By Tiana Isaac

Episode 56

“Someone attacked you just right here? Terri asked confused when Austin went in and told them what happened.

“Where’s my daughter? Vicente yelled at him grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

“I knew something was off about you! if only Cassie would have listen to me, she’s just too stubborn, ” Vicente rant while Austin pushed him.

” You have no right to accuse me of what happened to Cassie. I know I couldn’t protect her but I tried my best, she has so many enemies and i guess it one of their plan, I will do everything to get her back, ” he said.

” Get her back.. did you just hear yourself. The last time Cassie got missing took her almost a year to come back to us, we almost lose her so what’s our fate now that the same thing is repeating itself, ” Vicente yelled.

” Miguel need to know about this and we have to report it to the police, ” Terri said.


The next morning…

Cassie slowly open her eyes as she felt a bang on her head, she felt so dizzy..

“Where I am? She muttered trying to stand up but realized she was tied to a chair in a very big spacious room, it then Dawn on her what happened yesterday’s night, how she was kidnapped.

“Help… Someone help! She yelled but got no response.


” I thought you’ll protect Cassie… If anything bad should happen to her you will pay for it, ” Miguel yelled at Austin.

They were at the station the next morning as Austin gave a report of what happened to the police.

“I love Cassie and I will never do…,” before Austin could even finish saying that, Miguel pvnched him.

“Stay away from Cassie you coward! He yelled at him. Austin smirked as he looked back at angry Miguel.

“Are you so angry huh! The fact that you helped her doesn’t mean you own her, why are you so protective of her even when she clearly rejected you. Cassie doesn’t love you.., ” Austin blurt it out to him but got another Punch instead.

” Will you two just stop it,” Nadine yelled at them.

” We should think of a way to get her back and not to fight, ” she said.

” Am not a coward Miguel! You are the Coward because you’re just chasing empty shadows, ” Austin fired back in anger as he k!cked him on the st.omach, exactly the wounded place where he was shot.

“Arrgg.. Miguel staggered back as he placed his hand on his stomach, the place was bI.eeding already.

“Oh my…,” Nadine was scared as she looked at it.

“That serves you right.. and the next time you try to accuse me of anything I will kll you before you even get to see Cassie again, ” Austin said angrily as he walked away.


“Can you remember this scenario? Audrey asked as she walked in moving closer to Cassie.

“Am not surprised you’re the one,” Cassie said.

“Well it’s not only me this time around,” she laughed.

“I will repay you back this time in a hundred folds. Just the same way I burnt your hair and st.ab you” she smirked.

” But trust me this time darling I will make sure you d!e and no one will have to save you not even Miguel,” she said.

” Now is the time to destroy you and then your poor Dad since you’re not there with them and Miguel is actually down with his health,” she smirked.

Cassie’s eyes bulged out in shocked.

“You can’t do anything Audrey,” she said.

“You should know me by now,”

“Why are you so bitter with me? Why do you want to destroy me, I did nothing wrong to you. I was just on my own when Kamil decide to date me, I don’t even know he has a fiancee then! You all decieved me and tried to kll me.. so you deserves to rot in hell,” Cassie yelled back so angry while Audrey sI.apped her.

“Oh… The poor little brat is here already,” Stacy smile as she walked inside the room.

“Stacy? Cassie called surprised to see her.

” I told you.. I will go to any length to take you away just to have Miguel to myself,” she smirked.


Stacy sat down in the quiet place as she waited for Audrey that night.

She first received a message from Audrey who was asking her to make it a deal to destroy Cassie, at first she didn’t agree to that because she doesn’t even know who Audrey was and what she’s capable of doing but her desperation and hatred towards Cassie led her there .

“So what’s the deal? Stacy asked.

” After making my research I realized you were Miguel’s ex and from the looks of things now you two will never get back together,” Audrey smirked while Stacy frown at that.

” What did you mean? Stacy asked.

” You want Cassie out of the way and I also want the same thing. So we can work together to fulfill that,” she grin.

” Will that make Miguel come back to me? She asked.

” Sure.. after the death of Cassie you’ll be there to console him until he’s over it and then you it take it from there. Is as simple as that but only for the smart people,”

” I will do that,” Stacy smirked.

” Then tell Austin to get close to Cassie and by that we can watch there every move and have her kidnapp,”

” And Miguel? Were you the one that shot him? I want him alive because I love him,” Stacy said.

“The Montes aren’t part of my plan. If Kamil is here then is left for him to decide wether to destroy them or not but now his mom is doing everything she can to destroy them,”

” It’s a deal then but make sure we don’t get caught” Stacy said while Audrey nodded with a wicked smile on her face.

°°°°°End of flashback°°°

“It will soon be over now Cassie ,” Stacy smirked.

” I’ve told you already, you don’t belong here and as far as am alive I will bring you down because you can’t take away Miguel from me,” she rant while Cassie nodded trying to hold back her tears.

She wished there’s a way she can untie herself from that chair.


“Austin do this to you? His mom asked surprised..

” We will do anything we can to get Cassie back Miguel, but you have to be careful with yourself too. The wound is healing up already but after engaging in that fight with Austin I don’t think it will heal anytime soon, it might only get Infected, so just stay in one place and rest” Julianna scolded him.

Miguel picked up his phone and made a call to Greg, one of his private investigator.

?”I want to know about her whereabout,” he said before hanging up.
“What’s that for? His mom asked.

” It’s Stacy, the private investigator will do his job to know about her whereabout and who knows if she knows something about Cassie’s whereabouts.

“And it will be more easy if we know about Audrey’s whereabouts too,” she said.

” I think we know about that,” Ann said as she walked in with Tony.
The news of Cassie’s kidnapped have gone round and they all were scared for her.

