It’s a boy?!?” Hailey cut Jane off.

She slumped on the couch…

No, this can’t be!! That baby can’t live… If the baby was a girl it could have been better but Oliver has only daughters, no son.. Now that his grandchild came out as a boy it’ll make things worse for her.

“Find a way to kill that baby!! I don’t care how you do it,,, just end her and the baby!!” Hailey screamed on the phone and quickly hung up.

Jane pvnched the wall out of frustration, this woman is beginning to ask too much from her and that’s getting on her nerves.

But on the other hand, she has to obey since Hailey is the only way for her to get out of here soon.

She handed the telephone to the cop and left. On her way out, she bumped on Doc.

Jane only glared at Doc before walking away…

“What was she doing here?” Doc wondered but shrugged the thought away.

“Hey Ivy, can I borrow your phone for just some minutes? I’ll be back with… Promise” Doc spoke to the cop.

The cop looked around and stretched her hand forth. Doc already understood so she placed money on her hand.

“15 minutes” The cop said and handed her the phone.

Doc nodded with a smile before leaving…



“Are you sure this is effective?” Jane asked to one of the prisoners in there.

“Sure!! I made it myself! Just one drop and RIP” The lady who had tattoos and piercings on her body said.

Jane shook the liquid which was in a bottle with a smug smile on her face…

“I’ll take it” She smirked.


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