Rhett’s hands slowly ran through her back, pulling her closer while Jessica’s hands rested on his hair.

He kssed her lower slowly.

“I’m sure you now love making me jealous” Rhett said.

Jessica rolled her eyes and smirked.

“Thought you weren’t the one ready for love?” Jessica smirked.

“Do I have a choice? It’s either I fall for you or I fall for you… Both choices are still the same thing” Rhett said.

“What about Ashley?”

“Well to be honest, I’m really greatful for what she did to my mother and I promise that whenever we meet, I’ll pay her back for her kindness but.. I don’t love her, I don’t think I’ll ever will. You see I just have this friendship bond with her and no matter how hard I tried to see her the other way… I can’t” Rhett said honestly.

“I see” Jessica muttered, playing with his brows. Rhett placed her back on the table.

“Be mine?”

“Huh? I’m sorry…what?” Jessica exclaimed.

“I said be mine or you prefer that Bryan guy to me?” Rhett rolled his eyes.

“Why not?” Jessica smirked.

“Seriously? Why him and-”

Jessica suddenly pecked his cheek, cutting him off. She smiled and cupped his cheek, staring at him affectionately..

“I love you” she muttered.

Rhett smiled and reclaimed her lips. Jessica happily responded to the kss.

“Think we should just sleep here coz I’m not letting you go any moment from now” Rhett said in the kss.

Jessica giggled..




Brittany smiled as she sat by the balcony, watching the stars twinkle and the moon shine so bright.

Her smile turned to sad face. This greatly reminds her of her moments with her parents. When she was a kid and her mom and dad was still alive, they’ll always watch the stars while telling to each other how their day was.

She looked at the necklace round her neck and kssed it before returning her face back to the stars..

“Also can’t sleep right?” A voice behind her.

She didn’t bother to look back since it was just her and Nicholas in this house. Nicholas came closer to her and settled down next to her.

“This greatly reminds me of..”

“Your mother?” Nicholas cuts in.


“Me too… It reminds me of mine too” Nicholas said.

“Every night I and her would watch the stars till we fell asleep” Nicholas muttered, reminiscing of the good old times.

“What happened to her?” Brittany asked carefully.

Nicholas’s mood immediately dulled down.

“You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to” Brittany quickly said.

“She was klled…. In front of me” Nicholas muttered.

“Oh sorry” Brittany muttered.

“That day was really devastating for me. It was the day that made me understand that in this world,, I’m all alone and I’m on my own… The two people I trusted and I loved more than everything in this world was Aidan and Sandy and now look at what they did to me… If not because of my two best friends, my life could have been sht by now” Nicholas said and sighed.

“We have similar pasts” Brittany said.

“Can I hug you?” Nicholas asked.

Brittany thought for a while and slowly nodded. Nicholas immediately took her in his arms, placing her head on his chest.

“Hey don’t think too far” Brittany said and Nicholas chuckled.

“So enough of the sad moments, we’re not in a tragedy movie… So how should we crush that power couple” Brittany asked.

“Let’s start by dragging Aidan’s company to the dust. I’m sure Xavier has already done something about the interview. So for now, let’s just focus on his company.” Nicholas said, stroking her hair.

Brittany snuggled closer to him.

“What about Sandy?” Brittany asked.

“Well I don’t know..”

“I have an idea. Why don’t you seduce her and have her wrapped back round your fingers so that it will create insecurities in that relationship of theirs” Brittany said.

“Are you cràzy! I’m not doing that!” Nicholas refused.

“But why?” Brittany looked up at him.

“I can’t seduce her, I can’t even stand her being close to me. Besides I can’t do that,,, I love someone” Nicholas said and looked away.

Brittany immediately pushed him away.

“What!! You love someone?! Why did you accept to be in a fake relationship with me then? What if you end up loosing her because she thinks we’re a thing” Brittany said and frowned.

Nicholas looked at her and smiled before pulling her back to his arms.

“She knows about us” He muttered.

“Oh okay” Brittany said.

“Britt? Haven’t you thought about loving again?” Nicholas said.

“Well yeah, I do but..”

“You’re scared right?” Nicholas completed her phrase for her.

Brittany went mute so Nicholas took it for a yes..

“I don’t want to go through heartbreak again, it hurts so much. What if I fall in love again and then I realize that he’s just using me too. Besides I’m damaged goods, I have a child… Men don’t want such women.” Brittany said and took in her lips.

Nicholas cupped her cheek and made her look at him.

“Not all men are like that. What if the person loves you wholeheartedly with everything that comes with you. What if he doesn’t mind you being a single mom?” Nicholas said.

“Nicholas…” Brittany called, slowly assembling the puzzles.

“I guess you won. You succeeded in chaining me, making me a slave of your love. You gat me wrapped up around your fingers and surprisingly I don’t want to break out of it.

I tried persuading myself that it is all just an agreement but just like magnet you pulled me towards you and now I guess there’s no turning back for me.. Brittany,,, I love you” He said, staring at her differently.

Brittany could swear that this wasn’t her boss that she knew, the way he looked at her right now and his voice…everything was different.

Guess this isn’t Nick… This is his real self, Nicholas.

“Nicholas…” Brittany called slowly.

“Please don’t say no. There’s no harm in trying, just give me a chance and you’ll not regret it. Brittany, those who ridiculed you and looked down upon you are certainly high classed idíots for they couldn’t see the rare gem that you are.

I promise I’ll wipe away all the scars they gave you, I’ll dry out all the tears they made you shed and I’ll light up all the dark days you went through. Just one chance please…” Nicholas said, leaning closer.

“Please?” He whispered and closed his eyes, pressing his lips on hers

Brittany raised her hand to push him away but she folded her fists midair and slowly brought down her hand to her side.

She decided to let him do what he wanted… Just this time.


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