MY NANNY: Chapter 1-10

? My
Nanny ?

?She’s my best friend?

By: Pinky Preshy Chioma?

?Episode 07?

Julia’s Pov:

Our lips drew closer and I quickly withdrew myself and ran out.

“Am sorry sir! Am sorry sir!!” I yelled as I rushed upstairs.

I couldn’t look at his face.

He looked confused too as I ran upstairs.

And straight I went into my room and shut the door.

I breathed heavily as I sat on the bed.

The picture of what happened kept replaying in my head.

Why is my heart beating really fast?

Does it mean that I feel something for him?

Oh no! This isn’t real

Mr Ryan Ramirez can never stoop so low to feel something for me….

And I can’t feel something too because he’s a cruel proud man with no conscience….

I exhaled deeply as I lay on the bed.

I just pray he doesn’t remember a thing about what happened last night….


I walked downstairs holding little Ella and her school bag.

“Nanny! Please would you prepare cup cakes for me when I come back from school?” Her tiny voice said

I smiled excitedly.

“Chocolate or vanilla flavor?” I asked anxiously

“Chocolate nanny” She said

“Mmhhh… You know that is only a favour right?” I pretended to be angry

“But nanny…” She said with pleading eyes

“Yeah! Of course I will only be doing you a favor if I prepare that for you… It isn’t in your food timetable for today” I said

“I know but please aunt Julia” She pleaded

I rolled my eyes smiling.

“Fine but what do I get in return?” I asked

“Uhmm… I’ll give you a lot of sweets and cookies” She said and I smiled

“Good then! That’s a deal” I said as we high five and smiled.

We walked to the dinning still chatting.

Immediately I saw Mr Ryan walk to the dinning, I gulped nervously.

And become quiet.

“Good morning daddy” Ella smiled at him.

“Good morning my princess!” He said quietly

“Good morning Sir” I said with my heart skipping.

“Oh yeah Miss Roberts” He managed to say.

“Daddy why are you looking so nervous? Even you aunt Julia? Why do you look nervous just like daddy” Ella asked.

As Mr Ryan choked while I coughed slightly.

“Your daddy is just tired……
Your nanny is just worked out” Mr Ryan and I said in unison as Ella burst into laughter.

“Oh really? You guys now know how each other feel? Interesting!” Ella snorted

We coughed slightly and this time, we coughed the same time.

Ella laughed mischievously again.

“Well you see baby….” Mr Ryan tried explaining

“Don’t worry dad! You both are just gonna cough or choke again and besides don’t talk while eating” Ella smiled.

We gulped nervously and stared at each other.

Our eyes met and we looked away.

We kept on avoiding eye contact.

I dished the food for Ella and she started eating.


That girl is so sensitive…

“What were you saying Ella? Who are you saying knows each others feelings?” Betty’s voice smacked me into consciousness as she walked to the dinning and sat down.

She kssed Mr Ryan and I felt a kinda jealous.

But I shrugged it off.

“It would be very nice if you try minding your business” Ella said as she rolled her eyes.

Betty only blinked her eyes continuously.

They continued eating.


Ella finished eating and I led her to car and they drove off.

I walked into the house still pondering over what happened.

I was about to enter my room when I saw Mr Ryan.

He dragged me by my hand into the other corridor.

“Listen I just want to let you know that whatever happened last night is nothing…. I was just drunk and there are no strings attached” He said murmuring

“OK sir! There was never a string talk more of attachment” I said sharply

“Good! You are here to take care of my daughter and nothing more…. I don’t want anyone to hear that I tried to kss you” He said strictly and walked away.

I breathed heavily as I sat on the chair.

Betty’s Pov:

I stormed into my room fuming with anger.

I pushed the drawer and the table and everything broke into pieces.

I can’t be labouring for another person to be pleasuring…..

This is totally unacceptable…

I groaned in anger.

I just overheard what Ryan told Julia the nanny.

I heard him say “Kss”

I can’t wait to tear her apart.

“JULIA….” I screamed in annoyance….



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