“I know the police have searched everywhere possible to find Audrey but it all went abortive, I think I have one location in mind,” he said.

” And what’s that? Miguel quickly asked…


Cassie heaved a sighed of relief when she was untie from the chair..

“First thing first! The guy that untied her Said.

“What did you need ? She asked

” Untieing you wasn’t part of the deal and if Audrey should get to know this I will be in trouble,” he said

” Maybe if you let me have you.. then I can even help you escaped,” he smirked scanning her body and that’s when Cassie notice what he really wanted, she look around and discover they were the only one in the room.

“What’s the time now? She asked

” It’s 4pm,”

” 4pm, I haven’t eat since morning, please get me something to eat first… Please… I promise I will be all yours,” she pleaded with an innocent look.

“just make sure you’re not playing smart on me,” he said before leaving.

He make sure he locked the door from outside and went to get her something to eat.

“Cassie quickly jumped to her feet looking so confused. She looked around looking for something tangible to hold, she saw a small wooden stool and she quickly carry it and stand by the door ready for the guy who was just coming in.

Immediately she notice the door knob was open she quickly hit him so hard with the stool making him to stumble and fall, the tray of food broke into pieces. Cassie h!t him again and quickly picked up his gvn and the keys. She rushed out and locked the door.

“What’s next Cassie,” she asked herself as she touched her dress but notice her phone was missing…

“I need to get out of here,” she said as she walked slowly downstairs avoid being seen.

?Do you think am foolish enough to let you know where exactly I am? Audrey said on the phone speaking so angry..

?Suit yourself then and be rest assured your son will rot in jail,” she said before hanging up.

Cassie listen carefully and that’s when she realized Sonia was also part their plan.

“It’s time to get rid of that trash… Cassie!” Audrey said to herself while Cassie’s heart skip a beat.

Cassie quickly followed through the other door..

Audrey rushed upstairs and knock the door.

“Cassie! Troy… Open this door” she yelled as she knocked the door.

“She escaped and locked me here ,” he said from inside.

“What! How could you let hat happen.. you fool! She yelled as she quickly rushed downstairs. She called Stacy on phone to come right away.

Audrey was so tensed up knowing she don’t have much men in the big mansion and Cassie can easily escape. If only they have gotten rid of her on time,” she thought. She quickly rushed to the gate.

” Did Cassie pass through here? She asked.

” No.. I haven’t seen anyone,” the security man at the gate said. Audrey quickly rushed back in looking for Cassie.

Audrey stood at the sitting room, looking around and wondering where Cassie would have gone, it already getting dark and they have to find her quickly.

Suddenly she felt a sharp objects h!t her as the drink splash on her head, she fall down.

Cassie smirked. She broke the bottle of champagne on her head.

“Argg…” Audrey groaned in pains, as bI.ood gush from her head down to her face. She turn swiftly and saw Cassie.

“Cassie! She groaned.

” I have waited so long for this day Audrey,” Cassie smirked as she picked a broken piece of the bottle.

“Let’s end it once and for all…maybe after your de.ath I can finally have the peace of mind I truly deserve,” she said coming closer to her.

“Nooo… ,” Audrey cried.

“Let’s end it all.. you’ve done more harm than good to me and my family,” Cassie kicked her on her belly making her turn to the other side.

“Are you going to kll me? Then that will make you no different from me” she spat then laughed sarcastically.

” Am only repaying you the favor you did to me,” Cassie said.
“Then you’ll end up being a mvrderer, perhaps that’s actually who you are too… Poor Cassie always acting so tough! you can’t do anything because your heart is so fragile,” she laughed.

” The circumstances I have pass through in life has harden my heart to many things, starting from what Kamil did to me, then to Stacy and now to you has affect me a lot in a different ways and I won’t hesitate to st.ab you the same way you once did to me,” Cassie said while Audrey smirked as she fully stood up, trying to target Cassie. She quickly pulled out a gvn from her trouser pocket and pulled the trlgger at her but Cassie was quick enough to dodge it by falling back to the ground. Stacy who just walked in immediately received the bvllet as it penetrate through her chest.

“Stacy! Cassie was shocked to see her, everything happens so fast and now the bvllet has h!t Stacy who just walked in.

“Audrey…,” Stacy called as she fall down to the floor with bI.ood gushing out from her mouth and her chest.

“Stacy…” Cassie muttered, her eyes filled with tears.

“Drop the gvn! The police rushed in pointing their gvn at Audrey.

“What! Audrey was surprised to see them she wondered how they get to trace this place.

“Don’t be too surprised Audrey, we followed Stacy here,” Miguel said as he walked in with Nadine, Ann and Tony behind him.

” Stacy! He was surprised to see her in the pool of her bI.ood lying there on the floor lifeless.

“The bch was part of the plan too? Ann said as she looked at Stacy lifeless body on the floor.

“I would rather die than surrender to the police,” Audrey said so angry as she quickly grabbed Cassie and point the gvn at her head.

“I will blow off her skull if anyone of you should come close to me,” she yelled angrily.

” Stay back! She yelled at the police.

” Miguel..,” Cassie called in tears.

” Stay back,” Audrey yelled dragging Cassie with her.

“Just leave Cassie out of this and surrender,” Miguel said while Audrey shook her head.

” Never, if am dying then Cassie has to d!e with me,” Audrey said.

Cassie then realized she was still holding a piece of the broken bottle in her left hand. She kicked Audrey making her gun fall from her hand, she then st.abbed her with the broken piece of the glass.

” Cassie…,” Audrey smirked when she felt the sharp pain penetrated through her stomach, she look back at Cassie as tears flowed down her cheeks.

“I will destroy you someday,” she muttered. Cassie quickly push her off from her and ran to Miguel as she hugged him so tight.

“Mi…guel,” she cried in his arms…


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