MY LIFE AT THIRTY : Episode 11 – 20

? EPISODE 17 ?

By Princess ?

When i wanted to pray, i gave her something
like a scarf to put on her head and we continue watching the film after my prayer. I
lost interest in the film when i realized there were so many S£x scenes in the film even
though she tried to talk me through it. She left
my room close to 7pm when someone called
her that he is waiting for her by her entrance.

Over the next few days, the thought of all i
heard from Esther didn’t get out of my mind,
could it be true that brother Ismaeel is a
womanizer? I don’t have evidence and i cant
judge him. What is even the tendency that
Esther didn’t tell me all that just to cause
problem between me and my brother. They
might be jealous of our closeness and for her
to tell me all those stuff but the question was,
when she accused Ezekiel of coming to check
on his crime partner he didn’t respond. I tried
to take note of Ismaeel movement over these
weeks but it was definitely opposite of what
Esther told me. In fact i did it to the extent of
watching the relationship between him and
Angela but from my observation, they were
sworn enemy. They always argue with each
other and there was a time there argument
almost turn to fight one evening like that.
As the semester was coming to an end, i
don’t really know how it happened that I and
Esther that we started getting close to each
other. Close to each other in terms of talking
about personal stuff from life, experiences and
academics. I started enjoying her company
but i knew my limit, i can never subject
myself to body contact with her. I realized
Esther respected me a lot and my
conversation with her actually change her perception about Alfa who keep beards and
doesn’t allow their trouser to touch ground.

First semester exam was already here and gone, i wouldn’t lie that it was a tedious task
for me combining all my activities together, i
nearly broke down during the exam but i thank God for the strength during the exam.
The major cause of it was that our exam period coincides with when IJMB exam was
fixed so the student in my coaching class
needed me more at that very time and there
was no substitute for me at that particular
time. From class to class tutorials, to mosque
tutorial and my coaching class.
It was during 200level second semester exam
period i met Aisha in the mosque, even though
she has always been constant in tutorial class
but we hardly talk to each other aside greeting. Aisha was a 200level finance
student, the first thing that happened was that
we exchanged number and she started calling
to find about my well being at every point in
time. Aisha will call me early in the morning,
afternoon and evening before going to bed. I
didn’t count it as anything though as i believe
it was normal friendship.
Esther noticed the number that always call me
and there was a time she enquired about who
she was and i told her everything and it was
from her that she i learnt that definitely she
has interest in me. I shrug it off and made her
understand that i was not ready for something like that but i see her as a friend though.
Sincerely i like her as a person because she was so nice to me but i never invited her to
my house for once.
Ester disturbed me so many times that she wanted to know who the lady was that i
should invite her over to our house but i
always decline. I don’t want a situation i will
invite her and she will be feeling maybe i also
have something for her. This lovely Saturday afternoon, i was inside my room when my
phone started ringing, it was Esther on the
screen of the phone “Alfa, please come to my
house now, its very urgent, i have something
important to show you”, that was all she said on phone as she cut the call immediately.
I started wondering what was it that she wanted to show me that she sounded so urgent on phone, i never thought of any
negative thing as i believe we are already so close and we are more like brother and sisters
now. I knocked on her.

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